Page 130 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 130
Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Page 10 FEATURES WMC students have become unwilling mail junkies lIY ERIC BARRY that often, but when he does, it is usually StaffWri/er overflowing with mail he doesn't need. The sophomore almost always throws it away At WMC checking the mail is a routine without taking more than a glimpse at it. He part of almost everyone's day. Some stu- thinks important things should be sent dents love to check the mail, but others find through campus mail "but not flyers about a it very annoying. dinner." Based on a random survey of WMC stu- Weber also sees junk mail as a safety haz- dents most find campus-related mail is a ard because people could slip on it when it waste of their time. They also feel that such is all over the floor. an immense amount of this junk mail is un- "The only use for campus junk mail is 10 necessary and a waste of paper. decorate the floor," said junior Dan Zeller. Such things as credit card company mail, And that's where most of it seems to wind catalogs, and other mail not distributed by up. the college is not being considered junk mail But not all students agree that most cam- in this article. Students receive enough of that pus mail is a waste. "I get excited about junk kind of mail before campus junk mail is even mail," said sophomore Tomas Urbano. How- accounted for. ever, he does find the campus phone mail "I don't get financial aid, but I got a fi- annoying. nancial aid packet," said junior Jessica Urbano said he understands that a lot of Wilbur. campus mail can be considered a waste of Students often find their mailboxes stuffed full of junk mail, most of which they don't read. Junior Dan Sereduick also receives cam- paper, but "the recycling bins are right there," Many students complain that this type of mail isa waste of paper and of time. pus junk mail he is uninterested in. "No of- Dietzel thinks that the main distributor all of the campus mail he received for a year pm., a rather convenient time. About 20 stu- fense to the actors, but I am never going to of campus junk mail is student affairs or resi- and then showed the immense amount to one dents used the service that night, but about Theatre on The Hili," he said. dencelife. of the deans. Nothing ever came of it, but at 1400 students got that blue slip in the mail. Christopher Dietzel feels that grades and Bobbi Ward, office manager of residence least he tried, she said. other important information should be sent life, said, "certain things need to be seen in Students shouldn't throw the mail on the Was it worth sending out? was Ogle told a story of how a professor through campus mail but other nonsense is writing," although phone mail is more effi- floor because "this is their campus," said so used to throwing away his campus junk not needed. cient because it saves paper and time. She Stickles. mail that when the college decided to mail Asked how he feels about students throw- also said they prefer to have students read At the beginning of every year all the the paychecks out, he threw his away. Stu- ing campus junk mail on the floor, the sopho- the information as opposed to hearing it. mailboxes are color-coded according to the dents may also throw away important mail more said, "It's good, it's their silent pro- Ernie Ogle, manager of telecommunica- students' year. This is done so that if a piece without even knowing it: test.; their non-violent protest. At least tions, agreed that phone mail saves paper. of mail is only relevant to a certain class, it Some students feel the junk mail should they're putting it to use." However, he felt that phone mail only can be sent to just them, added Stickles. at least be read, and if that is too much to Many people don't even read campus works well if roommates work together. Oc- One example of a piece of campus junk ask, they should simply recycle it. junk maiL When junior Jessica Seidel was casionally students complain to Ogle about mail was a blue slip that told of a shuttle ser- Quite a few students use the recycling asked to identify the main distributor of junk their roommate deleting the messages before vice to the Owings Mills Metro and Mall. bins, but not enough, said Mel Whelan, build- mail, she said, "I don't know; I don't read they have the chance to listen to them, he Junior Bill Meagher drives one of these ing services coordinator. "Abou140 percent it." said. shuttle vans and said, "over the span of five use it and 60 percent do not," added Whelan. She also feels that campus junk mail is a "People will read, and others will listen, hours I transported about 20 people." He wishes all the students would use it to waste of paper and a waste of the distributor's so you have to do both," said Ogle. Last fall Meagher was driving from 5:30 pm. to 10:30 help out with recycling. time, because no one reads it. there was a request to have a phone placed Steve Weber doesn't check his mailbox in the commuter lounge and Ogle granted Hood College at The University ~OOD the request. Now the commuters can receive Study in France: campus mail and phone mail, said Ogle. But commuter Amy Bittinger said many of Strasbourg times she never hears the messages on the COLLEGE commuter lounge phone because they get The City, erased before she has the chance to hear them. • One of France's most progressive and cosmopolitan cities Genuine Help and As a commuter Bittinger feels that cam- • Home to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, Understanding pus mail keeps her in touch with the college. and the European Court of Human Rights "To see it and decide if you want it is easier • Major trade and cultural center -IV/Sleep Sedation than listening to it," she said. Only one is • Ideal location: convenient ro Paris, Brussels, Geneva, -Ftrst &Mid - Trimester necessary and this freshman feels that cam- Abortion Services pus mail is easier. Heidelberg, & Munich -Free Pregnancy Testing Mitchell Alexander, director of college The Program, -Pregnancy & Birth Control activities, believes that campus-wide mail is Counseling necessary if there is a really big event that • Spend a semester or a year -Sonograms everyone needs 10 know about. • Prestigious, 400-year-old University of Strasbourg -Commnntty Education & Guest Otherwise, "we try to pigeonhole," he • Studies in French Of German Speaking Services said, meaning they will send campus mail -24 Hour Emergency Call to students based on their sex, their year, their • 'Wide selection of courses group membership, or some other factor. • Internships, travel, special excursions FOR APPOINTMENT CALL, This method targets a particular group of stu- • Student lodging arranged 410-788-4400 dents, so it is more efficient. responsible • Hood College Program Director/Advisor on site workers Are the post office Out Of Area: for all this campus junk mail? Joan Stick- • Scholarships available .. 1-800-427-2813 les, support services coordinator at the post office, said they must abide by the postal Apply by March 31 for fall 1998. Ask about our special student rates regulations. As long as it's college-related For more information/application Suburbia Building and nOI just a business soliciting, they must contact: 5602 Baltimore National Pike send ir out, added Stickles. Director of Study Abroad, Suite 600 Any college organization has the right to ' Hood College, 410 Rosemont Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21228. ~ have anything sent OUIto all students. A mere' Convenient to Baltimore ~eliway ~~5) cost-effective method "could be posters in Frederick, MD 21701. dorms or a few strategic places as opposed C.1I8oo-922·1599 or 301·696-3599 or http://gynpages.corrilhillcrtS'tball to ... mailboxes," said Stickles. F.-mail: stfa<;bourg(q' Once in a while freshmen or students ., involved with ecology will complain about '*>otIUi/JIstl\kI"wly$>,~nbdlf)(lptJIkr,(tJq!JtIl t die great amount of campus mail. td"l.ulDl!VtH"1I) '-------------------.-4t------- --:...!ti~ldes~~ed}hat one student saved
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