Page 94 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, February 5, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS College students saddled with credit card debt plained. So, in essence, his monthly payments Continued from page I barely touch the principle. "How am I going to pay that off?" he asked His total debt reached $8,500 before himself. "I don't know. I really don't know." he decided to cancel the accounts on all American Express tries to make sure students of them. "1 am not ashamed to admit it," know what they are up against before they are he said. "I am ashamed that 1 did it." given a card, said Monica Beaupre, the assis- This student got one of his cards the tant manager of communications. same way Watts did: From a representa- "When students apply, we make available a tive in the student center who was giving wide array of brochures, pamphlets so that we out free stuff to people who signed for a are sure they are aware of how to stay in good card. In his case, it was a Discover card. credit," she said. "It was a free gift," said the student. Obviously, the best thing to do is not get debt "I figured, let's see if I can get another in the first place. credit card. I don't remember what the MasterCard sponsors a Web page called free gift was. Maybe candy." Credit Talk that people can access for sugges- Yet, Mitch Montagna, spokesman for tions on how to prevent credit card debt. The AT&T Universal Card Program, a com- address is pany that issues MasterCards and Visas, "Don't spend more money that you can af- claimed that, "No one thinks that a frisbee ford to pay back," is their first budgeting tip. WMC students using the Hoover lab will soon be able to work at the computer at all hours. or toy would necessarily incent anybody "Just figure out your expenses and plan a bud- to get a credit card. It is just a way of get." debt, Hoover lab to open 24 hours getting attention in a crowded and noisy Once a student builds up that much environment in a student union." some tum for help off-campus. One option is Now the unidentified WMC student Consumer Credit Counseling Service, a com- No student aids will be scheduled to work is trying to pay offhis debt and has found munity service, non-profit organization that of- In' CHRISTIAN WILWOHL in the lab past midnight. NtwsEdilOr it to be a slow process. fers assistance to people in Maryland and Dela- "The lack of staffing [past midnight] will "For the past three years all I have ware. WMC students will have 24-hour access not be an insurmountable problem," said done is payoff credit cards," he said. His CCCS has three goals, explained Linus to Hoover Library's computer lab later this Mathews. balance is now down to about $7,300, he Campbell, the director of education.and mar- semester. "Students would rather have access to the said. keting. I) Offer education programs to the pub- These plans were finalized last semester, lab even if no one is there to staff it." He has paid about $2,000 so far. But lic relating 10 money management and budget- said Christine Mathews, director of Informa- The lab's machines will be further se- most of that was for interest alone, not ing, as well as answering consumer credit ques- tion Services. cured, and an alarm system will connect the the principal, he acknowledged. tions. 2) Give free, confidential, and non-judg- All that remains is the installation of the lab to Campus Safety "to be sure students The problem is that the minimum pay- mental counseling services to the public. 3) lab's new security measures. are absolutely safe," added Mathews. ment for each bill is almost as high as the Help the public with its formal debt repayment Edward Fell, director of Facilities Plan- Some students, like senior Michelle interest rate charged forthe month, he ex- program. For example, CCCS contacts the ning and Capital Improvements, is currently Marrero, have concerns about working in the creditors and requests a reduction in payment. negotiating a contract with Honeywell to lab into the early morning hours. Their centralized appointment line phone install the new system. "I'd feel more comfortable working late Honor and number is l-800-642-CCCS. completed by Spring Break. will be in the lab if other students were around," said that the installation Fell expects my work, I "but after I'm finished Marrero, added, "We do see college students Campbell Conduct Board all the time but it is not overwhelming. Most dents When will use key cards to access the lab will call Campus Safety to walk me back to Library Hoover is not open, stu- my room." students go to mom and dad." For example, Olsen's parents pay her credit through the side door in the library's vesti- Many students are glad that the Hoover The Honor and Conduct Board ad- card bills and they will continue to do so until bule. lab will be open 24 hours a day. judicated a case on Thursday, Decem- she is out of school, she said. The library's architect designed the build- Senior Sara Beth Reyburn said, "J have ber II, 1997, involving two students. "I don't see the effects of going to restau- ing this way so that students can enter the two senior-sems to write this semester, and I One student was charged with and rants and buying gas. But I never shop. I never lab when the library is closed, said David know I'll be in the lab well past midnight found responsible for failing to com- spend money except for food and gas," she said. Neikirk, Hoover Library's director. several times to gel my papers finished." ply with previous sanctions, disorderly "I am very conservative about it." . To further ensure security, the key card According to Mathews, the Hoover lab and indecent conduct, and violating the This article was originally written for The system will be linked to a computer which will remain open 24 hours a day while stu- college's policy on alcohol. . Baltimore Sun will maintain a log of who accesses the lab, dents are on campus. Lab hours will be re- The student was suspended from said Mathews. duced when classes are not in session. the College through the end of the Spring 1998 semester, restricted from entering the residence halls in the fu- 24 Hour Hotline: ture, and required 10 participate in an intensive alcohol treatment program 410-857-7322 offtampus. The other student was charged with and found responsible for falsifying in- formation to Campus Safety and in- "whether the crime happened last night tentionally obstructing an investiga- or years ago, we can help." tion. As a result, the student was re- quired to submit an apology to Cam- pus Safety and placed on disciplinary Services are available to victims, family or friends. probation through the end of the Fall whether it's sexual harassment, abuse, dating violence or rape, 1998 semester. we can help. All inquiries are free and confidential. The Honor and Conduct adjudi- cated another case on Friday, Decem- RAPE CRISIS Services include: walk-in crisis counseling, individual therapy, ber 12, 1997, involving one student therapy groups, accompaniment to police-hospital-court, charged with endangering the health INTERVENTION SERVICE and prevention education programs. and safety of others, disorderly con- Of CARROLL COUNTY duct and violating the college's policy on alcohol. Walk-ins are welcome (Monday thru Friday) 9am - 5 pm The student was found responsible for all charges, relocated to another 224 North Center Street, Room 102 residence hall and placed on conduct Westminster, MD 21158 Fact: The perpetrator of a sexual crime is and alcohol probation through the end 24 hour hotline: 410-857-7322 more likely to be someone you know than a of the Spring 1999 semester. The Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 stranger. charges in this case were overturned upon appeal. A Private Nonprofit Agency Serving C8J70lJ County
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