Page 40 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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-1·9·9·7- Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 12 HOMECOMING Homecoming History at WMC. • • For 73 years, homecoming has been a tradition at Western Maryland College. Today, the weekend consists of alumni, friends, and family coming together to share old memories and make new ones, Following the parade on Saturday, tailgate parties converge around Scott S. Bair Stadium to watch the football game. Fifty years ago, when many a/the college's faculty were students at WMC, the tradition of homecoming was similar, except there was a dance held Saturday night at which the Homecoming Queen wa,s crowned by the president a/the college. Left: This picture of homecoming, in 1950, shows hundreds of cars surrounding the football field where the college band is playing and the all-female homecoming court is being presented. Theformer Old Main stands in the background. Lower left: WMC:S cheerleaders show their school spirit in the homecoming parade (1950's or 1960:S). Below: The Green Terror tailgates with students Doris Tuckwood, Les Werner, and Marilyn Coombs in 1954. Greek Speak - a Homecoming message Greek organizations on campus have nae. This semester brings five new mem- weekend and we are very excited to know brothers plan to participate in the American been working together to improve and in- bers to the sorority. There names are Julie that many are planning to return. Heart walk on October 18th at the Carroll crease Greek Life at Western Maryland. Edwards, Erika Herron, Nicole Interior, County Farm Museum. Already this semester, Greeks have con- Tanna Mulehom, and Janelle Milam. Ev- Alpha Nu Omega Compiled by Liz Valuet cluded a successful Rush period and wel- eryone is very excited for the upcoming fes- The Sisters of Alpha Nu Omega have comed a new Greek advisor to campus, Betsy tivities. The weekend includes many activi- been active in a variety of community ser- Chimock. Individual organizations have ties for all. On Friday, many have made plans vice activities, from Adopt-A-Highway to participated in a variety of community ser- to get together and catch up on old times. Operation Smile. We have also dedicated a vice and social activities. All of the frater- On Saturday, most plan to attend the parade lot of time to redecorating our clubroom. nities and sororities would like to welcome in which Phi Sigma Sigma will contribute. After a fun Rush period, we are pleased to their alumni back to the Hill! The parade ends and then the football game welcome five new members to the sorority: begins, with plenty of tailgating. After the Dena Morgan, Lea Nichols, Kristi Simon, Inter-Greek Council (IGC) game, there is a wine and cheese being held Jessica Seidel, and Suzanne Weatherby. After a successful fund raising effort dur- on behalf of our alumnae in our clubroom. The Sisters and the Fall Pledge Class are ing Greek Week last Spring, the Inter-Greek As always, we will end the evening with an preparing to participate in the Homecoming Council was able to donate over $200 to the all-campus clubroom party. Parade and are excited to see our alumnae at Carroll County Food for Sunday Program. the game. All Alpha Nu Omega alumnae and IGC is looking forward to similar efforts PhiMu their families are invited to the clubroom from the Greek Community this fall. The sisters of Phi Mu are happy to an- after the game for our annual wine and Additionally, The Inter-Greek Council nounce that plans are under way for this cheese. would like to welcome all students and year's Homecoming celebration. Phi Mu has alumni to their Forum Party this Saturday, already arranged to have a tent set lip for Phi Kappa Sigma October 25th, at 9PM. There will be a live concessions and will be entering a float in Recently, the Delta Eta colony of Phi band, dancing and refreshments provided. the annual Homecoming parade to display Kappa Sigma pinned five new members. We Hope to see you all there! our pride in our chapter's history. In addi- currently have twenty-two brothers, and we tion. we are very happy to have rhofive mem- are working towards obtaining our charter Pili Sigma Sigma bers of our Fall '97 pledge class with us to by the end of May. In addition, we are ex- Phi Sl;;rna Sigm .. I' anxiously 11/ai1inl help organize thi: event. And, JUT alumnae -ited about OUI' first two alumni returning for Home .orrung and Ih~ return of their alum- have been invited 10 oin us on thi fun-filled Homecoming weekend. Finally several
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