Page 168 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Weber puts student needs first Dr. Robert J. Weber. Professor needs above all else, and, as a re- pointment about his career at and Department Head of Politi- sult, [he has] made this [political WMC. One of the achievements cal Science science] department one where stu- he's most proud of is the fight to Upon entering his office, the dents feel that they have a real get internships accepted in academ- sweet smell of cigar smoke may hit 'horne." ics. While it just came about as an you as it has hit many others be- I. Weber's favorite memories of internal struggle to introduce in- fore your time. Perhaps this, as well WMC include the student reaction ternships during Jan tenn and only as his 29 years of influence and ex- to and the activities surrounding the for the political science department, perience at WMC, is what distin- Watergate crisis. "It was gratifying Weber is very happy with the out- guishes him from other professors to see students caught up and ex- come of his two-year struggle. fi- on campus. cited about that. The excitement of nally realized in 1970. He has also Weber received his B.S. degree that era and the emotion captured taken students to Harvard for the from the University of Wisconsin the whole campus," Weber said. past 29 years to role-play in the in Milwaukee in political science 2. WMC is still attracting excellent United Nations Model Simulation. and history, and both his master's students, according to Weber. He 5. The year Weber was hired, the and Ph. D. at the University of says that the top 25 percent of stu- college was a small school of just Maryland in political science. dents at WMC over the past 29 800 students, so physically it's After leaching English and so- years would succeed at any insti- grown. The institution has never cial sciences at North Carroll High tution they choose to attend. been stronger than now, according School, Weber arrived at WMC in 3. While Weber says he can always to Weber. The buildings and 1969 to become a professor in po- involve himself in a home-im- grounds have improved, and We- litical science. provement project, he sees himself ber thinks the students are very sat- Weber has been an active mem- in almost exactly the same place as isfied with what's going on at ber of the Baltimore Council on he was after he graduated from col- WMC. He can remember a time Foreign Affairs and has sponsored lege. He plans are to encounter the when students used to demonstrate town meetings on a variety of sub- forces that act on him and move on the president's lawn about the jects. He has also traveled to places him through different experiences. dining hall. With the introduction like Great Britain, France, Bel- More concrete plans include trav- of the honors program and the tre- gium, and the Netherlands to study eling, reading, and giving back to mendous number of internships, his field. the state of Maryland, claiming that students are very well-prepared OFPUBLICINFORMATJON In his 25 year Certificate of he is the "adopted son" of a state upon graduation and don't end up Dr. Weber can't think of a single disappointment he's had to endure during Achievement letter, it states that he that has been good to him. in dead-end jobs. his 29 years at WMC. has "consistently stressed student 4. He can think of no single disap- Phillips-isms Phillips' fun teaching Dr. Phillips' classes some- class. Here style will be missed times seem more like a comedy show than a literature are some of his most memorable lines; Dr. Raymond C- Phillips Jr., Pro- that students know less and less fessor of English about American history and little -when I was in Dickinson Col- Students for the past 35 years about current events. He's noticed lege, just after the Civil War. can attest to Phillips' theatrical an- that in the last 10 years students -I'll be a flower. .. (musical tics during lectures including rou- also know very little about Ameri- interlude) ... time to dance! Thai's tines he has honed throughout his can geography. the first time I've ever been a time here, using his thermos flask 3. Phillips' biggest project is to "do flower. Didn't know I was go- as a prop. something with" the hand-written ing to be one today, otherwise 1 Phillips received his A.B. de- autobiography his father started. He would have worried about it all gree in English at Dickinson Col- would like to give it to his children night. lege in 1953 and his M.A. in En- because they loved his father. He -Studenr: "Well have you ever glish at Columbia University in also enjoys writing essays and seen an adult crawl?" (Dr. 1959 before coming to WMC in would like to do a 101 of reading, Phillips gets down on his knees 1963. While here he earned his Ph. exercising, and napping, but not and crawls towards her.) D. at the University of Pennsylva- necessarily in that order, he says. -Quizzes - they drop from heaven bombs. Phillips' biggest project is to "do •...As Islip into my anecdotage ... -Adult hypocrisy - If you something with" the hand-written haven't learned about that by DOW, you haven', had the right autobiography his father started. COURTf.SY OF PUSLIC INFORMATION kind of adults around you. Dr. Phillips' theatrical classroom antics have delighted WMC students/or ·When I see someone rooting .......... the dumpotor Idon',. nia in 1963. being a member of the Phillips still plans on being a com- 35 years. mon sight on campus, though . Besides a pictwe.ljust feel s8cLjrs usu- Thoreau Society and the American 4. Although Phillips still thinks the ally an assistant professor. Association of University Profes- college is very good, he cautions -00 "Daisy Miner" by Henry sors, he was elected as the first fac- anyone who thinks it's better than James: Randolph is the sort of ultyombudsman. it once was academically. The cam- child you'd like to send out to His 25 year certificate of appre- pus has physically improved in- play on the median strip. ciation letter slates that Phillips has credibly, he adds. ·If I were God ... and that's not "delighted the campus and local 5. One of his biggest achievements such a stretch ... audiences with [his] acting ability was to become involved in the -Spam: The Koreans Jove it. .. but in several plays and in the film American Association of Univer- then, they eat dogs! We're Carroll County." sity Professors, of which he was ·Pretend your Iife ... or even I. Phillips' most memorable event local chapter president in 1967- worse, your grade, depends on at WMC was when he met his "dear 1968. it. friend" Keith Richwine in an up- WMC has always been a won- ·1 could never wear contacts, I'd per office in Hill Hall in February derful place to be and for his chil- be too handsome. 1963. Phillips met the acting chair dren to grow up in, according to ·1 gorta practice my routine. who then became chair when he Phillips. Because they have been «Thank God for my thermos. came to WMC for an interview. exposed to the college life from 2. WMC has always had good stu- early on they have never been in- Compiled by Veronica Zito dents, Phillips says. He does think timidated by it.
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