Page 102 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, February 5, 1998 ~ Page 10 SPORTS Student Research Women's basketball 12 from page Continued On Tuesday, 27, the women's January and Creativity Grants winning streak was cut short by Johns Hop- points. Haley again topped the Terror with 13 kins University by a score of 61-44. Johns Two days later, the women traveled to Hopkins scored the first six points of the Gallaudet University and again faced a loss for Spring 1998 game, and extended its lead to 37-21 at half- of 86-67. Haley was the only WMC player time. to reach double figures with 14 points, in- The deadline for applications for student research and creativity grants for Spring, The closest WMC came in the second cluding a lO-for-IO effort from the foul line. 1998 is February 27,1998. half was 40-32 with just under 12 minutes Ibex contributed eight points and seven re- To apply for an award, a student must have a WMC grade point average of3.2 and to play. bounds off the bench for the Terror. obtain the direct involvement or close sponsorship of a faculty member. The awards are competitive. Head Terror football coach The grants are intended to encourage special projects that complement students' major academic emphases; they are not intended to cover the normal expenses of a course. The project mayor may not be connected with a particular course. It may be a receives national title special studies outgrowth of a course. A grant may cover the cost of materials for such projects. It may cover travel ex- penses to libraries or special collections. These are merely examples; Dean Coley would Keating named Division III Coack of the Year like to see what kinds of creative proposals students may devise, in consultation with appropriate faculty. Head football coach Tim Keating has western Maryland used a suffocating Grants may range from $25 to $500. been named the 1997 Schutt Sports/Ameri- and fine spe- Applications are available in Dean Coley's office. can Football Quarterly Coach of the Year for defense, a productive offense its perfect regular cial teams play to fashion NCAA Division ill. season. Keating and the winners from the other The Green Terror finished third or better III in four defensive in Division FREE TAX HELP NCAA divisions (I, I-AA and II), the Na- topped the division in kickoff returns, categories, tional Association of Intercollegiate placed Athlet- the junior-college 10th in punt returns, ics (NAIA) and level up 29th in scoring receied their awards on January 5 from Julie over margin and wound tied for eighth in turn- president of Schutt Sports, FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low Nimmons, Terranova, publisher of American and offense. The 23rd head coach in Western Barry Moderate Income Taxpayers Football Quarterly, at the American Football Maryland's football history, Keating began Coaches Association convention in Dallas, his collegiate coaching career with two years Texas. as an assistant at Georgetown (D.C.) Uni- WHERE: Western Maryland COllege--Gold Room B "From top to bottom, these are truly the versity from 1978 to 1980. He then served a top [coaching] performances in college foot- two-year stint as an assistant at Depauw which during WHEN: ball in 1997," said Terranova. "From tradi- (Ind.) University, degree in physical time he reaching their back to reclaim educa- tional powers earned a master's Tuesday Thursday Saturday perches at the top, repeat performances and non. 1982 to 1986, Keating was an 7-9 pm 7-9 pm 12pm-3pm relative newcomers registering surprising of assistant From at the University of Pennsylvania, this group is truly representative success, February 17 February 19 February 21 the finest pedigree of teachers and coaches before concluding his assistant coaching as- February 24 February 26 February 28 in the game today." signments with two years at Rice (Iexas) March 3 March 5 March 7 Keating, in his fifth year at Western University. March 10 March 12 (Spring Break) Maryland, directed the Green Terror to a 10- Keating received a bachelor of arts March 24 March 26 March 28 o regular-season mark for only the third un- degree in communications from Bethany March 31 April 2 April 4 beaten and untied record in 103 seasons of (W.Va.) College in 1975. He is a native of April 7 April 9 April 11 football at the College. Amherst, N.Y., and is a graduate of Amherst The Green Terror won its first Centen- Central High School. Walk-ins welcome from February 17 • February 28 nial Conference ccq championship in 15 The other Coach of the Year winners By appointment only after February 28 years of competition, and made its first ap- are: Lloyd Carr of the University of Michi- pearance in the 34-year history of NCAA gan (NCAA Division 1); Paul Johnson of For more information and for an appointment, playoffs, losing 27-13 to Lycoming College Georgia Southern University (Division 1- call Michael Rockefeller at 410-751-8110 if you are off campus in a Division III first-round game. AA); Joe Glenn of the University of North- or 8110 if you are on campus. The outstanding season raised Keating's ern Colorado (Division 11); Carl Poelker of record at Western Maryland to 27-19-3 and McKendree (IlL) College (NAJA); and Spring Break begins 7pm March 13 his overall collegiate head coaching mark to Scotty Conley of Trinity Valley (Texas) Com- Classes resume March 23 53-42-3. Keating was 26-23 at Wesley (Del.) munity College (junior college). College from 1988 through 1992. Courtesy of Sports Information Classified Autos for Sale EARN Travel SPRING BREAK - Cancun and $750-$ 1500IWEEK Nassau from $399. Air, Hotel, SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Raise all the money your student Miami only $79 o.w. Transfers, Parties and More! Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. group needs by sponsoring a VISA Mexico/Caribbean or San Juan $200 Organize small group - earn FREE Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll Free Fundraiser on your campus. No r.t. Europe $179 c.w. Other world trips plus commissions! 1-800-218-9000 Ext. A-3327 for current investment & very little time needed. wide destinations cheap. Call 1-800-Spring Break listings. There's no obligation, so why not call ONLY TERRORISTS GET YOU 1-800-777-4642 for information today. THERE CHEAPER! Help Wanted Call 1-800-323-8454 x95. Air-Tech (212) 219-7000. *"'* Spring Break '98 Get Going!!! (800) 575 TECH. 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