Page 31 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 31
COMMENTARY' Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 3 HEY. MAN FROM GLAR5! MINE'S 50 RAW IT AIN'T EVEN A CHICKEN YET! THE Englar Dining Hall: Garbage, Not Gourmet! "MEET RUFUS" I lenifer Sirkis I CONTEST Englar Dining Hall is sup- mendalion that students have is the students. flying posed 10 be a place where stu- that they should no t be re- Students also feel that their sects but I have around never the dining this seen hall, dents can enjoy high-quality, stricted to eat in only the din- opinions. when voiced, are not fly-infested food replaced. decent-tasting meals at Western ing hall. heard. Students have also com- Maryland College. Unfortu- Many other colleges and uni- Since the first week of plained about finding human nately, the dining hall falls short versities have options where school no changes in the menu hairs and other foreign objects when meeting these expecta- student's meal plans are calcu- have been made except that in their food. tions. chicken sandwiches have been If this is the case, the staff Students find that Glar food dinner to the daily lacks taste and variety, and that "The problem is that added Moreover, questionable menu. of the dining hall needs to be in preparing more conscientious the cooking and cleanliness the same food is cooking and cleaning proce- and serving the food. procedures are less than desir- dures make students wonder The dining hall services at able. served every lunch about the quality of the food Western Maryland College are Students arc very displeased period, every single not with Glar, and changes need to theyeat. reports that sev- definitely community. satisfying the college One student be implemented now before day." eral "winged" insects can be their dissatisfaction becomes In making efforts to improve HAVE A FUNNY, liTTLE worse. lated into flex dollars where seen flying on and around the their services, the dining hall needs food. On any given day during students can go to anyone of a to obtain the opinions of the Stu- STORY ABOUT WMC? lunch, students will find grilled variety of food concessions or The dining hall staff insists dents and heed them. WANT TO WRITE SOME- surround- the kitchen cheese sandwiches, french fries, restaurants to eat. that facilities are and sprayed for The food committee meetings THING SATIRICAL ON ing salads, deli meals, hamburgers, Students at Western Mary- insects on a regular basis. must be held on a regular basis each COllEGE? WEll, pizza, and hoi dogs. land should be allowed to sub- week, and the opinions of the stu- HERE'S YOUR CHANCEl The problem is that the same stitute their dining: hall meals " Students have also dents, who are forced to eat their food is served every lunch pe- for food at the Pub and Grille. every meal at Glar, need to be taken WRITE A :3 OR 4 PANEL riod, every single day. where the food is much more complained about into consideration. COMIC STRIP SCRIPT Students find that they get desirable. In addition, cleanliness needs to STARRING RUFUS THE sick and tired of being forced to In addition, other food ven- finding human hairs be maintained. During meals, the BOBCAT (YOU CREATE eat the same variety of foods ues should be added. This and other foreign food should be regularly inspected HIS PERSONALITY), day after day. would give the students more for insects, and workers need 10 How many hot dogs or slices choices and a better variety of objects in their carefully prepare the food. AND IT COULD BE FEA- of pizza that are lacking in taste food. food." If these conditions are im- TURED IN A FUTURE can one person eat before it be- To its credit, the dining hall proved, I feel that students will be ISSUE OF THE PHOENIX, comes monotonous? staff holds food committee They also slated that if this satisfied with their dining experi- IllUSTRATION COUR- The dining hall needs to add meetings every so often during matter had been brought to their ences atGlar. more entrees and provide a va- the course of the semester. attention, the old food would TESY OF ART EDITOR riety of choices each day of the However. some students feel have been removed and new MIKE PUSKAR. week. that the dining hall formed this food brought OUI. lenifer Sirkis is a freshman West- Prizes will be determined from In addition, another recom- committee mainly to appease I have often seen these in- ern Maryland student ssue to issue.
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