Page 32 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 32
Thursday, October 23, 1997 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Feeling at Home at Western Maryland College I Megan Martin I While trying to think of a suitable experience of living away from home. After my first visit, which happened topic for the Homecoming edition of The Money was certainly an issue in se- to be in the pouring rain, Western Mary- "home," I think we all need to reflect on the places that feel like home to us. Phoenix, I decided to write about a sub- lecting a college, but I really only con- land became one of my top three ject I have spent a lot of time talking sidered schools I knew I could afford. choices. I thought the campus was won- Why shouldn't you be in a place that feels like home? about recently. Being a freshman, the This left me able to concentrate on the derful, and the people I mel were very For the most part, Western Maryland topic would logically be why I chose to qualities of the different colleges, not friendly. is our home. It is our home in the sense attend Western Maryland College. their price tags. I came back 10 visit only one other that most of us live here, play here, and So, why did I choose Western Mary- Feeling "at home" was the biggest time, and r was hooked. All during the land College? I am asked this question concern I had during my college search. months between the times I came for work here. I know it is a bit crowded at the mo- quite often, especially when I am at All the col!eges I looked at had equally visits, I had been reading up on the col- ment, that classes are tough, and finals home in South Jersey. After answering wonderful reputations, and I was able to lege. I had also been talking with alumni are not all that far down the road. We the usual questions about attending col- picture myself attending almost all the who had only good things to say. all have to make the best of things, ex- Feeling "at home was the biggest concern I had during my college search. All the colleges I looked at had equally wonderful reputations, and I was able to picture myself attending almost all the campuses I visited. Western Maryland College, however, was different ... Western Maryland is a college with everything I have always wanted. lege in the mountains of beautiful west- campuses I visited. Western Maryland The real hook for me was stepping actly as if we were really at home. Cer- ern Maryland, I am always asked, "Why College, however, was different. onto campus on Accepted Students Day, tainly, I hope everyone is happy with Western Maryland?" Western Maryland is a college with yet another rainy day, and being hit with their choices, and if you are not, I en- First, people want to know why I did everything I have always wanted. It is the feeling that I was "at home." There courage you to rethink them. not go to a school where I would be pay- a small school, and I have always wanted are no other words to describe the feel- Over the last two months, I have seen ing a fraction of the amount of tuition I to attend a college were all my profes- ing. I decided to attend Western Mary- Western Maryland College become my am paying here each year. "You could sors would know my name. It is defi- land before leaving that afternoon. home away from home. This is a college have saved money, been closer to home, nitely better than being anumber in a When you think about it, where I can be myself and learn to think and bought yourself a car with the class of thousands. In terms of distance, Homecoming is all about coming home. honestly and openly. There is a place money you are spending at Western Western Maryland is just far enough It is a perfect time to reflect on why we here for everyone; I know I have found • Maryland," they often reason. away from home without being too far are students here. It does not really my niche. I really cannot imagine my- Although having a car would be nice, away. The classes here are really good, matter to everyone on campus wh y -I self anywhere else at this moment, ex- it is not a big priority at the moment, and the school's reputation is excellent, chose to attend this college. I wrote this cept maybe in bed. and I did not really want to be all that even if people are confused about the more to encourage a reflection upon close to home. This has nothing to do location. There are also classes here that your choices. Megan Martin is a freshman communica- with my parents, I just want the college I could not get at any other small school. Since Homecoming is all about tions major. At OCS you'll develop me oust.ties you need to be- come a Marine Otticer. Invaluable tretrunq that could the {rrst step towards prepanng you for a .Marines what It takes to be a leader of Marines, you lead 10 an excumq cereer In evtetion If you've got a Manne Officer Officer Candidates School (OCS) IS future beyond anythmg you could Imagine ...._ TlwProud. .... MMri_ could get an office WIth a spectacular view. \1 \IZI"'I (1111< lit For more information about the Platoon Leaders Class Aviation and Ground Officer Programs for Freshmen - Seniors, see Captain Gustafson in the Student Union TODAYfrom 10:00am - 2:00pm or call (301) 394-0519.
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