Page 99 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Jan Term adventures take WMC students around the globe BY NICKI KAssous trip included an evening in Vienna Biology Dr. Samuel Alspach to the Assistant Features EdilOr when he attended the ballet at the island of San Salvador in the Ba- State Opera and the drive from hamas. Faculty members Susan From the National Gallery in Munich to the castles in the south. Glore, director of the counseling London to the castles of central Twenty-four WMC students center, and Dr. Herbert Smith, pro- Europe to the crystal clear waters spent their Jan Term studying land- fessor of political science, also of the Atlantic Ocean, Western scapes and other works of art in went on the trip. Maryland College students Northern Europe. The trip was The group spent time "snorkel- spanned the globe this January. titled "Northern Europe through the ing, and looking at and talking An art tour of Northern Europe, Lens," and included stops in En- about animals in the coral reefsys- a glimpse of the "Treasures of Cen- gland, Belgium, and Holland. Ac- tern," according to Alspach. Other tral Europe," and a study of marine cording to Associate Professor of highlights included a tour of a bat biology from the Bahamas pro- Art Susan Bloom, who coordinated cave, a trip to a lighthouse, and time vided WMC students with an alter- the trip, the purpose of the trip was spent on the island side of the wa- native to the traditional January "to give students the opportunity to ter where the students "flocked" in term class. go somewhere that would interest hyper-saline lakes, which are saltier Dr. Mohamed Esa, assistant them." than usual salt water. professor of foreign languages or- This is the fourth time Bloom "We had a great bunch of stu- ganized the trip which explored has taken students on trips which dents. Every day was a good day," Central Europe. Twenty-one stu- explore the art of various regions said Alspach. dents and two adults accompanied and the first time to Northern Eu- For sophomore business admin- Esa on the two week tour. rope. While in England, the group istration major Ryan Bowman, the The trip began in Berlin where explored sites in London and the trip was enjoyable. He liked the the students spent two days study- surrounding area. sights, the seas, and the marine life. ing the history and culture of the Then it was off to Belgium, He also enjoyed spending time with German capital. From there, the where the students visited Brussels, his friends from WMC. "The high- students went 10 Prague, located in the capital, and the cities ofBruges, light of my trip was the last night the Czech Republic. The next stop Ghent, and Antwerp. For Bloom, when my friends and I built a fire was Budapest, Hungary. The cit- the day spent in Bruges was memo- on the cliff," he said. ies of Vienna and Salzburg were rable. She describes the town as a Students on all three trips had next on the trip's itinerary. The Medieval city with wonderful to complete a project 10 receive group then concluded the trip in the buildings and waterways. "It's like credit. Dr. Esa required his students German cities of Munich, Heidel- stepping back in a Grimm's fairy to keep a daily journal, make a COURTESY OF OR. MOHAMED ESA berg, Oberamergau and with a tour tale," she said. photo collage, and either write a 4- Above: Studerus ftnd "Treasures of Cemral Europe" in Vienna. Here they of two of Ludwig II's castles in Junior communication major 5 page paper or create a web page. pose with Dr, Esa, [allowing a classical music concert. southern Germany. Amanda Greening agreed. "Bruges Students on the trip to North- Left: WMC students catch some rays while studying marine biology in the "I wanted the students to cross' was beautiful with all of the water, ern Europe had to keep a journal Bahamas borders six or seven times," said streams, and canals. It was a quaint and take pictures with a common Esa, who adds thai seeing so many city," she said. theme, like churches or doorways. different countries gave the stu- From Belgium the group went The students who went to the to You Know Jan Term dents "a feeling for Europe and to the city of Amsterdam where Bahamas were also required what's going on in Europe now." they visited different art museums. hand in ajournal and to do a project Esa encouraged the students to Bloom feels it is important for stu- or give an oral report while on the Is Over When... adapt to the European way of life dents to see famous works of art in island. Topics included medicinal during the trip. "It's a different person. "It brings the paintings plants, birds of the island, starfish world; you have to accept the alive," she said. and how they turn, and politics of people as they are," he told them. "The paintings were impressive the island. ·You don't practice for the tetris competition in Junior Dave Rogers was one of to see up close, especially Van Whether they .were studying the the game room. the students on the trip. "It was the Gogh's paintings," said Greening. culture of Central Europe, the art time of our lives; we had a blast. Students who went on the Jan of Northern Europe, or the marine Prague was the best city of all, " said Term trip to the Bahamas did not life in the Atlantic Ocean, Western •You quit reading for fun. Rogers who celebrated his 21st have time to look at works of art Maryland College students were birthday in two different countries because they were too busy study- given interesring altematives to tra- while on {he trip. -Checkers and Chess Night is no longer the ing marine life. Sixteen WMC stu- ditional Jan Term courses. For Esa, the highlights of the dents accompanied Professor of highlight of the week. -Your classes don't start at 1 pm. •You get written up. ·Signs for knitting classes disappear. •Board games are no longer a major source of entertainment. ·You can't find a table in Glar. -The Pub is actually open when you're hungry. ·Passing someone you know on campus isn't the most exciting part of your day.
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