Page 93 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Volume XVII, Number I Thursday, February 5, 1998 Accidents plague holiday season tim of a car accident in Prince car in which Trego was a passen- BY EMILY STAMATHIS George's County. ger hydroplaned on a puddle of Managing EdilQr Charlesworth was rushed to water and careened into a guard This year's winter break was Prince George's Medical Center, rail. The driver was not seriously marred by three severe car acci- and is now recovering at Univer- injured. dents involving WMC students. sity Hospital's Shock Trauma ward Trego was immediately taken to The first of the tragic events in Baltimore. Duke. Medical Center in Durham, occurred on December 13, just be- Less than a week later on De- NC, where sheremains in treatment fore finals week, when freshman cember 19, Martin Oswiecimka but is no longer in the Intensive Kimberly Charlesworth was a vic- was involved in a fatal automobile Care Unit. Oswiecimka, originally Within Phoenix accident. home from his job at Sears she underwent a week of the accident to from Westminster, was killed while surgeries three driving injuries. mend internal updated in Cranberry Mall in the early hours tal Zagorny, said that although Trego'sroommate,JuniorCrys- of Friday morning. According to Don Schumaker, weak, Trego is trying to keep in associate director of Public Infor- high spirits and be positive." JOSE (JUBA) SIQUEIRA BY ERIN HOWARD mation, the crash was truly an ac- There are plans to transport Students are often attracted to the free gifts offered by credit companies. Assislont News EdilOr Representatives are regularly seen at WMC enticing new card holders. cident, and didn't involve any other Trego from Duke Medical Center Major changes are being cars. Schumaker also stressed that 10 Johns Hopkins Hospital in Bal- made at The Phoenix, with a alcohol played no part in the crash. timore by the end of the week. Credit card debts new masthead and a new edi- Junior Cate Trego was severely However, she will be spending the tor-in-chief, it seem'S The Phoe- injured in a car accident on the rest of the Spring 1998 semester to trap college students in nix is gearing up for the 21st evening of January 16 while driv- recovery and plans to return century. ing home from North Carolina. The WMCnextfal1. The Phoenix's new editor- in-chief, sophomore Kate Guatemala tragedy raises BY JONATI.ON SHACAT ways, noted Kim Martins, a junior SeninrWriler commuter student at WMC. Hampson, is looking to con- intro- study abroad concerns tinue the changes that began For most students, college is a "When Igo to the bookstore and there are all these with the new masthead, time to learn something. And for buy something, in the bottom of the little papers duced last December, in an ef- some, the subject is debt. Not the bag," she said. These, of course, fort to further update The IIV CHRISTIAN WIl,WOHL in Guatemala are not limited to any debt you learn about in an econom- are credit card applications. Phoenix. "I want to get The News Editnr specific region of the world. "Ran- ics class, but credit card debt. Lots Once they have the cards, stu- Phoenix ready for the 21 st cen- dom acts of violence can happen of it. dents find that using them is as easy tury," said Hampson, who also The WMC community is surely anywhere at anytime," said Credit cards are easy to get, as saying "charge it." has plans for an online edition aware of the tragic rape and rob- Motard-Noar. ''There is no abso- easy to use, and - as many find "It's convenient," said Martins. which will be launched later in bery in Guatemala that recently af- lutely safe place." out the hard way - easy to abuse. _ the semester. Other superficial fected 13 students and three staff Motard-Noar said she will In fact, credit card debt can be an "I don't have to worry about going all the to the bank to get money changes, such as changing members from St. Mary's College. spend more time researching pro- enormous problem for college stu- time." fonts and moving the editorial Many may be wondering if this will grams in "unsafe" countries if any dents. For others, section further back in the pa- have any impact on WMC's Jan future students express a desire to "The credit card companies lure a piece of plastic it is easier to throw on the counter per, will be made as the semes- Term trips and study abroad pro- study there. you in," said Robert Watts, a than to give cold hard cash. ter progresses. "The paper had grams. Since WMC students study Towson University graduate of "It might be harder to pay $50 a pretty old fashioned look," In the late 1980's, WMC spon- abroad through other school's pro- 1995. than to use a credit card. You don't Hampson said. "We want to sored a series of Jan Term study grams, Motard-Noar said that if a He recalls when he got his first make it more modern." tours to Mexico and Guatemala school believes that living in acer- credit card. feel the effect as much," said Laura which were incident-free, said Dr. lain country may place students in Olsen, a junior at University of Continued on page 6 "I was walking through the Maryland, Baltimore County. Martine Motard-Noar, WMC's di- potentially harmful situations, then lobby of the student union and "When I pay cash I feel it." Abroad. rector of Studies would the pro- cancel Inside and students did not encounter any the school "This acts as an additional some guy yelled out 'Hey, you want remain A WMC junior who wishes to Likewise, SI. Mary's professors gram. Just fill this bar? a free Snickers said that alone anonymous safety-net," she added. problems during the college's three Traditionally, most WMC stu- form out." any college student point he had four cards and As most [3.1,,",14,1£11: previous anthropological study dents choose programs in Western would, he took the free food and "charged every credit card up to the max and even beyond." trips to the Central American coun- Europe, Australia, and Mexico; signed up for a Visa card. Megan's Mouth: Should dorm try. However, reports of rape, rob- however, in recent years a few stu- Credit card companies also tar- residents pay for damages made beries, and kidnappings involving dents have studied in Thailand and gel students in less conspicuous Continued on page 2 by their guests". rll U.S. citizens in Guatemala have Chile. Currently, three WMC stu- Do you have,., ilimtt:l••••• l .mi'I'4 :J increased in recent years, accord- dents are studying in Spain, En- A nose for news? ing to rbe State Department whlch gland, and Ireland, and several stu- has warned travelers to Guatemala dents have recently returned to Opinions to make -known? Wag the Dog: Jennifer Vick re- about such incidents. campus from college-sponsored views the movie which mirrors "The incident that occurred in trips to Europe and the Bahamas. A flair for design? the current White House scandal. Guatemala would affect my deci- Prior to all departures for a se- A head for business? sion to study abroad if I wanted to mester abroad, Motard-Noar ad- "mr.:.t;.rl.iI•••••• IIl'1l1 study in Latin American," said dresses cross-cultural awareness to THE PHOENIX NEEDS YOU tr sophomore Spanish minor Jason students. However, she stressed Wrestling: Teamwork makes for Valentine. "I'd feel safer going to there is no way to prepare students Come to the Phoenix general staff meetings a strong squad. Kevin Culley ex- Spain, which is less prone to such for the terrible incident that oc- Every Monday at 6:30 pm amines the role of second-string problems." curred in Guatemala. in the basement of Daniel MacLea wrestlers However, tragedies like the one
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