Page 39 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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-1 -9- 9 - 7- HOME COM ING Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 11 60 Seconds Homecoming: Past and Present homecoming. Homeff, "the cam- dents can often learn about what Where will you be and what will you BV NIKKI BELANCER pus mother," looks forward to see- WMC was like and alumni can S~lIi()rWriler learn how college be doing 100 days after graduation? "Comes now WMC. to the fore, ing her children coming back. of the older alumni life is now. Many "My lime as a student was short. are curious humbly but proudly, with her [Homecoming] means more now," about coed dorms. They want to splendid new athletic Field ~finest Horneffsaid. know what that's like," Russell RV J~:SSE WATIS and most up-to-date in this part of Homecoming seems to be one said. PIWIO/irG/,I!erlSlOjfWrilcl the country." of those times people just don't for- Homecoming has always been It was 1921. Western Maryland get. Frank (Bud) Brown of the class held in October or November and College had a new reason to be of 1937 stil! remembers being the includes a parade in the morning up "J hope to be in proud. According to the 1922 drum major during his Main Street. The parade displays in 1934. Some alumni graduate school at Aloha, the college yearbook, field, the homecoming have memories of floats made generally by Greek and college had a new athletic student not and is led by organizations may either Yale or Hoffa Field, with a "ta-foot quar- the ROTC flag u'}it. Floats used to ter mile Running Track, and a hun- "My time as a be much grander with many more Georgetown. " dred yard Straightaway, a 200-foot students participating, according to Brian Bourne '99 Grandstand." student was short. Russell. ' During the 1922 football sea- activities is the Among halftime Political Science/Art son, the second home game at the [Homecoming] "100 days" photo of the class that HistorylHistory new Hoffa Field was "attended by means more now. has graduated the previous spring. alumni and friends from Baltimore, Every year members of the class Washington, and other nearby cit- Barb Horneff assemble around the caboose to ies," according to the Aloha. celebrate their first "100 days" out The first time an actual homecoming, though. There was at of college. One of the members of homecoming game is mentioned is least one time in WMC history this class, Bill Dupont, plans on re- "J hope to God I'll be teaching. " during the 1924 football season. when homecoming was not cel- turning for his "first official Gail Taylor '98 "The Home-Coming game was ebrated. Donna Sellman, director homecoming" as an alumni. While with St. John's College. our ancient of alumni affairs, remembers that PsychologylEducation he frequently sees many of his rival and was played before the during her senior year, in 1944, former classmates around town, largest crowd that has ever attended there was no homecoming because Dupont said it will be "nice to see a football fracas on College Hill." the men were fighting in World War friends who live out of town." Of course, WMC won 13 to O. II. so there was no football season. Many students also stated that This continued through 1945 and seeing old friends is an important "J will be coaching The First time an possibly 1946, because the next part of homecoming. "I get to see gymnastics and actual homecoming mention of homecoming in the all of my friends 1 haven't seen for is in 1947. yearbook hopefully have a job game is mentioned is Alumni activities surround- a whole year. It's a good time," Kittie Del.uca, a sophomore, said. One of the "lost traditions" as a director at the during the 1924 homecoming coming day with 300 to 400 homecoming was the dance for stu- of back alumni for the re- YMCA." football season ... unions during that weekend. dents on homecoming night. Ac- Heather O'Brien '98 Of course, WMC Russell begins working six to nine cording to Dr. Samuel Case, who prior to the event with dif- was a student at WMC months from 1959 Exercise SciencelPhysi- ferent class committees. Beginning until 1963. the homecoming dance cal Education won 13 to O. on homecoming day is the picnic was one of the four major dances a on Harrison House lawn. Most year put on by one of the fraterni- And that was the beginning of classes plan a Saturday night party ties. Held in Gill gym, it was one homecoming at WMC, at least ac- and some celebrate all weekend of the only times the curfew was cording to the story told through long. The only event the college extended for girls, until I :00 am. "I hope to be the volumes of the Aloha. sponsors is the wine and cheese fes- Dr. James Lightner of the class But what does homecoming tival at President Chambers's house writing for a mean now, 73 years later? And for the class celebrating their 25th The homecoming it be defined magazine or how would class, who may for the reunion. which is the class of 1972 game ... was played only freshman this year .. newspaper in know about their high school Some classes, such as the class homecomings? of 1992, plan happy hours at the before the largest entertainment and/ "It's a weekend when there's places around town where they crowd that has ever or editorials. " going to be a lot of people here," hung out as students. Russell is said freshman, Anne Butler, She among the alumni celebrating their attended a football John Jenkins '99 did say that homecoming has some 10th class reunion this year who fracas on College Communication meaning for her because her sister will be having a reunion dinner at met her future husband at her col- the WMC dining porch. Hill. " Homecoming wasn 'I always the "J hope I'm dead." lege homecoming. through the year's time for class reunions. There are Aloha, 1924 Although Todd Hutchison '98 homecoming at WMC has had rumors that the class of 1967 had many different traditions, the focus their five year reunion during of 1958 also remembers the dance. has always been on alumni com- homecoming of 1972 because they Besides marching in the parade as ing home to their college. were more interested in coming a band member, he also helped with "It's a time for alumni to come back for homecoming instead of lighting at the dance. "I'd like to be at back and celebrate their ties to the alumni weekend. They brought "The homecoming court used to college," said Laura Russell, asso- said. fohns Hopkins ciate director for reunion programs. their picnic lunches to Hoffa Field be strictly women," Lightner a bouquet and the rest is, well, history The queen would present getting my Barb Homeff, associate dean Theother focus of homecoming of mums to the president's wife for first-year students, cites "recon- is the football game. In the after- during half time and the president chemistry degree. " necting with family ties" as the noon, thousands of people crowd would crown the queen at the now, "It's different Cecy Sanchez '98 most important aspect of around Scott S. Blair stadium to dance. oriented much around alumni," homecoming more in action. 10 her. She was a SIU- watch the Green Tenors Biology dent at WMCduring the 1960's and Sororities and fraternities tailgate Lightner said. remembers dressing for around the game. Many people In the 1925 Aloha, the writer homecoming in a green plaid skirt, gather in the same area each year, describes the first homecoming as knee socks, a turtleneck, and hoping to see friends and faculty "resplendent with thrills from start sweater. But it's "the warmth, the they remember from their college to Finish." Maybe that's the one electricity of family being around" days. It's also an opportunity for tradition and meaning that will that is the true meaning of students and alumni to meet. Stu- never change.
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