Page 98 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 98
Thursday, February 5,1998 - Page 6 NEWS Above: The mysterious mound of dirt behind ANW, that has many students wondering. was excavated/rom the science building construction site. The earth will be needed again rofill in the site once the building is complete. The remainder of the dirt will then be used to expand the existing parking lot. Thirty-four more spaces will be added. The dirt behind The excavation of the site for the new "We are definitely not behind schedule," the football field, however, will not be used science building has been completed, and he said. "January has been great for con- for added parking, Plans are being made /0 construction has begun. The footers, or con- struction." level off the field hockey field. crete supports, have been poured for the If the construction continues to go accord- Left and upper right: The faculty/ staff foundation and the terms for the building ing to schedule, Seidel said students and fac- parking lot behind Lewis Hall of Science was have begun to go up since the completion of lost to the cons/ruction site in early the excavation, Dr, Ethan Seidel, vice-presi- ulty will have access to the building by the November. The excavation a/the site has spring of 1999. progressed steadily since that time. dent of administration and finance, indicated Text by Erin Howard and photos by that the building is progressing as planned, Nathan Birdsall. (New Year brings new lookfor The Phoenix Continued from page J be changes in the content of the coming is- managing editor and is responsible for The desire to give The Phoenix. a more sues, Changes in the News section will in- much of the paper's new look. modem edge began last semester with the clude the addition of a world news brief, as The resurrection of the e-mail address introduction of the new masthead designed well as more hard-news stories on campus is yet another new addition, Hampson said by Mike Conroy, a sophomore graphic de- events and interests. The Features and Com- she hopes the convenience of having e- sign major. In creating the masthead mentary sections will be expanded in com- mail access will encourage more letters to Conroy chose the school logo and designed ing issues to include regular student and staff the editor and a greater response from the it to appear as if it is rising out of ashes, profiles and guest opinion columns, college community. Students can e-mail like the newspaper's mythical namesake, The section which will face either the The Phoenix at: Conroy said he designed the masthead so least or the most amount of change this se- The numerous changes being made this that it would have some correlation to the mester is the sports section. "I would really semester are part of a building period that +tiluJ'flSt name of the newspaper without actually like to develop the sports section," said has been going on for sometime under the the bird for which it is having to feature Hampson, of previous editors Carolyn Bar- "but wejustdon't have the staff," direction named. The paper is still seeking interested writers. nes and Michelle Hamilton. "Now is the ,~ Clinie "It's a great way 10 be recognized as a Besides the change in editor-in-chief , time for the next step ahead," commented student and an artist," Conroy said about there have been other numerous changes to Hampson, who has always wanted to be a having his design featured in The Phoenix. the rest of The Phoenix editorial staff this journalist. Genuine Help and Along with the changes in The semester, Former Assistant News Editor Understanding Phoenix 's physical appearance, there will Emily Stamathis is taking on the position of -IVISleep Sedation -Ftrst &Mid - Trimester Abortion Services -Free Pregnancy Testing -Pregnancy & Birth Control Counseling -Sonograms -Communtty Education & Guest Speaking Services -24 Hour Emergency Call Suburbia Building 5602 Baltimore National Pike Suite 600 Baltimore, Maryland 21228 Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) hup:llgynpages,comlhillcrestbalt Most Credit Cards Accepted
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