Page 33 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 33
COMMENTARY Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 5 "Blue Jeans Day" Tactic a False Show of Support I AdamDean I Last week Allies, Western "Blue Jeans Day" is not an ethi- occasion. Nor did I see any Square on October 9, pass it ball cap sideways day?" There Maryland College's Gay and cal one on a college campus. posters hung up around campus around and say, "Look, all these were plenty of options to pick Lesbian student organization Think about this for a minute. announcing it. Since I am sure people support my agenda. from. But they chose one that had what it called "Blue Jeans Other than the t-sbtrt, what ar- that the average reader doesn't They must, they are wearing could easily be misunderstood Day." "Blue Jeans Day" was ticle of clothing is more a part pay as detailed attention to the blue jeans on Blue Jeans Day." by anyone who happened to see supposed to be a day where ev- of the every day wardrobe of the paper as those who help make It is too easy to co-opt some- the hundreds of people who eryone who supported the gay average college student than it, (and I didn't notice the ad one else's image this way when were wearing blue jeans on Oc- and lesbian agenda would wear blue jeans? I would guess' that until the second time I read the the visible sign of support is tober 9. This kind of tactic is blue jeans to show their sup- most members of the college paper) it doesn't take much something as common as blue misleading and dishonest. An port. In order to protect myself community own two or more imagination to see how a sig- jeans. 1 could just as easily de- organization like Allies should and the Phoenix in this era of pairs of blue jeans. And yet here nificant portion of the campus clare tomorrow to be "socks have enough logical reasons for political correctness and ortho- is an organization on this cam- could remain unaware of "Blue day" and claim that if you sup- it to gain public support with- "Why couldn't Allies choose some other way to have people express their support? Maybe wear a ribbon or an armband of some type? Or how about 'wear your clothes inside-out day?' Or perhaps 'wear a baseball cap sideways day?' There were plenty of options to pick from. But they chose one that could easily be misunderstood ... " doxy I want to state it is the pus that is saying to show sup- Jeans Day." port (blank) you should wear out having to this type of tac- opinion of this writer that any port for its agenda students This tactic is misleading be- socks. That doesn't mean that uc. organization's attempt to gather should wear what they normally cause it creates the image of everybody who wears socks Allies did take one interest- the public into a genuine show would wear anyway on a speci- much more support for a spe- supports my agenda. But it ing step that week. The estab- of support for its goals is not fied day? This is not only ri- cific issue than is really there. would be a simple for me to use lishment and distribution of only perfectly acceptable be- diculous, it is misleading. Of allthe people who wore blue widespread sock wearing on "Safe Zone" stickers. The con- havior but is admirable. The It is certain that many mem- jeans on October 9, how many "sock day" to create a false im- cept of an area on campus ability of political organizations bers of the WMC community of them were wearing them as pression of public support. where students can feel safe to to mobilize the public on all never even heard of "Blue Jeans a symbol of their support of gay Why couldn't Allies choose discuss all issues openly is a types of issues is fundamental Day." Of course, a small adver- rights versus those who just some other way to have people great idea. But even this wasn't to a properly functioning demo- tisement was run inside the needed a clean pair of pants? express their support? Maybe made known to many people. I cratic republic. The problem Phoenix. But that is the only All a dishonest activist wear a ribbon or an arm band have to ask, why? with "Blue Jeans Day" is one of notice I ever received of it. r would have to do would be to of some type? Or how about ethics. never received a phone mail take a picture of all the people "wear your clothes inside-out Adam Dean is a senior political I submit that the tactic of message telling me about this wearing blue jeans in Red day?" Or perhaps "wear a base- science major Smoker's Habits Annoy Nonsmoking Student I Laura Kelley I As I step outside of my resi- encountered this problem in them. for other people and their The college needs to at least dence hall on a clear fall morn- front of my dormitory, where The second part of the needs. stand by their policy of non- ing, I can't help but notice the smokers sit on the stoop against school policy states that smok- And what about smoking as smoking in public areas. chirping birds and falling leaves the building. ing is allowed in the "residence a fire hazard? Students on cam- The college is to blame as and when I take a deep breath This predicament also oc- hall rooms where both occu- pus are not allowed to have much as the smokers them- the hazy cloud of smoke that curs outside the bottom level of pants permit smoking and halogen lamps because of the selves. The bottom line is cour- lingers outside the doors fills Decker College Center where where the room door is closed." fire risk, but students are free tesy. my lungs. I don", have a prob- smokers line the sidewalk blow- This policy might actually to smoke as much as they want. ust because the smokers are out- "There is only one substance-free floor in Whiteford and even there smoking is a problem. Residents and even their visitors have no concerns for other people and their needs. And what about smoking as afire hazard? Students on campus are not allowed to have halogen lamps because offire risk, but students are free to smoke as much as they want. " lem with smoking. ing smoke onto unsuspecting work if the doors to the rooms Does that make sense? side or behind their doors If a person wants to blacken students. were airtight. Cracks between Smoking is choice that is up doesn't mean they aren't affect- his lungs and shorten his life, Since Maryland law prohib- the door and the floor as well to the individual. But it is a ing anyone. Everyone has the that is fine with me. I do, how- its smoking in indoor areas, I as around the framing enables choice which should not affect right to choose what they wish. ever, have a problem with suppose the smokers figure one smoke to filter into the hall way. anyone else. If one feels the need to smoke where smoke-rs fulfill their step outside the door is enough. Even with this rule, people If the smoker needs a ciga- they should keep it 10 them- habit. But it is not .. People on cam- sit outside their doors and rette, smoking in a less popu- selves and not bother those The smokers should have pus are still at risk for hazards smoke because they don't want lated walkway or facing the around them. more courtesy for others and caused by second hand smoke. their belongings to smell, but other direction so the smoke Smoking is a dangerous, ad- smoke where they are out of In a more open area like Red it's okay if everyone else has to isn't blown toward those walk- dictive habit. It's danger is not everyone's way. Square. smoking in a particular suffer. ing past would be appreciated. limited to just the user but also The official college policy section is quite popular. It's a wonderful feeling {Q As far as the residence halls to those around him. Smokers for a smoke-free environment in Separating themselves from walk up three flights of stairs, are concerned, I think Resi- need to realize this and steps the Student Guide and other people is good, but large then be taken aback by the dence Life should put all smok- need to be taken to protect those Datebook declares that "all amounts of cigarette butts lie on stench. ers together on one floor or around them from the deadly public areas of the coll~ge are the ground or in the grass. There is only one substance even in one dormitory. side effects this perilous pas- designated ass nonsmoking ... " It's nice that they regard the . free floor in Whiteford and even An all smoking dorm would lime. This rule doesn't say only feelings of other people, but on that floor smoking is a prob- keep us away from dangerous indoor public areas. Public ar- smokers need to have more re- lem, depending on which door second hand smoke and allow eas include highly traveled spect for nature and those you go in. Residents and even the smokers to puff away to Laura Kelley advertising manager walkways and doorways. I have people coming to sit there after their visitors have no concern their heart's content. at the Phoenix and freshman
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