Page 164 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, April 15, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS HLA sparks race relations discussion on campus Doyle receives praise at forum lIY KRISTEN G. FRASER recred the myths, creating a more open- ceremony honoring promotion Comme1llaryEdilor minded approach. The Hispano-Latino Alliance (HLA) Another important activity concerned Douglas. Doyle was called to stand before hosted a program on Thursday April 8 in the discussion of assumptions and judgments the formation as her new rank, a silver oak Forum aimed at open discussion. The pro- made based on the ethnicity of certain leaf, was pinned on by her husband John, gram, entitled "Dispelling the Myths," names. A story was presented with many her parents Ken and Agnes Helmeyer, WMC brought together many groups on campus for characters and a series of seemingly im- President Robert Chambers, Lt. Col. a frank, open forum to discuss race relations, moral and unethical decisions and was Bozeman from Morgan State, Lt. Col. Fox stereotypes, and cultural differences. followed with discussion concerning from Loyola, and Lt. Col. Roller from The The HLA decided to hold the program to many aspects of race relations. Johns Hopkins University. "start race discussions on campus" and Lastly, a discussion on race relations After being pinned, the new lieutenant "value diversity," said senior communication ensued. Audience members struggled with colonel gave a short speech because she said major Kim Bloch. the misconceptions associated with race. her mom had advised her not to take more The event boasted a discussion panel Another hot topic was the difference be- than five minutes. Yet, during this time she from many different cultural organizations. tween race perception in small towns ver- was able to pack in plenty of praise for those The members were representatives from the sus big cities. who had helped her along the way. She too Office of Multicultural Services, HLA, Asian Although there was not a large turn- was an ROTC cadet and said she still keeps Community Coalition, Black Student Union, out, Bloch said that there "still was dia- i~ touch with some of her instructors from Sounds of Silence, and the International logue and people learned new things." her college. Club. This program was part of an ongoing Lt. Col. Doyle was quick to point out that Each representative spoke of common effort to heighten multicultural awareness it was the people that she had encountered American misconceptions concerning each on campus. An ROTC cadet salutes Lt. Col. Doyle. right, along the way that had made this promotion cultural group. These members also cor- at the April ceremony honoring her possible, and she thanked several WMC fac- promotion. Campus Saftey Blotter BY FRANCESCA SAYLOR ulty and staff members for thelr help, includ- ing the ROTC cadre. AND ALEXANDER McLEAN "I knew that this was what I was supposed StoffWrirers to do ever since my parents got a report card -On 3127 at 6:37 am DoCS documented a Hill Hall. in second grade, and it said 'bossy,'" LL Col. medical report but did not render treatment -On 3/30 at I:45 pm DoCS documented In a ceremony held April I in the forum, Doyle told the cadets. at Pennsylvania Avenue House #191 an inter-agency cooperative effort in EI- Major Karen Doyle, US Army, was promoted The crowd present for the promotion in- -On 3127 at 6:15 pm DoCS documented a derdice Hall. to Lieutenant Colonel. In the US Army, a pro- cluded not only cadets from WMC but those theft in Whiteford Hall. -On 3/30 at 8:37 pm DoCS documented a motion like this one means not only a raise in from ROTC's sister school, Mount Saint -On 3/27 at 10:56 pm DoCS documented medical report and rendered treatment in pay and a new name plaque on the front of her Mary's, professors of military science from tampering with fire protection devices on the Decker Student Center. desk but also an increase in responsibility and around the region, and the colonel's invited third floor of Albert Norman Ward Hall. -On 3!31 at 12:40 am DoCS documented respect. guests. After her speech, Doyle invited her -On 3/27 at 1I :07 pm DoCS documented an an alcohol violation for underage posses- The entire ROTC company showed their guests to stay for cake and punch and to alcohol violation for underage possession/ sion/consumption in Rouzer Hall. respect by way of a 'sharp-looking formation watch the rest of ROTC's leadership lab. consumption in Blanche Ward Hall. -On 3/31 at 8:25 am DoCS documented that was ready to come 10 attention at the com- "It is impressive to see the support that -On 3127 at II :45 pm DoCS documented an an officer's report for harassment in Win- mand of Liz Clark, Cadet Company Com- the college gets from around the region," said alcohol violation for underage possession! slow Center. mander, upon Doyle's arrival. While the cadets Rob Schoppert, ajunior ROTC cadet. "We're consumption in Blanche Ward Hall. -On 3!31 at 1:0 I pm DoCS documented a had to wait patiently for a few minutes before all very happy for Lt. Col. Doyle." -On 3127 at 11:50pm DoCS documented an suspicious conditions alert at Blanche the actual ceremony took place, in order to give "It's a great event for cadets and staff," alcohol violation for underage possessionl Ward Hall. ample time for members of the campus com- agreed Master Sergeant Sonia Prioleau, part consumption in Blanche Ward HaiL -On 3/31 at 11:35 pm DoCS documented munity to arrive, it was not long before they of the WMC ROTC cadre. -On 3127 at 11:50 pm DoCS documented an an alcohol violation for underage posses- could personally congratulate Doyle. "We new she could do it," said Lt. CoL alcohol violation for underage possession/ sion/consumption in Whiteford Hall. Immediately after the company was called Doyle's father. "She's been in charge since consumption in Blanche Ward HaiL -On 3/31 at II :50 pm DoCS documented to attention, the official orders granting Doyle's second grade." -On 3127 at II :55 om DoCS a residence hall policy vio- promotion were read by senior cadet Patrick documented an . lation in Albert Nor- violation for unc age possessior WMCR FEST consumption in am DoCS docu- Blanche Ward mented an al- Hall. cohol viola- -On 3/28 at tion for un- 12:35' am derage pos- Saturday May 1, 1999 DoCS docu- session/ mented a rule criminal law viola InRed Square on Whiteford Lar -On 3128 at I :05 a mented a fire all in Levine Recital HaiL Starts at 5 p.m. and goes till ?? Norman Ward Hall. -On 4/2 at 1:50 pm DoCS documented a -On 3128 at 7:40 am DoCS documented an vehicle accident on Pennsylvania Avenue. alcohol violation in Albert Norman Ward -On 4/3 at 12:20 am DoCS documented a Seeking Ali College Musicians Hall for the possession of "kegs." medical report and rendered treatment in -On 3128 at 8:40 pm DoCS documented an Rouzer Hall. officer's report for furnishing false informa- -On 4/3 at 12:47 am DoCS documented tion in Englar Dining Hall. an alcohol violation for underage posses- IfInterested Call -On 3129 at 10:46 am DoCS documented an sion/consumption in Rouzer Hall. officer's report for obstruction/disruption at -On 4/4 at 7:34 pm DoCS documented a Hoover Library. medical report but did not render treat- WMCR -On 3129 at 4:22 pm DoCS documented an ment. officer's report for rules/criminal laws in ·On 4/5 at 9:47 am DoCS documented an x 8698 Blanche Ward Hall. officer's report forobstruction!disruption -On 3/29 at 10:24 pm DoCS documented a at the DoCS office. or medical report but did not render treatment. -On 4/5 at II :30 am DoCS documented a -On 3/30 at 2:50 am DoCS documented a felony (heft at Lewis Hall of Science. Tony Kirschner medical report but did not render treatment -On 4/6 at I :00 am DoCS documented an in Garden Apartments Building two. officer's report for threatening or danger- -On 3/30 at 9:39 am DoCS documented an ous conduct (physical abuse). x490 officer's report for obstrucrion/disrupuon in .
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