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NEWS Thursday, February 5, 1998 - Page 3 Hoover and Carroll County News in brief libraries CLiP together -Richard of Institutional vice presi- from February 2-6 or at the door F. Seaman, dent Advance- the night of the event. ment, has been named the Profes- sional of the Year by the Council -Looking for something to do Fri- BY RICHARD HAMILTON Another reason to replace the chasing and maintenance of the for Advancement and Support of day night? Come see the come- SraffWrirer hardware is that the present mod- hardware and the software's licens- Education's District 2. Seaman dienne CHOCOLATE in Alumni els are incapable of running the lat- ing and maintenance, will total has primary responsibility for the Hall. Her material ranges from Users of Hoover Library, Car- est versions of software. "The $200,000. organization, planning and con- roll Community College, and Car- hardware is at" the end of its life- She adds, however, that CCPL duct of the College's advance- the music industry to some risque The laughter starts at 8:00 topics. roll County public libraries are in time," Mathews said. will finance the largest chunk, ment programs, including public pm. The cost is $1 for WMC stu- fora treat. David Neikirk, director of whereas WMC will pay the me- . information, alumni affairs and dents, faculty, and staff, $3 for all The computerized reference Hoover Library, agrees. "We need dium percentage. CCC, the small- systems of these libraries will even- 10 modify now," he said. est entity, will contribute the least. fund raising. off campus attendees. tually link, resulting in a speedy Hoover's computer terminals, Reactions to CLiP's proposition -Buy your ticket now for Circle -Five members of the music fac- retrieval of widespread informa- which do not have enough memory were favorable. ''That's cool," said K and & S.E.R.V.E.'s auction ulty at WMC have put together a tion. or speed, have been in use since junior Stephanie Kairis. "It'll be called "Reach Out WMC" on concert celebrating the most ro- "I only see good things happen- 1991. "We will move from a text- nice to see if books and journals are ing," said Christine Mathews, di- style system to a multimedia envi- at the public library or community mantic day of the year. The free Day Con- Valentine's Victorian rector of Information Services, ex- ronment, to go into the multimedia college right away." cert will be held Saturday, Feb. plaining that the merge will enable on-line interactive world," said "I think it'll be a good help," 14, at 7 pm in McDaniel Lounge. WMC students to see what is also Neikirk. said Karen Eberwein, a senior. available at Carroll County public A new Netscape system, com- Another junior, Ahsan Latif. libraries and Carroll Community plete with a graphic interface, will said the new terminals would be College's library through just one replace the text interface. Also, great but added that the system terminal. Netscape will enable users to click should be as simple to understand In addition, community college on commands with a mouse instead as possible. and public library patrons at all of pressing keys. Neikirk agrees and plans to hire eight branches will be able to view However, Hoover Library's ac- someone to help students get used Hoover's holdings as well as each quisition of these Netscape termi- to the new reference system. other's. nals will take time. Neikirk said Asked about expanding CliP, The three libraries formed CLiP, that Netscape P.c.s will replace the Neikirk replied, "The partnership is the Carroll Library Partnership, not old terminals "bit by bit" and not elastic." Carroll County public only to better serve the WMC and all at once. The policy in this case schools, for example, have ex- Carroll County communities but to is driven by cost," Neikirk ex- pressed interest in joining CLiP but save on finances. "We can buy one plained. made no commitments. single hardware unit for all three Funding must be provided to "CliP is beneficial to the com- libraries and share the cost," said ensure CLiP's success. Carroll munity," said Mathews, adding that Mathews. Community College (CCC) and WMC's participation shows com- Currently, each library has its CCPL must go to the county gov- muniry spirit. own IBM RISC 600 hardware unit. ernment for financial support, Mathews, along with Neikirk However, CLiP plans to get rid of whereas Hoover Library must ap- and other members of the WMC these individual units and replace peal to WMC for a budget increase. community, feel that it is extremely them with a single upgraded IBM Neikirk said he will know later this important for small schools, includ- The new "mall-like' entrance 10 Englar Dining Hall was originally part RISC 600 model. The new unit semester whether or not Hoover's ing WMC, to combine with other of Olar's renovations two years ago, but there was llot enough money in the project's budget to complete it at that time. The Administration will be housed at the Carroll request is granted. outlets to save money and be more County Public Library (CCPL) Mathews estimates the cost of current in the latest computer tech- recently chose to improve Gtar's outside appearance during Jan Term, such a project is easier when there are fewer students on since completing headquarters office in Westminster. the new system, including the pur- nologies. campus WMC faculty and students react to latest Clinton scandal BY NIKKI BnANGER major Tom Gordon said. look at what he'S" accomplished solis, a junior communications ior Education major. Features Editor With more than a week of scan- before the scandal hit the headlines. major, stated that the media is un- "Other presidents have done the dals rocking the White House, most She agreed that there should be der a lot of pressure. same thing," Hoffman agreed. The recent opinion polls claim- Americans have strong opinions punishment for lying to the public, "We live in an age where there's Letsch also believes that it's ing Americans support President about President Clinton, who alleg- but impeachment would be too stiff so much media and it's so aggres- probably happened before, and Clinton obviously haven't come edly had an affair with intern of a penalty. "Maybe his salary sive and they're constantly trying Clinton was just unlucky enough to from students and staff at Western Monica Lewinsky. should be CUI," she suggested. to get new information. There's a get caught. Maryland College. With the ma- Lewinsky, who is keeping a "Impeachment is just too lot of pressure," she said. she surprised," "I wasn't jority of people polled supporting low profile, signed an affidavit de- strong. These are stupid things to Corrie Leyshon, a junior En- laughed. "Not with all of the things the possibility of impeachment, nying the affair, but many people get in trouble over," Joy Hoffman, glish major, agreed. "They're only that have happened in the past." Clinton may need to do some seri- suspect Clinton of asking her to lie. a senior English major, said. going overboard because [scan- There is some hope for Presi- ous campaigning on campus. Although the idea of the presi- And how is the media handling dals] have been covered up in the dent Clinton at WMC. Some com- "If they can prove that he's per- dent having an affair bothers some the scandal? Not very well, accord- past. Now they have to face it." jured himself, then it's grounds for people, it's the possibility of him ing to the people polled mend his work as a president and feel that it should not be diminished impeachment," senior sociology lying that most people find disturb- "The media needs to wait until Most agreed however, that they because of this latest scandal. mg. the facts come out before they print were already tired of hearing about "I think he's doing a really good "Who's going to trust a lying anything. It's getting too sensa- the latest scandal. "It gets so bor- job," Wishner said. President? He should be im- tional," Gordon said. ing, with the same scandals over The alleged affairs haven't af- peached for lying to the people of Junior Richard Tillman agreed. and over again," Tillman said. fected his presidency, which should the United States," Patti Walsh, pub "It needs to be reported, but there aspect of the consensus surprising attendant. said, also adding that if is too much. They're causing among Another the students and staff was be the most important to Hoffman. scandals, according Lewinsky is the one lying, her pun- people to form opinions without the belief that Clinton was just the Others simply don't want to ishment should be just as severe. getting the facts," the art major unfortunate president to get caught hear about Clinton's private life and "My strongest opinion is that if said. in a line of presidential scandals feel the state of the nation is the he did perjure himself, that's go- The portion that is getting the and cover -ups. president's focus. ing to be his downfall," said Sue most media, the sex part, has noth- The faith in the office of the "I feel it doesn't interfere with Letsch, receptionist in the financial ing to do with his being the presi- president seems to have diminished aid office. dent according to Letsch, wbo also long before Lewinsky came into national security," Letsch said. Some people believe that im- adds that the media tends to go the picture. Jennings agreed. "Whatever he if it peachment would be going too far, overboard on most issues. "Presidents have been lying does outside his office and Who doesn't affect the nation. however. Dottie Jennings, pub Some defend the media's diffi- since Washington. He just got cares?" she said. manager, stated that we need to cult position, though. Nicki Kas- caught," said Glenn Wishner, a jun-
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