Page 30 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 30
C MMENTARY THE SOAPBOX AdamDean I 1 Chelsea Clinton would probably like to nately, when one columnist for the sidered to be newsworthy. For a school be treated as just a normal college aged Stanford Daily newspaper submitted a newspaper tojust ignore the largest story young woman. I am sure that, like most of column that mentioned this he was dis- to occur on it's campus in years is mind her peers, Ms. Clinton likes to hang out missed from his position. blowing. To punish an opinion writer for with her friends, go to see movies and Columnist Jesse Oxfeld wrote a col- expressing a legitimate opinion about shows and engage in other common social umn for the September 26 issue of the this enormous story is incredible activities. Stanford Daily that contained a section Fortunately, we here at the Phoenix But Ms. Clinton is not like other young which mentioned the arrival of the First have never had to deal with an issue of women in that she is the daughter of the Family at Stanford. In tile opinion of the this magnitude. Western Maryland is a President of the United States. Daily's Editor-in-Chief Carolyn Sleeth small college and has not attracted the Being the daughter of the President this mention of Ms. Clinton violated a attention of society's elite that a brings with it certain responsibilities and policy that paper established which said Stanford or a Harvard would. restrictions. Ms. Clinton had to have her they would not cover Chelsea Clinton But I would like to think that the dorm room specially modified and the win- unless she does sometbing newsworthy. Phoenix would handle a controversial dows replaced with bullet proof glass to I would like to question how anything situation more fairly. Of course Ms. protect her from would-be assassins. Like- Ms. Clinton does could not be seen as Clinton is entitled to her education and wise, Secret Service agents now are prowl- newsworthy. As the daughter of the she deserves to be as free from media ing the Stanford campus to protect Ms. Presidenrshe is a well known public fig- harassment as any public figure can hope Clinton from any possible harm. ure. to be. True, these agents are trying to "blend Certainly her arrival and that of the But because Ms. Clinton is a public in" but how successful does anyone think Commander-in-Chief had to be an im- figure, her attending any college is they really will be? And what person would portant, newsworthy event. Not mention bound to have consequences for every- want to share a class with Ms. Clinton when the fact that her mere presence on any one on that campus. For a newspaper to they know one of the "students" there is an campus would be at least partially dis- ignore this would be a dereliction of armed federal agent? And of course there ruptive to the entire community. duty to the readership of the worst kind. is the professional media. I am sure the Ido not wish to attack or offend Ms. Like I said before, I think the Phoe- Stanford campus is even now crawling with Clinton whom I am certain is a delight- nix would handle a situation like this reporters hoping to be in the right place at ful young lady. better than the Stanford Daily did. But the right time to cover Chelsea Clinton re- But the fact remains that things will I hope we never have to find out. lated story. never again be the same for the major- All of this unusual activity can't help but ity of Stanford students. Any unusual Adam Dean is a senior Political Science be disruptive to the majority of people who event that effects a large number of resi- major. E-mail at live and work on that campus. Unfortu- dents in any community should be con- The Perfect Body? --------11 Maggie Kimuralt----'---- Society's standard for the "perfect body" people have a better chance of enjoying to lose weight. They see them as quick is very prevalent in our society. We wor- a healthier life, than if they are obese. and easy ways to lose weight, while what ship at the alter of plastic surgery, and feast Losing weight is admirable and they are actually doing is destroying Ad_ at the trough of the health food store. should be supported. However, this out- their bodies by starving themselves or Terry Dalton We spend huge amounts of money try- look is not shared by the media or the by vomiting up what they have eaten. ing to look like the next Calvin Klein movies. For them, the emaciated look They are depriving their body of the n.. PIwenix is published _yo The opinions 0XjX1!SSed do notnecessar- modell heroin addict, and get depressed is in. Unless someone goes on a starva- materials it needs to survive. ily__ ofn.. Plwenixstaff. when we do not shape up to the societal While many celebrities have admit- standard. ted they have had either bulimia or an- 1bc1ilculty., coo- - _ofbaodicap, ...__ appealing to members of the opposite sex. true. Mallto: 77Ie_ Instead of having them think "that person tion diet, they aren't going to look like dard, people are setting themselves up By following this unrealistic stan- looks like the second reincarnation of the the models they see or the movies stars Titanic," they think, "gee that person looks they watch. People get this odd feeling for failure because this is exactly what beautiful. I wonder if he/she will go out that they should be super thin, not real- it is: an unrealistic standard which most WMC, 2Co1108oHiB --,MD2Un with me?" izing that while they are doing this, they people will never meet. Another benefit is health. Doctors have are destroying their health. People should make realistic stan- linked obesity with heart disease and other Anorexia and bulimia are two dards, not follow the unrealistic societal (410) 7SI-8000 (410) 816-~5, "" Il600 ailments that can be controlled by diet and common eating disorders that both standard, in order to feel wonderful. exercise. By losing those extra pounds, young and old succumb to when trying Maggie Kimura is ajunior history major:
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