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Thursday, February 5, 1998 - Page 8 FEATURES Wag the Dog: new movie proves that life imitates art HY J.:NNIFER VICK threatened with the accusation of sexual mis- country's attention. ing as the fast-talking Brean. Other appear- SnliorWriler conduct with a Firefly Girl (this movie's ver- At Motss' Los Angeles mansion, he ances include Willie Nelson who plays sion of a Girl Scout) two weeks before an works with an entourage of writers and a Johnny Green, a country singer recruited There is a scandal brewing in the White election. director, played by Denis Leary, to iron our House. Accusations of sexual relations be- A White House crisis team immediately the details. The U.S. is at war with Albania; to write a patriotic song for the war effort. convict is a psychotic Harrelson Woody tween the president and a young woman organizes and appears in the movie's open- a result of Albanian terrorists' attempts to chosen to play the role of the unsung hero threaten the future of our country's leader. ing scene. Conrad Brean (Robert DeNiro) smuggle a "B-3 suitcase bomb" into the U.S. But there just might be something to deter and various White House officials discuss The American people fall for the trick and of the U.S.lAlbanian war. And Craig T. the salivating media - a war. the situation in hushed tones in a dark room the president's approval ratings quickly swell Nelson (Coach) plays the president's run- No, this is not yet another headline somewhere deep within the White House. from 17% in favor, to 89%. ning mate who continually pops up in TV. about the alleged naughtiness of Clinton Brean is a so-called presidential spin doctor Motss and his movie-making cronies pro- ads to smear the president's good name. job of does an excellent Wag the Dog and intern Monica Lewinsky, coupled with who has been brought in to find a way to vide the funniest scenes of the movie, al- entertaining, not only through strong per- the imminent loom of a less than coopera- divert the attention of the American people, though Wag the Dog consistently emits a formances by some fine actors, but namely tive Iraq. Rather, it is straight out of Hol- and most importantly, the media, from the chuckle throughout. While sitting pool side because it is a mirror for American view- lywood as the plot of the recently released scandal that could affect the president's re- at Motss' estate, they gleefully mold the state ers. With irony, parody, and a touch of ex- film Wag the Dog. election. of the country using their creative minds. aggeration, Wag the Dog shows society's Chock-full of notable actors and di- Brean is well aware of the public's ten- It also rected by Baltimore-bred filmmaker, Barry dency to believe everything they see on TV. Morss at one point says, "This is politics at tendency to lean toward the absurd. lines be- blurred to never he later admits although its finest," points out the sometimes Levinson (Rain Man, Disclosure, Sleep- and he is a master at manipulating this. So having voted in an election tween politics, the media, and show busi- ers), Wag the Dog tells a fictional story, with the help of Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman, as Motss, puts his Academy ness. Most importantly, it makes the although a very ironic one considering the Hoffman), a famed Hollywood producer, a Award-winning talents to work and creates viewer, at least this one, sit back and won- latest scandal out of the Capital. The film fictional war is created and played out on the American depicts the president of the U.S. who is the nightly news in order to absorb the a character who is absolutely hilarious. Like- der - could that easily? people be wise, DeNiro, act- as usual. delivers superb suckered A Closer Look ... A new feature about indWiduals at WMC By Nikki Belanger, Features Editor As the head of a small group of fly fish- for a few people around here and for one man ermen on campus, junior Richard Tillman in the Florida Keys. stands out at WMC. Besides the fly fishermen group, Tillman Tillman first came to the ccjlege because has also done some theater work around cam- he was drawn to the 504 program and more pus. Last semester, he and his father made importantly because of his family history. the scoreboard signs and other signs around "My grandmother is one of the last three or the football field. four surviving alumni from the class 01' Throughout the day-to-day life on cam- 1925," Tillman said. pus, Tillman finds some classes more inter- From Timonium, Tillman is an only child. esting and fun than others and claims it's the An art major, he enjoys drawing and even- professors who make the difference. "The tually hopes to get into anatomical design or teachers that have been the most relaxed with fly design, his passion. Right now he ties me are Ira [Domser] and Dr. Smith," he said. Richard Til/man enjoys snorkeling, as well as fly fishing and art. Steppin' Back to Africa '98 nizations from area colleges and universi- BY SARAH RAlJleE SlofjWriler ties. They include six of the nine histori- cally black national fraternities and sorori- Everybody knows what stepping is. ties. The opening act will be the same as The foot is lifted, the foot is set down last year: the Westlake High School step again, and the body moves from one lo- team from Waldorf, Maryland. There will cation !O another. It's boring, prosaic, a be a $500 prize for the best performance; natural function as exciting as breathing. judged on appearance, creativity, diction, But stepping also has another definition: and skill, as well as the successful incor- a pulsating fusion of song and dance that poration of the theme of "steppin' back to blends ancient Africa and modern Africa." America for an experience that's as ex- BSU president Diane Drakes explains citing to watch as it is exhausting to per- that her organization cosponsored the form. event because "it's a positive event in black For lWO decades, students have heard Sabo's friendty voice when they call for in/ormation WMC students will have the opportu- history month, and it gives BSU members Even if you don't know her, chances are Sabo's own children, a son anddaughter, nity to experience stepping, the modern a chance for more exposure to the black you've heard her voice. graduated from WMC. She also has another rendition of the West African boot dance, Greeks." The BSU is also sponsoring the Since 1978, Dora Sabo, telecommunica- daughter and six grandchildren. for themselves next week. On February After-Party, with music by OJ Q. One tions coordinator and receptionist, has di- Throughout her twenty years at WMC, 14 at 7 pm, the "Steppin' Back to Africa highlight of this event will be the "party reeled lost souls to the proper phone desri- Sabo has had many memorable experiences. '98" Step Show Competition takes place walks" performed by the fraternities and nation. Seated behind the information desk "One old gentleman used to sing me old in Alumni Hall. sororities. Each group will separately in Ensor Lounge, she greets students and staff songs over the phone. It was hard to answer Founded by Angela Harris, a gradu- circle around the party-goers, performing walking through as easily as she greets those calls and listen to him at the same time," she ate student and WMC's new Residence their own special dances with calls and on the phone. laughs. Life Coordinator for Special Housing, responses from the "audience." Originally from West Virginia, Sabo now Another time, bomb threats were being "Steppin' Back to Africa '98" is WMC's Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 forchil- lives in Finksburg, working part-time at the made to the school. Sabo answered the calls. second annual step show. "I wanted to dren with an "early bird special" taking college's switchboard. Although she has of- "It was exciting, but frightening." Officials expose people on campus to different cul- place on February 2-13 in Ensor Lounge, ficially retired, she says she just isn't ready finally caught the person after a month and tural aspects, attract new people to WMC where tickets will sell for the reduced price to leave yet. things returned to normaL and heighten visibility," Harris said. of $5 for adults. There is also a faculty "J enjoy the students," Sabo said, stating When she's not answering phones, Sabo Sponsored by CAPBoard, the Black special with tickets for $7. Ticket prices that she has"'"gol to know many on a personal likes to read, listen to music, and garden. In Student Union, the Multicultural Student include admission to the After-Party in the level and enjoys watching them pursue their fact, she often brings her roses in to brighten Association, and the Intergreek Council, Forum. Tickets only to the After-Party cost careers. Some still send her Christmas cards Ensor Lounge. the step show features black Greek orga- $5. and pictures of their children.
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