Page 35 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 35
NEW S Wenner- Wingate lecturer digs into the subject of gardens Today's garden holds lots of She will present her findings at ecurive director since 1992, also is tomatoes, squash and cucumbers. Western Maryland College's 1997 president of the Coalition for Mary- For early Americans, the garden Wenner- Wingate Memorial Lec- land History and Culture, Inc., an was much larger and was a place ture on the History of Literature and organization representing the hu- for entertainment, Sport or even Sport on Thursday, Oct. 30, at 8 manities council, as well as the political argument p.m., in McDaniel Lounge. Maryland State Archives, Mary- Instead of a pumpkin patch, Her particular interest is in the land Historical Society, Preserva- gentlemen and ladies volleyed use of the garden as a setting for tion Maryland, and the Maryland shuttlecocks and news of the day social and political activities, as Division of Historical and Cultural in their gardens, according to Bar- well as symbols of thought and be- Programs. bara Wells Sarudy, Executive Di- lief. Before moving to Maryland in rector of the Maryland Humanities The lecture, "Sports and Other 1981, she directed a North Caro- JOSE (JUliA) SIQUEIRA Council, who is currently research- Festivities in the 18th Century Gar- lina agency providing inpatient and Sodexlw has been serving food in Giar since 1987 when il bought 011/ ing the uses of American gardens dens of the Chesapeake," is free outpatient care for emotionally dis- Seiler's. NoH' the company has merged with the Marriott Corporation during the 17th, 18th and 19th cen- and open to the public. turbed children and their families, Sodexho food service ruries. Ms. Sarudy, the _Council's ex- and juvenile offenders. The lecture series, which started in 1990, was created through a be- merges with Marriott quest from Evelyn Wingate Wenner who died in [989. Dr. Wenner, a tent. Roloff mentioned that BY CIIRISTIAN WILWOHL WMC English professor from 1931 N~w.IEdilnr Sodexho has a similar computer to 1967, wanted to memorialize her program, but Marriott's is more ef- late husband, C. Malcolm Wenner Sodexho, WMC's provider of ficient. Jr., and her late brother W. Wilson dining services, recently merged Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice president Wingate. Mr. Wenner, a retired rail- with Marriott's food service divi- of administration and finance, road official, was extremely sup- sion. According to Account Opera- voiced a concern about the merger. portive of WMC students and his tions Manager Mary Roloff, Pierre He explained that the union be- wife's research on literature. Mr. Bellon, the French founder of tween Sodexho and Marriott will Wingate, a 1918 graduate of the Sodexho, has reached his goal of offer employees a greater chance College, was a distinguished Bal- making the company the largest of moving within the company. timore sportswriter in the 1920's food service contractor in the He commented that the college has and 1930's and is even credited world. a "good rapport with [Sodexho's] with coining the Green Terror nick- Roloff explained that the com- current management team." The name for the WMC athletic teams pany now has over 4,800 clients management team and employees Ever Get A Pal Smashed? when he used it in a story about the and 100,000 employees in North are accessible to students administra- and work America. squad football well with the college's Don't drink and drive this homecoming. Courtesy of Public Information Despite its size, Roloff stressed tion, said Seidel. that "Sodexho is still the same com- Roloff agreed with Seidel. She Campus Safety Blotter pany and still is the same people." commented that the merger offers said Roloff the merger that and staff more op- the management changes" "no major cause should in the existing dining services. She portunities for growth and advance- -On 9/27 at I: 17 a.m. in mented for an alcohol violation. -On 1016 at 6:25 a.m. in PELC explained that Sodexho will have menr. She further explained that Blanche Ward a student was docu- -On 10/4 at 12:53 a.m. in Rou- DoCS paramedic assists employees access to more resources that will the college and Sodexho have the mented for an alcohol violation. zer DoCS discovered a discharged and transported them to CCGH. strengthen the company's market- same goal of serving the students -On 9/27 at I :20 a.m. in fire extinguisher. -On 1017 at II :45 p.m. in and that she is always interested in Blanche Ward a student was docu- -On 10/4 at 10:00 a.m. in Daniel Whiteford EMT assists and treats ing and products. Roloff said that student feedback about the food For instance, mented for an alcohol violation. McLea DoCS responds to a call for student. The student was trans- promotions like "Beach Night" will program. "We see the program -On 9127 at 10:58 a.m. in Englar an injured student. The student was ported by ambulance to CCGH. everyday. Something new and Dining Hall a DoCS emergency transported to CCGH. -On 10/8 at 7: 10 a.m. in PA improve with more diverse food fresh from students is helpful," medical technician (EMT) treats an -On 10/4 at 4:18 p.m. at DoCS houses a student reports harass- and the possibility of better prizes. Roloff said. Roloff does expect that Marriott employee. student complaining of pain, assis- ment by phonemail. and Sodexho will "take the best of According to Seidel, Westem ·On 9/28 at I:05 a.m. in tance provided. -On 10/9 at I :54 p.m. in Gi1110t Maryland provided its own dining Blanche Ward a student reported a student reports items stolen from both worlds and implement them." services until 1980 when the col- damage to his door. his auto. She explained that Sodexho will lege sought outside management -On 9/28 at II :30 p.m. in most likely adopt Mamou's com- and contracted with Mamou. Af- McDaniel a student reports be- -On 10110 at 3: II p.m. in puter program for recipe food pro- ter a few years, the college then ing harassed by phone. items stolen from his auto. duction control. contracted with Seiler's which -On 9129 at 2:30 p.m. in The program computes recipes Sodexho bought in 1987. Decker two nonaffilated -On 10/11 at 1:40 a.m. in based upon the products Marriott Seidel said that the food service docu- DoCS McDaniel persons steal software ments a student for purchases and the number of contracting industry is very com- from the bookstore. noise violations. people Marriott plans to serve. The petitive and that several companies Campus police arrest one recipe contains a breakdown of an contact the college every year seek- -On 10/14 at entree's caloric and nutritional con- ing contracts 8:00 a.m. in Hill an em- Blanche Ward a student reports A. s. A. P. a DoCS EMT treats an employee. Square a theft of keys which had been left -On 1011 at 12:05 a.m. in Rou- student was documented for an al- in the door. zer students were documented for cohol violation. -On 10116 at 12: 14 a.m. in proscriptions of conduct. -On lOIS at 5:03 p.m. at prac- Whiteford DoCS treats a student TH~U.S. SP~NUSJUSTSlTU PR~V~NT ·On lOll at II :00 p.m. in Rou- tice fields a DoCS EMT treats an with bums. zer student reports' destruction of injured student. ·On 10116 at 11:29 a.m. in of drug S~XUAlLYTRANSMIlUU IllN~SS~S fUR property. -On lOIS at 4:28 p.m. at DoCS Whiteford DoCS and Residence -On 10/3 at 11:43 p.m. exterior a DoCS EMT treats an injured stu- Life investigate a report of Baker Chapel retrieved a multi- dent. use. Westminster police assist. leader container of alcohol. -On 10/6 at 12: II a.m. at DoCS Alcohol violations are cited, and ~V~RYS43 SP~NTTR~AIIN6TH~M. -On 10/4 at 12:50 a.m. in student complaining of pain, but possible drug incident is investi- Blanche Ward a student was docu- declines DoCS assistance. gated.
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