Page 109 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 109
COMMENTARY Thursday, February 19, 1998 - Page 5 Letters to the Editor CAPBoard Decision-making with respect which we are successful is naturally policy to provide executives and aspect of respect in our schools, events limited responds to specific at individual and performers cants. by the number of appli- committee members the show) a dis- families, workplace, politics and (of the com- committee occurs mittee sponsoring meetings held by each committee With regards to specific con- count on the price of an event as a overall aspect of society. Kids to- Each year the College Activities chair, and the decisions are reported cerns raised about the Radio City reward for the time and effort they day and even young adults want all Programming Board is faced with back to the rest of the board. As Music Hall trip which CAPBoard donate to CAPBoard. the benefits of being an adult but none of the responsibilities. questions and concerns regarding such, it would be difficult for the sponsored in December, an excerpt The observation that CAPBoard Thank you for allowing me to the functioning of the organization. executives to serve their own per- from a letter submitted to the SGA seems to "serve the interest of it- voice my responses to these two Perception of the organization, ac- sonal interests when the decisions in response to their considerate in- self and not that of the campus" is issues. cording to a recent Phoenix edito- are made based on the interests and quiries follows: a challenging one. Any organiza- rial entitled "CAP-italizing on the opinions of committee members. "Due 10 the popularity of Ra- tion is limited by its resources and Jason Nunnelee community," is that CAPBoard is CAPBoard has always held an dio City Music Hall's Christmas WMC students are a major re- viae-mail comprised of a self-serving group open invitation policy for all of its Spectacular among the general source to CAPBoard. We only of executives who are "chosen for committee meetings. All of our population, CAPBoard must order hope that we can find willing and social reasons." meeting times and office hours are its tickets during July. The deci- energetic people who wish to plan Hopefully, this letter will serve posted on the CAPBoard office sion to purchase only 48 tickets to Campus Concert to clarify this misconception and door located across from Englar the show (46 of which are avail- fun and exciting events that appeal commonly to WMC students. bring to the students a greater un- Dining Hall, or you can contact our able to the student body because the Every year, CAPBoard makes Update derstanding of the way in which Dear WMC Students, CAPBoard operates. In actuality, 5 executives attended the trip, and the remaining First, it should be known that Com- the Student Government Assembly, tickets were given to people on the waiting list. mittee As the Campus Concert I want chairperson, (CCC) over 10 years ago, created and es- to explain the process the CCC tablished the organization of CAP- office at x759. advisor and committee chair are re- a concerted effort to inform stu- goes through in order 10 pick a band Board in order to meet the activi- March 23rd applications for quired to attend) was made after dents of our events and to show for our Spring Concert. The band ties programming needs of the stu- executive board positions will be careful consideration by the com- them how to become involved in selection process is a difficult and den! body. Since that time, CAP- available to the student body at the mittee chair and the advisor. the decision making process. It is timely process. In August, I re- Board and SGA have played dis- information desk. The board is se- "The magic number of 48 arises the students who attend committee ceived a list of over three-hundred tinctly separate but equally impor- lected through an application and because a coach bus seats 48 meetings and offer suggestions and bands from approximately five dif- tant roles in campus life. interview process. people. The length of the drive to opinions who decide what perform- ferent agents. This list included the While the general function of In general, previous experience New York City precludes the use ers and events CAPBoard sponsors. fee for each band and the board does not involve itself as a committee member of CAP- of a WMC van or school bus; thus, Thus, in this sense, CAPBoard anticipated proposed plans for the the bands' with college legislation, the All Board is helpful. However, there we would have to purchase (and could be seen as serving its own Fall and Winter months. From this College Council and other special are a number of students who are sell) another bus and 48 more tick- interests. As the SGA noted, this list a smaller list of affordable task forces of the college seek rep- not members of CAPBoard, but ets in order to be most cost effi- can sometimes be successful as was bands was compiled. As the months resentation from CAPBoard when who have the experience and ca- cient. the case with the winter formal. went by, more information was re- discussing various college policies. pabilities to be an executive. A ma- "This is only CAPBoard's third The formal was started two years The executive board is com- jor goal of the board is to cultivate year sponsoring the Radio City trip, ceived from the agents and our list a group of committee posed of four leadership executives the potential of students and de- and while interest has risen, we ago because desired to have a formal became more specific. members and six committee chairs. The velop them into successful leaders cannot determine that the increase dance in the fall semester and In the beginning of November, the campus to attend a board meets once a week to evalu-, in the college community. is enough to ensure we would sell worked to make it happen. CCC meeting was invited [Q help in the in order ate past events, share information Each year the board attempts to 48 more tickets. The cost of hold- At this meeting, The executives of CAPBoard regarding upcoming events, and select a group of students who are ing this event plays a major role as sincerely hope this letter has clari- selection process. 25 bands were cho- approximately discuss issues related to the over- qualified and who represent a range well. At a fee of$47/ticket, $15 of fied some student concerns and sen. As the concert chair, I then all functioning of the organization. of student interests. The extent to which was paid by the student, given students a better view of the consulted the agents for their opin- CAPBoard paid $1 ,586. Addition- functioning of the organization. ions on each of the twenty-five ally, the coach bus to NYC was We always have and always do music groups. From this list, the $1,200. This one event used over welcome questions, concerns, and CCC then selected the bands which 1/3 of the Cultural Arts program- ideas which students might have. the campus had the opportunity to ming budget for the entire school Please come by and see us or give vote on. year! us a call. Thank you for your pre- After the campus voted, a bid "Thus, it is fairly plain to see vious and future support of CAP- was submitted for the campus' top that in order for CAPBoard to of- Board activities. choice, Reel Big Fish. We then fer more tickets one of two things waited for a reply from the band. would be required to happen: the CAPBoard Executive Board However, because of deadlines, if cost to students would have 10 in- the band does not reply within a crease or other programs would Phoenix articles certain specified amount of time, have to be CUI. Neither of these we must submit a bid for another options is particularly appealing." hit the mark band, the next band on the list. We As Aaron Corbett described to repeal these steps until a band ac- the SGA, it was an original intent I just wanted to drop a line con- cepts our offer. of our executive board to attend Ra- cerning two articles I read in the Because of recent occurrences, dio City as a bonding experience. most recent issue of The Phoenix. a re-vote for the Western Maryland Therefore, executives were re- The first article, "Credit card College Concert was necessary. served tickets in advance. debts trap college students," was a Unfortunately, the bands previ- We agree with the SGA that very real experience for me when I ously voted on were no longer vi- this action was unfair to the student was a freshman at Catabwa College able choices because either the body. The use of an event for ex- in North Carolina. I had racked up band was not available or the band ecutive bonding has not been done $2,000 dollars in debt from two was no longer in our price range. before, should not have been at- credit cards and have just recently Thus, a re-vote was necessary. As tempted, and will not be condoned paid one completely off. soon as a band accepts our offer, I in the future. The second article was the com- will be sure to let you know. If you In actuality, 5 executives (one mentary by Megan Martin concern- would like more information, of whom was the committee chair ing destruction of dorm property. please call me or attend a CCC of the event) attended the trip, and The tine highlighted in the middle meeting. CCC meetings are Sun- the remaining tickets were given to of the column sums it up best: day nights at 8:00 pm in the Leidy people on the waiting list. In fact, "What has happened to respect for Room. For the Coolest S1fckWorld Apparel, Greetmg Cards, uames. every person on the waiting list was & Accessortes, Vtslt Us at: www stlCkworld com other's property, not to mention able to attend Radio City. respect in general?" David Meckley The board does have a general We in America have lost the Concert Committee Chairperson
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