Page 36 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 36
Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 8 NEWS WMC Theatre presents Cabaret Blue Jeans Day heightens awareness of gay issues agreed that it was under-publi- liY KAn: HA,\U'SO~ cized. He said that there wasn't NewsEJi/m enough organization around the Blue jeans are the uniform of issue for people to know about most college students. For rea- it. Allies was supposed to have a sons of comfort, practicality and table set up in Decker Center on style they are probably the most the day but it didn't happen. common item of clothing on cam- Another activity that Allies pus. However, on Thursday, Oc- has been involved in recently is tober 10, it meant something the setting up of "safe zones" more to wear these pants. This around the campus. Stickers have day was designated "Blue Jeans been made available to put up in Day" by gay and lesbian support offices and rooms around cam- groups. Students were asked 10 pus to allocate these places as wear blue jeans to show their sup- zones. port for gay rights. Baylor explained that the pur- Dr. Tim Baylor, the co-advi- pose of the sticker is twofold. sor for Allies, the gay and lesbian Firstly it "sends a message to gay, group on campus, explained that lesbian and bisexual students that the intention of the day was this person is someone you can "to raise the issue of gay and les- go 10 where you can be sure that bian rights on campus because as you will not receive outright con- lOSE (lUBA) SIQUEIRA a minority group their issues and demnation." The other function With only afew weeks left until opening night, the cast afCabaret sings and dances its way through rehearsal. concerns are often overlooked." of the sticker is to make a state- falls in love with Cliff (Mark The musical production of Some students criticized the ment against discrimination. The Resch), an American from Pennsyl- Cabaret was written by 10n van choice of blue jeans as too com- sticker "lets people know that vania. Ed Millener performs the Druten, and is based on the stories mon a piece of clothing to make you don't support their preju- WMC theatre will take audi- part of Schultz, a Jewish store of Christopher Isherwood. It was ences back to 1930's Berlin this owner in his fifties. Schneider (Kim first performed in 1966, and re- November with its production of Hill) is Cliff's landlady as well as cently revived in the late eighties. ...By consciously making the choice not the musical Cabaret. Schultz's lover. The actors, director, and stage to wear blue jeans, "their prejudice is At this time, economic depres- The play is directed by Eliza- crew of WMC theatre have been sion is taking hold of Germany. The beth van den Berg, who has di- diligently rehearsing for well over made manifest. " general attitude has gone from rected two prior plays at WMC. a month in preparation for opening unity and tranquility to anger and The cast has great things to say night. They, as are many members Tim Baylor hopelessness. Seeing this political about the upcoming performance. of the WMC community, are ea- and emotional unbalance, the Nazi "Cabaret is the first realistic musi- gerly waiting for the production of a statement. Sophomore Emily dices," Baylor said. regime realizes its opportunity and cal I've done," said Milliner, a se- Cabaret to begin. Murphey said that it was a "nice Safe zone stickers are avail- successfully attempts to gain nior. He also stated that the play The musical will be performed idea but they should have chosen able from the College Activities power. "requires acting, singing, and danc- in Alumni Hall on November 14, something more noticeable, a col- Office. Most of the action of the musi- ing," a lot for one performer to 15, 16 and then again on Novem- ored shirt or something." Allies is an organization which cal takes place at the Kit Kat Club. master. ber 20, 21 and 22. There will also Dr. Baylor explained that offers a "safe and supportive en- Berliners come to the club to get "Music and acting are my two be a post-show of songs and skits wearing something unusual or vironment for gay, lesbian and bi- away from the harsh world outside, favorite things in this world, and on Saturday, November IS, directly odd would identify supporters but sexual students and faculty," ac- and see lively singing and dancing. this play gives me the opportunity following the show. would not make people face their cording to Baylor. They try to Megan Townsend plays Sally, to bring them together," Townsend prejudices. He said that a lot of maintain some level of confiden- the lead performer at the club. Sally explained. students feel that there is not tiality, as there are some students much discrimination on campus who are not ready to "come out" Budget surplus allocated throughout campus but by consciously making the to the campus. As Baylor ex- choice not to wear blue jeans plained, these are often the stu- Continued from page I "their prejudice is made mani- dents who need the most support freshman class meant that much of order to make some double rooms has gone towards early retirement fest." so it is important that the are able the extra revenue had to be spent into triples. benefits for faculty members. Ac- The purpose of Blue Jeans to maintain their anonymity. on accommodating all the new stu- Part of the money was spent on cording to Seidel, this amount of Day was "to get people to think Other students who are "out" dents. utilities, electric and gas bills. The $154,000 is canceled out in the long about the issue [of gay rights], not are able to use the group as a me- More students obviously means committee did not originally bud- run by the.savings made from the to give a false impression of the dium to raise awareness of gay that there are more mouths to feed. get enough to cover these expenses, lower salary of the younger, less level of support," he said. How- rights and to educate the campus. Therefore $15,000 was allocated as they underestimated the amount experienced faculty member who ever, he further explained that a Through Allies they are able to for food service expenses. that rates would rise. Therefore this would replace the retiree. This in- lot of people were not prepared confront the stereotypes that Housing is another area which expense of $177,000 was covered vestment benefits both the faculty to be associated with gay rights. people have. Baylor explained received much of the additional by the extra money. and the college, Seidel explained. "They chose to make a statement that it is important that people do money. The committee put $60,000 was allocated for a tu- Faculty members are rewarded for by nor wearing blue jeans" he "come out" because unless homo- $223,000 towards accommodating said. sexuals arc willing to be out, the new students. Four Pennsylva- Housing is another area which received One of the problems with the "people will define who they are, niaAvenue houses were renovated event was that many students often in a very, very negative to make them suitable for students. much of the additional money. The were not made aware of what the" way." Seidel explained that 35 sets of fur- committee put $223,000 towards day was about or even that the niture had to be bought for these event was taking place. Baylor See Adam Dean 'editorial-page 5 houses and that they also had to be accommodating the new students. upgraded to meet all code require- ous departments, and made it pos- hours. Another benefit to the col- ments. For example, the water ser- ilion exchange program. A number their long years of service, and their sible for buildings to be painted. lege will be a shuttle service to vice had to be changed as more of colleges participate in this replacements bring new, fresh ideas The registrar's office was reno- Owings Mills metro which is be- pressure was needed for fire sprin- scheme which allows the child of to the college. vated at a cost of $10,000, some- ing paid for out of these funds. klers. an employee of one college to go Many smaller amounts of thing that has been on the list for a Seidel said that a lot of the Several residence halls were to one of the other schools in the money were also allocated. The long time, said SeideL things that the money was spent on renovated over the summer, but.the group at a reduced rate. Seidel additional revenue bought, among Increased access to the com- were onetime expenses. Next year, cost of this was accounted for in pointed out that although it sounds other things: Hill Hall furniture, puter labs was another issue re- however, there will be a lot of ex- the original budget. However, the like a lot of money, this amount curtains for Big Baker Chapel, a solved with the money. $12,000 penses involved with the new sci- additional revenue was used to buy only covers the fees of about four big-screen television, and bicycles was put towards paying lab aides ence building which will take up a twenty new sets of furniture for students. for Campus Safety. The money also and to buying more supplies so the great part of any additional rev- both Whiteford and Rouzer halls in Another portion of the money paid for new equipment for vari- labs can staying open for longer
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