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NEWS Thursday, April 15,1999 - Page 3 KISS~tributeband rocks WMC SGAinBrief The makeup, the smoke, the fire, the crashing guitars, and even Courtesy of Matthew 1. Gribbin Congratulations the spitting "blood." It's all there, The SGA would like to rec- and it sure looks like a KISS con- Current Topics of Discussion ognize several organizations for cert from the late 1970s. -Student Bill of Rights: The their outstanding work and ac- And that's exactly what it's SGA is currently working on a tivities for the month of Febru- supposed to be. Except the band is new Student Bill of Rights. If ary. Congratulations to the BSU, called Love Gun. and they don't you would like to be a part of this recognized for their Multiple want audiences to think they are task force, contact Jerumiah Multicultural Activities, and to the famous rockers. Instead they Kelly. Circle K and S.E.R.V.E., recog- want everyone to know that the -New Class Schedule: A nized with the Dynamic Duo KISS-like performance is a tribute new class schedule was proposed Award for their successful 2nd to their favorite band of all time. and passed by the faculty with- Annual Auction. Traditionally called a copy cat, , student Love Gun is celebrating its fifth Love Gun will perform locally for the first time at WMC on April 23. au! the inputofthe is expected body. Coming Attractions to be This schedule year on the road, having played in effect next semester. -Concert: Eve 6 will be per- venues throughoutthe East Coast, formed nearly 7 years ago after he wild man Gene Simmons until -Academic Clusters: A pro- forming at Western Maryland including most of the major KISS met fellow fan Rick Kunkel at a Chazz Harding, who had played in posal has been made to form Af- College on April 18. Tickets cost conventions and collectible shows. KISS convention in New York. the area band One Wish with finity Housing for various ma- $12 for students and $15 off- But the band has never done a gig Kunkel, a feline twin to drummer DeCampo, stepped up in 1995. jors. campus. near its C~rroll County practice Peter Criss, lives in nearby Visually and vocally, Love Gun -Drive-In Movie: This year's base until now. Hanover, Pennsylvania. recreates the KISS show from Welcome to Our Family Drive-In Movie will be on April Love Gun is bringing its pro- After the convention, the pair 1977-78 with a song list that in- The SGA has recently added 22. fessional stage show, which recre- got together to compare KISS ' eludes, among many others, "Rock several new faces to our organi- -4th Annual Campus ates the KISS album and tour of memorabilia collections and and Roll All Night,''''Detroit Rock zation. Erin Williams and Jeff Cleanup: The SGA's 4th Annual the same name by the band's origi- DeCampo, who was already play- City," "Deuce," "Hotter than Hell," Ciesla have been appointed as Campus Cleanup is currently naJ members, here for me first time ing guitar in another band and cur- "Firehouse," "Strutter," "She," Class Senators for me Class of scheduled 'for Saturday, May I, ever at 8 pm, On Friday, April 23. rently plays without makeup in "Love Gun," "I Want You" and of 1999. Chris South and Wally but may change. Further infor- in Alumni Hall. Admission to the [TBOX, also discovered that course, the love ballad "Beth," Santillo have been appointed as mation will be avilable soon. COncert, a fund raiser for the Kunkel was a good drummer. complete with a flurry of roses for Class Senators for the class of college's Commuter Student Asso- "Since we were musicians, we the ladies in the audience. 2000. Dana Jacobson has re- SGA meetings are every Thurs- ciation, is $7 for all seats. decided right then that we could do "We don't do this for the signed as Treasurer and will day at 7:30 in Hill Hall 104; all "We spent about 18 months more for KISS than just collect money," DeCampo said. "In fact, carry out the rest of the school are welcome. Also, if you would practicing and making props and memorabilia," he said, noting his we've even done it for free once in year as Secretary. Allison Kleiner like to have your voice heard on costumes," said George DeCampo, collection is top-notch and includes awhile. We are just huge KISS fans, will shift from Class Senator for any of the topics we are currently a grocery store produce worker original stuff that Hard Rock Cafe and this is just a heckuva lot offun." the Class of 200 I to the position discussing, or any new topics you who rnorphs to lead guitarist would love to get its hands on. Actually, if the band gets too of Treasurer leaving a position would like to discuss, contact one "Space" Ace Frehley for concerts. Fellow memorabilia collector big-meaning there's too much available. lfinrerested in this po- of your SGA Representatives, or "We wanted everything to be per- and musician Steven Atkinson he- money coming in-the real KISS sirion, contact Jeramiah Kelly, .email us at sgaQO I . fecr before we went out." came the done/or rhythm guitar- can pull the plug on Lov~ Gun or The band, which rehearses at ist Paul Stanley, but the band didn't any of the other copy cat bands. Manchester OeCampo's ---------- bassist and band ------~---=~--~~~pr--n home, of Public Information Courtesy find its permanent
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