Page 105 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 105
Volume XVII, Number 2 Thursday, February 19, 1998 Several RAs turn in resignations Resident Assistants unable to handle stress of the job IIY CHRISTIAN WU.WOHL position in Whiteford after one se- Even though the RA responsi- NewsEditor mester. She added that the program- bilities did not change since last Six RAs have resigned since the ming and working with the other year, Kurtyka said that "expecta- end of last semester, leaving three RA's was enjoyable. tions were more strictly adhered of the four positions in Whiteford RA's are responsible for nights (0." She described having to spend Hall vacant. on duty, building programming, time every week with each of her The RAs handed in their resig- bulletin boards, training, room 65 residents as "unreasonable." nations for various reasons ranging checks, lockouts, attending meet- Given their academic sched- from conflicting priorities to ac- ings, and paperwork, explained ules, some of the RA's who re- cepting an off-campus internship. Scott Kane, assistant dean of Stu- signed found their jobs overwhelm- One of the factors that dent Affairs. "All these responsi- ing. prompted junior Krissy Kurtyka to bilities are outlined during the in- "I didn't have enough time to resign was a "lack of support" from terviewing process." study," said junior Chrissy King, a Dean Sayre fields questions regarding the renovation 0/ ANW;n the her supervisors. "I was on duty Kane pointed out that the RA former RA in Blanche Ward Hall. summer 0/ '98 at the recent SGA Open Forum every night for the second half of position did not involve any extra "By the end of the semester, I was , Jan-term, and my supervisors did duties this year. With a $5,000 one big stress ball." A member of Open Forum discusses not offer to take just one night for compensation, "being an RA pays the Phi Mu Sorority, King was also me," she added. students more than they would treasurer of Kappa Delta Pi, the renovation concerns "There's so much more to (the make doing something else," he Education honor society, in addi- RA job] that residents don't see. said. tion to her duties as an RA last se- BY ERIN HOWARD We do more than just write people The nature of the building pro- mester. AJsistant New.< Editor bers of Phi Alpha Mu explained up," said Kurtyka, who had been gramming did change this year, Becky Cockerill's experience that they object to the firewall be- The renovation proposed an RA for three semesters. Kurtyka admitted. "Instead of fol- last semester paralleled King's. An ANW in the summer of '98 was the of cause the suites created by the wall "Being a bad guy sometimes lowing six rigid categories, it be- RA in Whiteford since last spring, will only accommodate 19 students did make [being an RAJ difficult," came less regimented and more Cockerill, a junior, said, "My hot issue at last week's Open Fo- and will not be large enough to by the Student Gov- rum sponsored commented Carolyn Read, a flexible, which was a welcome classes got harder this year. Jug- ernment Assembly. house all 23 members of the soror- sophomore who resigned from her change." gling them and my RAjob was part Several current residents of the uy, Also as pan of the renovation, of the difficulty." building were there to express their the college will replace all of the WMC to have new meal plan when bogged to assist residents displeasure with the proposed windows in ANW and will repair "Having down with tests and plans. papers probably added to some of According to Dr. Philip Sayre, and repaint as necessary. BY CHRISTIAN WILWOHI- Seidel announced the plan to the RA's stress," said Nicole dean of Student Affairs, who spoke Another issue addressed at the News Editor the SGA at a recent meeting, and Gallup, residence life coordinator Open Forum was the change in the As part of the on going it was a topic of discussion at last for first-year students. "Being an about the renovation at the Open WMC e-mail system. Director of the college to con- plans changes at WMC, students will week's Open Forum. RA impacts your lime to study just Forum, a firewall on each floor of Information Services Christine struct have a new meal plan for next The creation of the new plan as any job would." ANW which would divide the hall- Mathews, who spoke about the year. The plan involves meals pur- is in response to students' con- Many of the resigning RA's ways in half. The placement of the change, said the change in systems chased in blocks, late night din- cerns in recent years about alter- mentioned that a personal conflict firewalls would create seven en- would allow complete internet ac- ners in the Pub, and longer open- ing the board plan, said Seidel. with the Residence Life Staff did tirely separate living areas. This is cess to students who have Rolm ing hours for the cafeteria. After considering many options, not prompt them (0 leave their po- an effort to, as Dean Sayre said, data phones in their rooms. She The plan is designed to give such as "a la carte," the adminis- sitions. anticipates the system to be up and suite students "a better value for what tration in conjunction with "I got along very well with my "create more hall] system." areas in our running in four to six weeks. [residence they pay, with more flexibility," Sodexho, WMC's food service area supervisor [Dina Ley tush]," SGA Vicc President Aaron said Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice presi- provider, the SGA, and the Food said junior Kevin Culley, who re- Representatives from Phi Alpha Corbett discussed a rcvote for the dent of Administration and Fi- Mu and Sigma Phi Epsilon, the two campus concert. Corbett said the signed from his position in ANW. Greek organizations residing in Continued on page 2 revote is needed because the ANW, attended in order to protest Continued 011 page 3 the addition of the firewalls. Mern- Continued on page 3 Inside BSU welcomes campus to its Open House IlY RAINI WRIGHT pel the negative perception that the StafJWriter BSU is a group of "militant, angry Squirrel Spirit: Anne Butler of· In honor of Black History black people" and to promote unity fers a new perspective on the Month, the Black Student Union on campus. "That's why [the Open Hill's squirrel population. hosted an "Open House Discus- House] welcomed people of all sion" which welcomed students races," Drakes added. (WPiii and faculty members of all races. The BSU also held the event "to The primary topic of the discus- promote conversation about race Reach Out WMC: Erin Howard sion was Coming Through The Fire relations," said James Felton, the reports from the SERVE and ,a new book by Professor C. Eric BSU's co-advisor and the director Circle K auction. Lincoln of Duke University. of Multicultural Services. The BSU, described as a "sup- The evening opened with BSU Sports " port network" for African-Ameri- Vice President Latrice Quickley cans and other minorities by its announcing upcoming events, and Scoreboard: Get the latest stats president Diane Drakes, held its then the discussion on the review on the Green Terror basketball NATHAN I Open House earlier this month in of Coming Through the Fire be- teams' top players. Members of the WMC community gather in the newly-decorated BSU the organization's clubroom. g"'. clubroom/or the Open House. The group's vice president, Latrice According to Drakes, one of the Quickley, announces upcoming events be/ore the discussion begins. Open House's purposes was to dis- Continued on page 8
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