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cmeR SPORTS Wanted: Inside mffilr • Head Football Coach Tim photographers, Sports writers, and editors Keating voted National Coach of the Year. Call x8600 Western Maryland College -Page 10 Thursday, February 5, 1998 Johns Hopkins defeats Green Terror in final moments of game The men's basketball team was Western Maryland missed a Western Maryland forward WilJ knocked off its four game winning go-ahead three-point attempt on its Marshall topped all scorers with 22 streak Saturday when it lost to next possession, and Roehrig ex- points. The senior has been a con- Johns Hopkins at home 69-63. tended the visitors' advantage with sistent high scorer and was named Senior lohns Hopkins forward a short jumper with 35 seconds re- Centennial Conference Men's bas- Greg Roehrig scored nine of his maining. ketball player of the week for the team-high 20 points in the final five After another Green Terror games of January 19-25. minutes, leading his team to vic- miss, Coar iced Johns Hopkins' With this defeat, the Green Ter- tory in a Centennial Conference seventh straight win with two free rorfell to 9-8 overall and 5-3 in the game. throws. conference. Western Maryland was With Western Maryland lead- Coar and .sophomore forward victorious in its four previous ing 61-58, Roehrig pulled the Blue Joel Wertman added 10 points each games, defeating Haverford 66-57. Jays to within one with a lay-up at for Johns Hopkins, the fourth- Swathmore 80-69, Gettysburg 74- the 2:32 mark. Exactly a minute ranked team in the NCAA Division 63, and Franklin and Marshall 74- lOSE (IUBA srQUEIRA Sophomore center Brian Billman takes a shot over a Johns Hopkins later, senior guard Kamau Coar put m Middle Atlantic Region. The 68. defender. - Johns Hopkins in the lead for good Blue Jays are now 14-4 overall and with a three-pointer. 6-1 in the Centennial. Courtesy of Sports Information Women's basketball currently ahead despite mixed season BY CAROLYN BARNES shooting, going six-of-seven from points each, and freshman center Senior Writer the field after misfiring on her fi- Jill Ibex contributed 10 points and nal attempt at hitting free throw seven rebounds off the bench. Sunny days mixed in with oc- tries. Another close competition took casional storms, snow, and show- Western Maryland racked up 60 place three days later as WMC met ers ... Sound much like the local first-half points, hitting 24 of 37 Gettysburg. In this instance, WMC weather report? Possibly, but the shots from the field (64.9%). All lost by three, 54-51. Haley regis- .. Lady Green Terror netters may as- but one of the 14 Green Terror play- tered her sixth double-double of the sociate the description with their ers scored, with everyone playing season, leading all scorers with 20 season so far. at least ten minutes. points and 15 boards. Currently, the sun outshines the After demolishing Bryn Mawr, Bouncing back again to defeat clouds as the team holds a winning the Terror followed with a three- Washington College, the. Green record, both in the Centennial Con- point loss against Alvernia College Terror scored 67 points in a Cen- ference (CC) (6-4) and overall (10- in a non-conference game. tennial Conference game, while 8). Haley topped the Terror scorers Washington only scored 55. Haley The women have some strong with 17 points, while Snyder reg- and Snyder scored 16 points each. experience leading the team this istered her second double-double of Haley also was the game's lead- semester with senior forward and the season with 14 points and a ing rebounder with II boards for leading point-scorer Katie Haley, game high II rebounds. her third straight double-double ef- along with senior guard Erin Although losing to Alvernia, fort in a row and seventh ofthe sea- Murphey, both returning for their WMC jumped back to win another son. Snyder also grabbed six re- fourth season. Also, juniors Kathi high scoring game against Dickin- bounds, handed out three assists Green Terror co-captain, senior Will Marshall, was lire top scorer in the Snyder, Kristin Miller, and Michele son College by a score of 93-74. and made four steals. game against the Johns Hopkins Blue Jays Jarman return for their third year Freshman center Jill Ibex came off WMC forced 29 Washington to win, the women One-point victory for _ on the team. the bench to score a season-high 21 turnovers in the match. On Saturday, January 10, the points to lead Western Maryland. Continuing women met Bryn Mawr on their Haley followed with 24 points defeated Swarthmore 63-50 at turf and won a landslide victory and nine rebounds. home on Saturday, January 24. women's swim team with a score of 108-29. WMC Senior guard Erin Murphey Snyder fell just one rebound and eclipsed the 100-poinl mark for just added 13 points, and became just two blocked shots shy of a triple Western Maryland's women's Last Saturday, Wnukowski, the second time in its Sf-year the seventh player in the Green double, leading the Green Terror, swimming team won a meet in the Gregg and Dameron joined with women's basketball history. Terror's Sf-year women's basket- She was the only Green Terror to final event for the second straight Jennifer Weddle to win the 200 free Junior forward Kathi Snyder ball history to surpass the 1,000- reach double figures lfn scoring Saturday, edging Bryn Mawr 128- relay against Ursinus, which lifted scored 20 points in 20 minutes and point plateau with 1,00 1. with 13 points, in addition to grab- 127 in a Centennial Conference Western Maryland to a 50-44 tri- ...., did not miss a single shot in the The Lady Green Terror pushed bing nine rebounds and blocking a match-up. umph . competition. Snyder made all their winning streak to two upon career-high eight shots. She had The Green Terror trailed 121- At Bryn Mawr, Dameron was seven of her shots from the field defeating Haverford on January 17. seven points in WMC's 19-2 run 117 heading into the 200-yard a triple winner individually with and all six attempt at the foul line. Haley scored the go-ahead basket over the opening eight minutes of freestyle relay, but .l)ra first pl,aces in the 50 and 100 free, She also pulled down eight re- with just over a minute to play to the second half. Wnukowski, Sara Gregg, i'isha along with the 100 butterfly. bounds. win 66-63 in a CC-game. Ibex came off the bench to score Berry and Barkley Dameron com- Meghan Joyce won the 200 breast- ". Senior forward Katie Haley Haley again topped WMC and nine points and pull down a team- bined for a time of 1:50.80 to win stroke and 200 individual medley, added 18 points and grabbed a all scorers with 24 points, and also high 10 rebounds for WMC. the event by nearly five seconds. while Wnukowski claimed the 100 game-high nine rebounds. She grabbed a team-high 13 rebounds. The 11-6 margin in the event gave breaststroke and 500 free. nearly duplicated Snyder's perfect Murphey and Snyder added 12 Continued on page 10 Western Maryland the one-point victory. Courtesy of Sports Infonnation
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