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FEATURES Thursday, February 5, 1998 - Page 9 60 Seconds Coping on campus the NonTrad way What message would you put on a BY MAUREEN MciVER by day and tackled school work learning opportunity without mak- Conln"buringWriler during the after-hours. ing undue demands on the student's candy heart for Valentine's Day? Miller echoes the strategy. other responsibilities, While most undergraduates "Give up sleep, let the housework As for coping skills, Gough jumped straight from high school go," she says, then adds a more se- would tell students not to be afraid to WMC, one group took a differ- rious tip: "Stay ahead of the game, to talk to the professors, "99% of ent path. Nontraditional students instead of playing catchup." them are very responsible." He are over the age of 25 and attend- Nick Gough, this year's presi- also urges NonTrads to getin touch "If 1 had someone special, ing classes to complete a baccalau- dent of the NonTrad Association. with other NonTrads, most of then nothing would be reate degree. These students often has a six-month old and commutes whom are facing the same issues better than saying have kids, jobs, and community re- from his home in Baltimore. "My of difficult scheduling and juggling I Love You." sponsibilities to uphold. main enemy is time," he says. several responsibilities. Meet Pat Miller. She's a full- Gough heads the organization that Homeff stressed there are also Nick Wissel '00 time student on her way to a music is designed to support Nou'Irads at very positive sides to being a Biochemistry and psychology major, and wants WMC. "I want the organization to NonTrad that aren't always evi- to become a teacher. At home she be a resource for people who have dent. "Number one is the model- is raising four children, ranging in questions," he says. ing we give to our kids." She feels age from 11 to 20, one of whom Recently Gough teamed up with children learn the value of educa- has special health needs. She also the Commuter Students Associa- tion when they see how much a works 12 hours a week for the U.S. tion to draft a letter to the faculty. parent sacrifices to pursue it. Postal Service. When a student signs up for a class, Horneff says studies indicate that Miller describes having an off- he says, sometimes there are time children rise to the education level "I have a mattres.s in the campus life on top of student re- requirements that aren't spelled out of their mothers, and she encour- sponsibilities as "insanity." Her in the COUIse description packet, ages NonTrads to realize what a gift back of my pick-up. " advice to any struggling student: such as field trips. Gough points they are giving their children. Chris South '99 "Don't sweat the small stuff." out that while it may be no big deal Gough also has some ideas History/Secondary Associate Dean for First Year for a local student to take such a about reducing stress for NonTrads. the and commut- Education Students BarbaraHorneffhasin and a trip, some NonTrads from 45 minutes He wants to organize a few get- advisor past been a NonTrad such as family day for togethers, ers are coming NonTrad student. She says her away and would have to take even students and their spouses. "Get a days as a NonTrad student taught more lime away from their family group discount and go to the the- her the organizational skills she and jobs. ater, the zoo, aquarium," he says. relies on today. "No one's asking for special Make every minute count, keep Like many NonTrad parents, treatment," he says. "We just want a balanced view of family life and Horneff felt guilty about going to professors to be aware of the school, and have a little fun. In a school. "I didn't want to cheat the unique problems we have." He nutshell, these are the words of vet- children," she said. So Horneff noted that many times an alterna- eran NonTrads to any student who took care of those responsibilities tive project can provide the same can use them. "Jag Alskar Dig!" (Swedish for "Llove you") Joanna Kraft '01 Communication "MiAmor" Lori Schenck '01 Undecided the $$$ you need with i students majoring in engineering, "My plan for world A college education takes $$$. domination, a dissertation Don't send out an 50S. U 2 can gel science, business, nursing and a on gastro-esophagual a merit- number of other majors. B 1 of reflex, and my phone based Army ROTC Scholar- them. Army ROTC scholar- number, if there's room. " !~!Pa.!;~g~d O~;~~~l~~Sa~i~~ ~~~are A+. They're as good Mike Conroy '00 Art ARMYIlOTC TIE SMAIlTESTaJU.EGE COIJRSE1OIJ CANTlIE. For details. visit the 2nd Floor, Gill Gym or call by Nathan Birdsall • 857·2720
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