Page 34 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 34
Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 6 NEWS Jewish Student Union donates food given Compact discs up for Yom Kippur to local soup kitchen now being sold at Bookstore BY EMILY STAMATHIS While many students packed their bags Assistant News Editor and headed for a home cooked meal for Fall Break, Jewish students at WMC began their The new selection of compact discs be- traditional fasting for Yom Kippur with an ing sold in the WMC Bookstore are proving additional twist. The meals they forfeited for to be music to students' ears. the holiday were collected for a food drive Twenty CDs were sold within the first for the needy, three hours that the bookstore opened on The Jewish Student Union organized ef- October 1, according to Bookstore Manager forts with the cooperation of Englar Dining Thor Johnson. He said the response has been Hall to donate the meals to a Westminster "outstanding. " soup kitchen, explained Allison Silverblatt, The selection of music, which includes senior biology major. titles by everyone from Mariah Carey to "In place of what we would have eaten," Radiohead to Pavement, comes to WMC as bagged lunches were prepared and donated part of Barnes and Noble Bookstores. from the students' meal plans, Silverblatt Over the past few years the bookstore had said. "Glar was very nice to make up the attempted to sell older, "bargain bin" CDs meals." There were nineteen participants with much less success. total and "everyone we called responded," The new discs cost from 50 cents to $1.00 resulting in 56 meals, she added. more than they would in average retail stores, Yom Kippur is a day of atonement in the according to Johnson, with prices ranging the food drive. The students collected Jewish faith, and it is the "only day of the JSU member Renata Vesnovsky prepares/or it to a Westminster soup kitchen. the food from approximately $1110 $16. they would have eaten in Glar and donated year when you can pray for yourself," said "It's the same thing you can get in the Silverblatt. Fasting is not part of the atone- psychology major, explained that her former tion of the traditional apples and honey in mall, without the drive," Johnson said. ment, but it is done because food is believed synagogue would have "drives around the Ensor Lounge. Apples are round like the year CDs are chosen for the bookstore based to distract from the prayers and focus of the holiday times." Silverblatt and Corto also and honey is sweet, and together they sym- on charts, so the bestselling titles from a va- day. 11is in this spirit that Jewish people forgo said that their synagogues at home partici- bolize the anticipation of a prosperous year. riety of different genres of music are being food and drink from sundown to sundown pate in some sort of food donation. Vesnovsky explained that Rosh Hashanah is sold. once a year. The JSU is a fairly new organization to a major event for the group, but Passover Due to lack of space, there are no plans "I thought it was a good idea," explained WMC, as it's been in existence for only 3-4 Dinner is still the largest event the group to expand and include a larger selection of Heather COriO, junior sociology major and years. Although only 22 people are active sponsors. music, but every two weeks new titles are JSU member. "I wasn't eating and someone in the JSU, "the numbers have increased" While the food drive was a new event for added and the most popular ones are re- who normally doesn't [eat], got to," she said. from a year ago, said Renata vesnovsky, a the JSU, it is one they "plan on continuing," stocked. While giving food on Yom Kippur isn't sophomore biology major. Vesnovskyasserted. The drive "gives food officially part of the Jewish holiday, many The group sponsors many activities on to people who ordinarily don't have it," synagogues donate to local soup kitchens campus. It rang in the Jewish new year, Rosh Dobres said. "I'd like to see it done in the during this time Stacy Dobres, sophomore Hashanah, in early October with a cerebra- future." Shuttle to run Husband and wife art exhibition to Owings Mills displayed in Peterson Hall Gallery Metro Station Cynthia Baush and Rennie Blalock are Baush's drawings, large scale pastel husband and wife and they each like to ex- nudes in symbolic narratives, focus on the BY JONAl'HON SIiACAl' press the link between life and death through Senior writer interconnectedness of all tife and especially art. But they do it in very different ways. speaks to issues of eroticism, birth and death. A shuttle bus service to and from the While she uses canvas, he chooses bone, Blalock's found object assemblages are Owings Mills metro station is to be of- fur, shells and other objects found in nature. inspired by African art, specifically the ani- fered to the college community on Satur- Their work is being featured together in mal bone ritual pieces constructed by Masai days. an exhibit at Western Maryland College tribes of Kenya and Tanzania. Dean Philip Sayre is using $2,000 of which began Sunday, Oct. 19, in the Esther The exhibit is free and open to the pub- budget committee funding to provide the Prangley'Rice Gallery in Peterson Hall. lic Monday-Friday, noon to 4 p.m., and Sat- transportation because he "keeps hearing urday and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. that people want it." van which will make trips every CLASSIFIEDS The college is leasing a 7 -person En- Courtesy of Public Information JOSE{JUBA)SIQUEIRA terprise A WMC student browses the flew CD section. other hour between noon to midnight. SPRING BREAK '98 The shuttle will run on even hours. Trips Sell Trips, Earth Cash &Go Free!l! Stu- Party Ice & Supplies should start on November Iand will leave dent Travel Services is now hiring cam- from the door in Rouzer Hall near Cam- pus Safety. pus reps/group organizers. Lowest rates After the funding runs out, it will de- to Jamaica, Mexico & Florida. pend on the popularity of the service as Call 1·800·648·4849 to whether Sayre will continue to request SEIZED CARS from $175. money to offer the transportation. But it Porches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, "All the Forks" is certain that he will make the service Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your 113 W Main_ St. available during part of the spring semes- Area Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 A-3327 for Westminster, MD 21157 ter. "I believe it is one of those things that cwrent listings. takes a little while to catch on," said Sayre. "So I don't want to make ajudg- RELIABLE SPRING BREAK Milwaukee s Best $7.69 ment too quickly on its use." TOURS A similar program was offered more Bahamas, Cancun & Ski Trips! Maryland's Best $6.99 than five years ago, according to Sayre. FREE FOOD & FREE DRINKS! That one had "hardly any use." Never- Sign up before Nov. 30. Organize a theless, he decided to try it again. group-travel free. "lust because something did not work Call for details and free brochure. years ago doesn't mean it won't possibly CaUl(888) SPRING BREAK Todayl Tel: (410) 848-3466 Lottery & Lotto work now," said Sayre.
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