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Thursday, February 19, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS Seaman wins will present News 1n bri ef 8, in McDaniel Lounge. Professional of -The WMC Theatre Department comedy 0 Sunday, March is currently working on a doc- Party." the hilarious "Psycho Beach Newbrough arts degree at the Peabody the Year honor by Charles Busch. The production, a takeoff the WMC English faculty reading from Jack tor of musical of Music. Admission to the Conservatory on the Gidget surfing movies of the '60s, will and other open Friday, February poets. Beat Generation and $4 for series concert 27. Other performances is $5 for adults Karouac are scheduled Feb. 28, March 1,5,6 and 7. WMCmusic lecturer Eric Byrd will provide seniors. All students are admitted free with· Richard F. Seaman, vice president of All performances are at 8 pm in the Dorothy jazz improv accompaniment. This annual a valid 10. Institutional Advancement at WMC: has Elderdice Studio Theatre in Alumni Hall. Ad- event is named for Christopher Bothe, a been named the Professional of the Year mission is $5 for adults, $3 for students, se- member of WMC's Class of 1972, a poet, -The Westminster Chapel Choir of Rider by the Council for Advancement and Sup- niors and WMC community members award-winning journalist and printer who University will perform at 8 pm on Tues- port of Education's District 2. died in 1984. day, March 10, in Baker Memorial Chapel Seaman was honored at the joint -WMC will hold its 12th annual Christopher at Western Maryland College. The con- CASE Districts I and 2 Conference in Bothe Memorial Lecture on Tuesday, March -WMC's Sundays of Note Series kicks off cert will feature an 80-voice choir of the Toronto, Canada during a recognition lun- 3, in McDaniel Lounge. The lecture will fea- 1998 with a concert featuring award-winning newest undergraduates of the choir col- cheon on Feb. 2. ture novelist John Douglas and members of pianist Bill-John Newbrough at 2 pm on lege in Princeton, N.J. The selection of Seaman was made by acommittee of his peers representing pro- fessionals in the fields of alumni relations, New meal plan for next year Theatre on communications, and fund raising. Continued from page 1 The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is an international Committee has opted to offer students a "block is higher because students with the plan the Hill association of colleges, universities, and plan" for their meals. could ultimately buy up to 220 meals for independent elementary and secondary Through such an arrangement, students pur- less than $2,710, he added. announces schools. CASE District 2 stretches geo- chase a block of 220 meals for the semester Next year's new plan will contain an graphically from Maryland to Canada and which will cost $2,710, the current cost for a additional feature. has a combined membership of over 700 17 meals/week plan. Students with 220 meals for the semes- auditions institutions and 6,000 individuals. However, unlike the current system, stu- ter will have 15 meals in the Pub and Grille As vice president at WMC since 1991, dents will be able to use these meals anyway automatically built into their board plan. Theatre on the HiIl, WMC's professional Seaman has primary responsibility for the they prefer. Students living in the Garden company in residence, is holding auditions organization, planning and conducting all Apartments or the Pennsylvania Avenue However, this only applies for the hours for its upcoming 17th summer season. the College's advancement programs, in- Houses may opt for 90 meal plan for $1,310. between 10:00 pm and midnight. All auditions are by appointment only and cluding public information, alumni affairs At last week's Open Forum, students ex- This "fourth meal option" will entitle will be held at the college's Alumni Hall and fund raising. pressed concerns about selling unused meals students to one entree selection, one side- Mainstage. Roles are available for adults and He is the architect and primary admin- back at the end of the semester or carrying order, one prepackaged item, and one bev- children. All adult company members are istrator of Western Maryland College's them over to the following semester. erage with no substitutions. paid and housing is available. $40 million comprehensive fund raising Currently, this is not an option for the plan. Those students with the 90 meal plan Auditions for adults will be held from IO campaign, now in progress with $32 mil- Seidel explained that most students will use will have five of these options for the se- am-5 pm on Saturday, March 14. lion in gifts and pledges raised to date. most of their meals. mester. Those interested are asked to prepare a H is the sixth such campaign in which In developing the plan and the number of In addition to the new meal plan, the short, contemporary monologue, one song Seaman has been involved during his 37 meals allocated, the administration used sta- Englar Dining Hall hours will be extended (bring sheet music in correct key), and be years in higher education, at Oberlin Col- tistics regarding the frequency of student use as well. "There wilt not be much time dur- dressed to dance. An accompanist will be lege, Brown University, Skidmore Col- in the dining hall, he added. ing the day when the dining halt will be provided for all participants. lege, Bowdoin College and WMC~27 "The new plan is a little bit an closed," said Seidel. This year's shows are "The Sound of years of which have involved fund-rais- experiment. ..designed as best as it could've Hot breakfast will be served from 7: 15 Music," "The House of Blue Leaves," ing efforts totalling nearly $350 million. been," commented Seidel. "We're keeping an to 9:00 am, and continental breakfast from "Gypsy," and "Aladdin." The company also In the midst of his advancement suc- open mind about it." 9:00 to 10:30 pm. will present a late night post-show cabaret cesses, Seaman has been active in vari- Students with the 220 meal plan who "I'm glad the morning hours will be ex- after several of its Saturday performances. ous capacities at CASE during the past choose to purchase additional meals may buy tended," said junior Heather Bonadonna. The season opens June 18 and runs week- 15 years. them in blocks of 10 at discounted rate of $40, "I can go to breakfast every once in a ends through August 8. Seaman served on a number of spe- Seidel explained. while. I can never get [to GLAR] before To schedule an audition call the WMC cial task forces, advisory and long-range Similarly, students with 90 meals may pur- 9,30." Arts Management Office at (410) 857-2599. planning committees, including service chase extra meals as blocks of five for $30. In addition, lunch will run from II:00 as chair of CASE's national educational The rate for additional meals for this plan am to 3:00pm, and dinner will start at 4: 15 Courtesy of Public Information fund raising committee and participation and end at 7:00 pm. in the defining Greenbrier Il conference that charted the future of the profession in the 80's. 24 Hour Hotline: He served on CASE's board of trust- ees from 1986-88. From 1990-93, he was 410-857-7322 one of only 13 nationally known college administrators and faculty members who served on a national task force to study the ethics of advancement in higher edu- "Whether the crime happened last night cation. or years ago, we can help. M The panel, sponsored by CASE and rhe Dartmouth Ethics Institute and sup- ported by grants from the Lilly and Kellogg foundations, recently published a book called "The Ethics of Asking," in Services are available to victims, family or friends. which Seaman authored one chapter and Whether it's sexual harassment, abuse, dating violence or rape, contributed to another. we can help. All inquiries are free and confidential. Throughout his professional career, Seaman has served as a community vol- Services include: walk-in crisis counseling, individual therapy, unteer, most recently as president of the therapy groups, accompaniment to police-hospital-court, Carroll County Chamber Board of Direc- and prevention education programs. tors; a member of the Westminster Ro- tary, {he boards of the Carroll County Walk-ins are welcome (Monday thru Friday) 9am - 5 pm Family YMCA, Chamber Music on the Hill, the East Pond Association (Maine). 224 North Center Street, Room 102 He has also been active with the Inde- Westminster, MD 21158 Fact: The perpetrator of a sexual crime is pendent College Fund of Maryland. 24 hour hotline: 410-857-7322 more likely to be someone you know than a Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 Courtesy of Public Information stranger. A Private Nonprofit Agency Serving Carroll County
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