Page 160 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 160
Thursday, April I, 1999 - Page (-5) SPORTS ,Campus Intercession I Association Blah blah blah-iter Quirks: Not Hegemony * On 3125 at 6:20 p.m. DoCS documented a Water Tower from the basement of Albert Anne Butler gets serious for La la la la la la la SQUIRRELS! student with grand theft after taking two Norman Ward Hall. once... and pays serious Lala laLA la laLA lala lalalaLA la pieces of fruit from Englar Dining Hall. consequences. LA LA Hi to Ienzer, Robin and Robin, * On 3/34 at 4:56 a.m. DoCS towed a ve- Josh, Jason, Don, Rich, Weina Mercatur * On 3124 at 4:67 a.m. DoCS documented hicle because they needed a place to park. the Hopping Woman, Maggie, Pikachu, Englar Dining Hall with being a little too Hegemony, or the process by which the Courtney, Carrie, Bras Choir, Dean and creative with the toppings on the pizza. * On 3/28 at 4:24 a.m. DoCS documented elites use the media to perpetuate stereo- Mr. Homeff Ted John, Chris, Meg, Kat, President Chambers for criminal mischief. types and to normalize what they wish to Pam, Mike. and the tower in ANW. * On 3/55 at 4:34 a.m. DoCS documented promote so that the masses don't rebel, is Blah Blah la LA la la la RAT! la la la 17 students with harassment for forwarding * On 3/28 at 6:67 p.m. DoCS documented a a much maligned and erroneously ignored hundreds of phonemail messages to Ernie student for bringing food or drink into topic. The main discourse upon which the la la LA la la La BLAh (Feeee-niks) la la Ogle. Hoover Library. elites dwell on is one of white social capi- stuff, LA la la LA Pork Brains! la la BLAH formerly BLAH la la la la Watch WMcrv talism and is often ingeniously encoded WMCI7 .... LALALA LA la lala la http./ into the programs and media of which we blah blah la la partake. la la LA la la La la la "I HAVE THE Referring to the works of Marx, one POWER1" La la la BLAH BlAh Bump and Go Action la alia la la la BLAH bla ·On3125atll:24 The main discourse bla la lA la la la yakkity yak watch Japa- * On 3/26 at p.m. DoCS 1:45 a.m. upon which the elites nese Animation (anime) la Ia al aI al Blah, DoCS docu- documented viola- an EVANGELION la laalla Don hates Miyu alcohol mented DcCs tion in Blanche dwell on is one of white la la LAlalaai LAlaiala WOOH0011a al alia la alia got Postal!" la la "She's for unauthorized Ward Hall. social capitalism and is use of a golf cart. Blah lah yakkity yak la la Media & Poli- tics extra credit Ia la la la la La la la am- often ingeniously persand la Ia al la la la Sheepies1 blah blah encoded into the blah la la la la la la Bla- p.m. DoCS documented two SQuirrels for use of a con- programs and media of BLAM! Urk ••••THUMP ... trolled and dangerous substance. which we partake . • On 3125 at II :26 p.m. DoCS documented Oh my God! They killed Anne! • On 3127 at 8:16 a.m. DoCS documented a an alcohol violation in Blanche Ward Hall. • theft of the basement of Whiteford Hall. can see hegemony as yet another tool of You BASTARDS! * On 3125 at II :27 p.rn. DoCS documented the bourgeois in their continual oppression * On 3/17 at 11:56 p.m. DoCS documented an alcohol violation in Blanche Ward Hall. of the industrial proletariat. Thus, hege- Deity's note: No actual Anne Butlers were several WMC faculty members for causing mony can be seen as integral to Marx's harmed in the creation of this article. a ruckus during a "kegger" at the President's * On 3127 at 3:00 a.rn. DoCS documented outline and description and development we would like 10 be the first to However, House. the explosion of the Phoenix office due to of Social Conflict Theory. announce a public pie-throwing contest in demon computer. Marx's hegemony is put to use is by ... Red Square as the main event of Spring * On 3124 at 5:67 p.m. DoCS documented Aw crud. This is stupid! Fling. Let's see if we ever get such a bla- theft of the water tower behind PELC. • On 3127 at 4:00 a.m. DoCS documented Why the heck would anyone want to tant example of excessive Lala-ing in this the Phoenix Editors for holding the Phoenix read this?Wait! That means I'm alone and paper ever again. Mwahahahahaha. * On 3/24 at 6:47 p.m. DoCS recovered the staff hostage citing failure to meet deadlines. can say whatever the hell I want. ----- -
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