Page 96 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 96
Thursday. February 5, 1998 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Staff Megan's Mouth Staff Edltce-In-Chler Megan Martin speaks out on the not practical. When you are runrilng late for Editorial Kate Hampson '00 college's policy of charging a class or meeting, you cannot always take Man.agjng Editor residents for damages the time to stop, ask a person where they are The Phoenix offers advice on Emily Stamathis '00 going, and then follow them. Frankly, not credit card debt Advertising/Bu.sines.s Manager everyone wants to or likes to do that. Laura Ke1ley '01 Last semester, residents of Whiteford We should not have to do that. What has Credit cards are a very attractive Hall were faced with a problem: vandalism. happened to respect for other people's prop- prospect. They're small, they're light, News Editor and you don't have to carry wads of Christian Wilwohl '98 Three of the most memorable incidents af- erty, not to mention respect in general? Ev- fected the whole building. The first was the eryone, residents and nonresidents alike, cash. However, these friendly strips of A.ssi~tant News Editor cutting of the phone cord on the phone out- should respect the property of the dorm. It plastic are often a disaster waiting to Erin Howard '00 side Whiteford's main entrance. Next came is just that simple. happen, particularly for college students. Features Editor writing in one of the stairwells, followed by Maybe the solution is to require guests The false sense of security that credit Nikki Belanger '98 a fire-extinguisher being sprayed all over the to leave some form of identification at the cards provide can lure the holder into Assbtant Features Editor building. front desk. Other schools do this, so why spending ludicrous amounts of money. Nicki Kassoiis '99 Understandably, cleaning up after and can't we? I would not mind leaving my ID Many college students graduate with repairing these incidents costs money. Some- at the front desk of another dorm. It might large loans to pay back, and don't need Editorials EditOf's the added burden of credit card debt Adam Dean '98 one has to pay for this. If no one confesses, just cut down on trouble. Megan Martin '01 then the whole building gets charged. Of course, a measure like that or like clos- The Phoenix advises anyone intend- Art Editor Iam not trying to accuse anyone, but it is ing the building at a certain hour each night, ing to sign up for one of these "con- Mike Puskar '99 possible that residents are the vandals, just would not be needed if people were to re- sumer-friendly" spending aids to care- fully examine the small print. Don 't be Photographers NathanBirdsall'99 What has happened to respect/or other people's dazzled by the free gifts. Make sure you Jose (Juba) Siqueira '00 know what you are getting into. lessieWans'98 property, not to mention respect in general? Don't get a credit limit you can't af- ford to pay back if you get into debt, Senior Writers Carolyn D. Barnes '98 as it is possible that nonresidents are to spect each other's property. We are in col- and beware of high interest rates. If you Jonathon Shacar '98 blame. This leads to the issue of guests in lege, and you think we would be capable of do get into debt, the added interest can JenniferVick '98 the dorm. I am not against having guests that much. be crippling. Starr Writers over. It is wonderful to have a friend visit, Iunderstand that all residents are respon- Don't delay payments, and don't Richard Hamilton '99 and most of the guests are fine and do not sible for the common-areas. That is a rea- spend money you don't have. It's very Sarah Radice '01 Rich Simmons '99 bother anyone or anything. A few, however, sonable expectation. If someone sees a van- easy to hand the card over and not see Shawn Sprague '01 can spoil it for everyone. dal in action, they should, and are supposed the money it represents. Don't rely on Jessica Vermillion '01 Residents of the dorm are told to be re- to, report it to the ResidentAssistant or Resi- the company to keep you out of debt, lessieWans'98 sponsible for their guests. That includes es- dence Life Coordinator. their livelihood depends on you being Distribution corting guests at all times. Off campus guests If no one sees these things happen, they in it. Richard Hamilton '99 are supposed to be escorted everywhere on cannot be reported, and the residents are Also watch out for cards that are part RichSuchoski '00 campus, and guests in the dorm, on or off fined. Although this is understandable, the of your parents' account. They can lull Subscrip~ions campus visitors, are to be escorted through- college should not have to pay for the irre- you into an even greater sense of secu- Richard Hemitron '99 out the dorm itself. sponsibilities of others, it is not really fair. rity which could possibly end up bank- Adviser Despite this, it is common to see Nonresidents and residents of dorms rupting the entire family. TenyDalton unescorted guests roaming the halls. There should respect the cornmon property of oth- If you decide to get a card, make a are always nonresidents waiting outside the ers. Having respect for others is a great as- record of every transaction, so you know doors to the building, ready to dash in as soon set in life. exactly how much money you have as the door opens. Ifsomeone does happen to do something, spent. Often, they do not ask to be let in, they then they should confess and take responsi- While much of this advice is com- just walk right on in. More importantly, these bility for their actions. TIlls would make life mon sense, it's easy to get swept up in ThePlwenixispublishedruweekly. The people, on occasion, can be intimidating, easier for everyone in the long run. It would the exhilaration of the financial freedom opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- making a resident uncomfortable enough to also teach a valuable lesson: you cannot go credit cards bring. Don't go crazy when resent those of '171£ Phoeni.t staff, the fac- let them in uncontested. through your entire life without taking some you see thCi~ sale signs. and never for- ulty, or the administrators ofWMC. The official solution to this is to ask responsibility for your actions. Although, in get the money is real. You're the one where the person is going and then follow my experience as a Whiteford resident, this who will end up with the bill. The paperwelcorres free-lance submis- them to that location. Sometimes, this is just doesn't happen very often. sionson Macintosh disks in rmstword pro- cessorformats. The editor reserves the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to publish as spacx permits. All submissions ( self-addressed diskettes) become the property of nil! Phoenix and cannot be returned Please include a name and phone num- ber for verification. Names will be with- held only by the discretion of the Editor-in- QU,£, The Phoenix does not discriminate based on age, rece. religion, gender, sexual orien- tation, national origin, condition of handi- cap, or marital status. Mail to: The Phoenix WMC, 2 College Hill Westminster. r-..ID 21157 (.10)75 -8~'{) 1. R/..)- l5),eXl8600 FAX. (110) 8)7-1729 E-M'iil: phcenixwwndc.ecu
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