Page 115 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Thursday, February 19. 1?98 - Page 11 60 Seconds A Closer Look... Afeature spotlighting staff and students at WMC with Dr. Shante, What movie title best }lY JEREMY Loeus date has been Sculpture is also in- Tina, as well as a cousin, parents. who was raised by Harris's WasyJ Palijczuk. Kulp SrajfWriler volved on campus, being one of the When she isn't working, Harris is describes your life? important aspects is one of the most founding members of the Martial the advisor She also works with the Diversity Student for the Black Arts Club. Union. of any commu- nity, and the population of WMC His plans for the future include residence life staff to develop pro- "As Good As It Gets, because I think is made up students from many dif- a hopeful professorship. "I've grams for the campus and RAs, as ferent backgrounds. Although resi- learned so much here at WMC that well as reading, writing, singing, we have everything we need in our dent students are perhaps the most I would like to teach to others." and dancing. lives to get what we want. " visible, commuters are an impor- Angela Harris is WMC's new- is talking to residents part of her job Harris' favorite tant part of campus life. one on one, Michelle Marrero '98 One of these students is Timo- est Residence Life Coordinator, al- so that she can get to know their thy Kulp. A member of the class though she has been on the Hill for plans and insights. She also likes Biology of2000 who hails from Taneytown, two years. She came here in 1996 learning from other RLCs about he is an Art! Art History major who to do graduate work in Deaf Edu- working with students, as well as enjoys watching old scary movies cation, and transferred into Coun- the different affinity groups and and hopes to go to grad school. seling. Harris will graduate in May departments. Some of her most "Barnyard Fun, because I like the Other members of his family have of this year. She has worked with memorable experiences include first step show interaction between man and beast. " attended WMC, so deciding to Residence Life in Whiteford Hall, planning the BSU's promoted to RLC and was promoted for Kulp. come here was natural last year, being to RLC Special Jesse Lewis '98 "I think that the quality of teach- Housing. this spring, learning a lot about her- ing here is unique. There are a lot Harris is originally from Long self, and getting support from Resi- English of special people at WMC, and it Island but her parents are living in dence Life. shows." Kulp's favorite class to North Carolina. She has a sister, "A River Runs Through It, because of WM C students voice their pet the relationships between sons and peeves about life on the Hill their fathers, and the outdoors. " Andrew Hess '98 Most fault found with Englar Dining Hall at, all those trays piled up," said does not know who to tell. Social Work RY FRANC":SCA SAYL.OR Price. Vice President of Adminisrra- Contributing Writer Junior Peter Bushnell also criti- tion and Finance Dr. Ethan Seidel What bothers you most about cized Glar, but for another reason. was contacted about the complaints That College? "Ferris Bueller's Day Off, because of Western Maryland posed to 10 ran- He thinks the main problem is the over Glar and housing conditions, was the question in the menu since he has but was unable to be reached. repetition how Ferris' parents let him off on dom students in a survey. Pet been here for three years. "Every In regard to a very different peeves about the school ranged timel go there they don't have what problem, junior Sara Gruber does things, and his sister can't stand him - from frustration Englar Dining Hall. Bushnell. damni t!" exclaimed not know who to speak to either. over prank calls to I want, the infamous concern is admissions it's like my family." While 30% were irritated by In contrast, Lauren Hein com- Her main "100 many people ... with- accepting housing conditions, and 40% had plained of not being able to take out good qualifications" in academ- Amanda Rose '98 smaller miscellaneous items, Glar food out of Glar. II angers her that ics and discipline. She thinks they to high Exercise Science took the lead with 60% of the com- students are allowed to lake one should pay more attention it comes to 100% plaints (total does not equal records fruit or ice cream product out while school when because some students had more all other food items are off limits. discipline. than one complaint). She has not made an attempt to rec- Dean of Admissions Marty "The Great Escape - it promotes team Sophomore Alison Leon thinks tify the situation because a Glar O'Connell pointed out that disci- Gtar should be open longer and worker once reprimanded her for plinary records are not part of an work and loyalty to Allied Forces complains about the quality of the trying to leave with a drink. Like ordinary high school transcript. Include forms during World War II. " food. She says it "tries to improve many others, she now just "steals" Some transcripts from guidance character chases about but basically food. its own tail" she sees no for- has a bor- Matt McQuigg' 00 in trying, because Leon suggests hir- Hein's Another major concern of counselors. grade If a student average and ward progress. is Ihe big hole and crack in point derline Sociology ing a better company and paying the wall of her room in McDaniel there appears to be a "character them more to work longer hours. Hall. At the beginning of the year, flaw" in guidance reports, then that Jimmy Moore, a freshman, also plaster was put in the hole to fix it may lead to a denial, says "Swingers - when I lived in Pittsburgh, suggests hiring a different company and now she and her roommate O'ConnelL to ensure more tasty meals. "I don't cover the area with a poster. It still She finds it odd that a student it was really easy to get into bars and know if it's the way it's prepared bothers her, though, because the would complain about admission they she claims it's what I used to do when I was in or if it's the company," wonders wall seems to be expanding out- standards because stringent" lately. cost He feels that meals Moore. ward even farther and through other have been "more high school. " more than they are worth. He posters on me wall. Maintenance Also, since the number of students thinks the Pub's food is a lot better workers said they would fix it at applying is rising, the school can Jason Stonesifer '01 and does not understand why, since the end of the year, bUI Hein doubts afford to be more selective. the same company manages both it will get done. O'Connell says they are "slowly Mathematics the Pub and Glar. Moore thinks Michelle Hull, a senior, is also starting to pull the bottom of the students should be able to use their annoyed by, housing conditions. class up." However, she admits meal plan at either place. Hull feels the school does not put that "some people look good on Sophomore Liz Price's concern enough money into maintaining paper" and then unexpected events is with Glar as well. She is most and repairing dorms. "I think it's occur which lead them to do poorly disturbed by the fact that there are something that the school ignores, in college. O'Connell feels a lot trays full of dishes all overthe floor "says Hull, because it's more con- of complaints like Gruber's are in front of the conveyor belt when cemed with its outward appear- simply a matter of perception. the diDiog hall gets really busy.' ance. Tbeee is a crack down the "No matter what we do there Price is worried about this bein. 'a side of her window letting air in will always be IOIDCOIie who has safety hazard shoukl ~ slip and mak:itia- it di.ir1c~ to replale -- Thi. proiIIcnu. • O·COnneIl..... ..... ", aadCaUOlIIllcIIus. '1I".SOIlO. IIcrrooa:i'I~ .• ·.. y, scemi 1O...,ay 10 all die i......... ',."
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