Page 41 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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-1 - 9' 9 - 7- HOMECOM ING Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 13 Alumna of the Year remains a leader on and off campus As a member of the Carroll a mother of two young Children, it and new school planning. In July, County Board of Education, a was nice 10 interact with other she was appointed to a Governor's member of the Governor's Profes- adults," she recalls. The program task force overseeing standards for sional Standards and Teacher Edu- spawned an interest in photography teacher education and training. cation Board, a Western Maryland for Scott. Often using her own chil- "With overcrowding and society's College Trustee, a WMC Regional dren as subjects, she learned to take problems at large, we ask so much Campaign Chair, and a Founder of and develop her own photographs of our teachers. It is our responsi- the Loaves and Fishes Soup and even had her own darkroom. bility to ensure they are prepared Kitchen of Westminster; this year's She also wrote a children's play for the difficult task before them," alumna of the year is quite busy. about dental hygiene, "The Terrible she says. This impressive list represents Tooth Tip," which she hopes to one Scott also has recently spon- only the volunteer activities of day see performed in local elemen- sored a character-building initiative Carolyn Seaman Scon. '67, MLA tary schools. Add yet another item for Carroll County Schools that will '76, this year's WMC Alumna of to her unending list of projects. help teach students problem-solv- the Year recipient. In her "free It was her love for children _ ing and positive decision-making time" she also is deeply involved as weI! as a nagging few seconds ski!ls. with developing a residential retire- of spare time - that drove her to Carroll County has an excellent ment community in Manchester. run for the Carroll County Board education system. We are leaders, What most would consider ex- of Education ten years ago. and we should all lake pride in traordinary contributions, Scott "I was reading the newspaper that," says Scott. humbly considers her personal re- and saw that there were two open She is quite proud of the role sponsibility to her community. "I seats on the school board, but only her alma mater has played in en- have always felt it important to one person had filed to run. This hancing the quality of education in volunteer. People need to take time was just too important to be over- Carroll County. Carolyn Seaman Scott, '67, MLA '76, is this years recipient of the to serve," she says matter offactly. looked. My children were in high "WMC is an integral and essen- Alumna of 'he Year Award. A resident of Carroll County, she works to In fact, Scott has always seemed school, and I had some free time, foster continued financial support for WMC programs. to have an inclination for hard so I decided to run," she explains. tial part of the community here. Our raising, which is very easy for me. unteer fund-raiser, Sports Hall of by the culture, lives are enriched work, As an English major at WMC True to form, however, this would attitude and education a college of If you live in our county, have chil- Fame Committee Member, and she recalls taking great pleasure in not be an easy decision for Scott to WMC's caliber brings. dren enrolled in school here or Undergraduate Relations Commit- composing lengthy papers and carry out. WMC has forged an invaluable work for one of the hundreds of tee Member, the college honored studying grammar - those things It was December when she read partnership with the Carroll County companies here, then WMC has her with its Meritorious Service that have been known to make the article, and the filing deadline School system providing well- had an impact on your life," she Award in 1987 and, this year, with more than a few students cringe. was January. She would have less trained student teachers, hosting says, The Scous will be working her induction into its chapter of Phi After graduation, she put her than a month to pull a committee high school graduations, working to foster continued financial sup- WMC education to use in Califor- together and organize her cam- with community colleges, and port for WMC programs from Beta Kappa. from her busy To unwind nia as a copy-editor for publisher paign. lending the expertise of its faculty alumni and local businesses. schedule, Scott relaxes at her farm McGraw Hill, Her roots remained With little time to prepare, she and staff," she says. For her continued dedication to and vineyard near Frizellburg in Westminster, however, and she drew upon her extensive volunteer WMC is equally proud of Scott WMC, which in addition to cur- enjoy returned several years later to be experience and contacts and is to- and recently appointed her and her rent appointments as Regional where she and her husband Perhaps making their own wine. among the first class in WMC's day serving her second term as an husband Bob Scott '66 co-chairs of Campaign Chair and Trustee have classmates will get a taste at the newly developed Master's of Lib- active board member. the Carroll County Regional Cam- included terms as Alumni Associa- upcoming 30th reunion! eral Arts program. Scott has taken on such difficult paign for Maryland. tion President, Class Chairman of "Every class was fascinating and sensitive issues as school over- "Basically, I am the spokesper- the Annual Fund, Campaign vol- and thoroughly interesting, and as crowding, curriculum development son for the college in regional fund Courtesy of Public Information '91 grad accounts for Young Alumna Service Award She is a manager for a Big Six ac- No n1atter what goal you decide to family in Towson, including sister counting finn, but Danielle Trent pursue, they prepare you to attain it," Jennifer Trent Brauer '94, and to help Zeyher is not a product of Harvard she says. our her alma mater. Business School or some other large It was Milstein who helped her Zeyher has been Chair of the university. Instead, she credits a small secure her first job after graduation Young Alumni Affairs Committee for liberal arts college on the Hill in at Washington, D.C, finn Bond Bee the Board of Governors for over a Westminster, Maryland and account- Bee. It was Zeyher's own drive and year. She plans events for alumni ing professor Susan Milstein for her skill, however, that led to her rapid who have graduated within the last unusual success. rise to success. Just three years after ten years to keep them involved at Though she is a minority among WMC. Activities have included ski her co-workers - most of whom "A Liberal Arts trips, family picnics, sports outings. were recruited from large, prestigious program gives you a and a facultylalumni bowling party. business schools - the 1991 gradu- ''WMC holds so many special ate and Young Alumna Service wealth of experiences memories for me. It's such a small Award winner is proud of her WMC and opportunities. Our campus that you get to know a Jot of training and says it has served her people and develop close-knit rela- well. '1 loved my four years at WMC. graduates are well tionships," she says. That certainly My education may not be typical of rounded. " was the case for her and Matt Zeyher, what you would find in a large ac- a fellow [991 classmate who she met counting finn, but, in many ways, I Danielle Treflt Zeyher during her junior year and married a am better prepared. A liberal arts pro- year after graduation in Baker Me- gram gives you a wealth of experi- joining Bond Bee Bee, she was hired morial Chapel. ences and opportunities. OUf gradu- as a senior accountant by the presti- Zeyher has remained in contact ates are well rounded," Zeyher points gious Del.oitte & Touche. A short with many of her WMC classmates, out. time later, she was promoted to a like fanner roommate Carolyn Dahl Even at WMC, an accounting manager at the firm. She also is a lngrahm. In fact, she says, she has specialty is somewhat unusual, says member of the American Institute of recruited many of them to assist with PHOTO COURTIlSY OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Zeyher, who double majored in Busi- Certified PublicAccountants and the her Young Alumni Affairs Cornrnir. ness Administration and Economics. Virginia Society of CPAs. tee projects. Recently, she returned Danielle Trent Zeyher credits her success as a manager for a Big Six "My first semester, I happened to The only drawback to the fast to the Hill to observe a Baltimore accounting firm to her small liberal arts education at WMC. As Chair take an accounting course with Su- track, Zeyher says, is that she doesn't Ravens football practice - and, she of the Young Alumni Affairs Committee she has recruited many former san Milstein, and I enjoyed it so much get much time to herself. "I'm usu- admits, to do a little reminiscing. WMC classmates to committee projects, including ski trips, family that I decided to take more. That's ally working," she says. Still, she picnics, and sports outings. what is so wonderful about WMC. manages to make time to visit her Courtesy of Public Information
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