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Football 20 Cross Country 20 Athletes honored 14 Homecoming games 9 Terror Scoreboard 15 Volume XV, Number 4 Western Maryland College Thursday, October 31, 1996 Football team wins Homecoming; defeated by F&M By C,\ROLYNBA.RNES Deal, continued his impressive play nine tackles, breaking by making Sports Editor team ~~u~a~~t:t:;:~it~~n:l::~~~n!:~~ The Green Terror football won its Homecoming and second- Deal is among a group of 15 play- straight game as they beat ers tied for 18thplace in Division Dickinson by a score of 21-14 on III in interceptions with an average Saturday, October 19. This evened of 0.7 per game. the Terror's Centennial Conference WMC went after their third, record at 2-2 and pushed its over- straight win on October 26 at all mark to 2-4. Franklin and Marshall. Unfortu- The winning score came on a nately, the team lost the game 38-7. 78-yard pass-and-run play from The Diplomats from F & Mare freshman quarterback Ron ranked 21st in the~ Sermarini to junior wide receiver !lS.A..Division III national poll and Donte Abron early in the fourth received votes in the NCAA South quarter, and the Green Terror de- Region poll which determines fense made the touchdown stand up those teams which make the Divi- by bottling Dickinson up in its own sion III playoffs. territory the remainder of the game. The two teams met for the 30th Sermarini, earned Centennial time in the series, which F & M had Conference co-Offensive Player of led 18 to nine with two ties. The the Week honors after throwing for Diplomats had won ten of the last 342 yards, a Centennial freshman 12 contests, but WMC's wins in record, and two touchdowns in the that stretch had both been in game. It was the fourth-best total Lancaster, PA. offense and passing day ever by a The lone Green Terror touch- Green Terror quarterback. The down of the day came from Justin Several Western Marylandfootball players successfully block several-Dickinson College team members at their record holds at 361 yards. The Lavis' fumble recovery return for annual Homecoming game held on Saturday, October 19-ar Scott S. Hair Stadium. Western Maryland won the freshman also set a school single- 78 yards. Bob Picton kicked the game 21-14. . game record for completion per- extra-point for WMC. centage at 73.7 percent after con- necting on 28 of 38 attempts. has Senior Rick Estes successfully switches In the last two games, Serrnarini has thrown for 880 yards from striker to goal gone 40 of 56 for 564 yards with five touchdowns. For the season, Sennarini with five touchdowns. All-Around athlete Estes proves ability to earn honors in soccer, baseball, and wrestling Junior wide receiver Dante Abron continued his fine season by grabbing seven Sermarini aerials By JULIE EOWARDS ference in wrestling at 177 pounds only previous experience in the the University of Maryland. for 135 yards, including a 78- SlaffWriler last year, and was also the offen- cage was in indoor games and in Estes believes that a Division yarder for the game-winning score. sive player of the year last season four games at the end of his fresh- I school would have been of more The speedy receiver has 31 catches Western Maryland College is inbaseball with a batting average man season. benefit to his sports career, how- for 555 yards with four scores. He now enjoying the talent of an out- of 0483. He is now fourth among goal- ever his still has recruiters from the has moved into third place on the standing natural athlete for the last . In addition to these sports, Estes keepers in the Centennial Confer- Baltimore Orioles, the Cincinnati Western Maryland career list in re- year. Rick Estes graduated from is a member of the Phi Delta Theta ence with a save percentage of Reds, and the Texas Rangers scout- ceiving yards with 1,399, and into Dundalk High School in Baltimore fraternity. 88.9. ing him. the fourth spot in career receptions County in 1993, and is now a se- Estes scored the first goal of the Estes's parents got him in- Estes is majoring in exercise with 94. niorat WMC. season for the Green Terror's men's volved in an 8-10 year old team science and physical education. He Sophomore wide receiver Tim In high school, Estes was a cap- would like to be an athletic trainer, Herb had a career-high nine catches tain of the wrestling, soccer, and "I love sports, no matter what it is. " but will probably start in physical for 78 yards. baseball teams. He was a member education. Defensively, Western Maryland of the Maryland All-State .soccer Senior Rick Estes He says that his rigorous blanked Dickinson after ·halftime team for two years in a row, was schedule helps him manage his and limited the Red Devils to 135 named to the All-County and AlI- soccer team, but has mainly de- when he was only six years old. time, and commented, "I love second-half yards. Sophomore de- Region teams in baseball, and fended the goal since the team Estes says his father has been very sports, regardless of what it is." fensive back Tom Lapato, who earned an appearance in the state faced Villa Julie on September 24. supportive over the years, and was He stilI has six games remain- played wide receiver as a freshman, wrestling tournament his senior He recorded his first shut-out a major influence on his decision ing in the soccer season, and has a was a thorn in Dickinson's side as year, but suffered a back injury. of the season that game with five to attend Western Maryland. wrestling match on the same day he pulled down his first career in- At Western Maryland, Estes is saves as Western Maryland won 3- He says his father really as the last soccer game of the sea- terception and made his team-lead- currently a member of these teams, O. This season, Estes has two goals, wanted him to attend a small lib- son, November 9. ing third fumble recovery of the and he also played tennis his sopho- seventy-two saves, and has helped eral arts college where he could This last game of the season season. Lapato also had seven more year. He was named to the the team win two shut-outs. receive individual attention from will beplayed at Western Maryland tackles for the game, earning him All-Conference soccer team his He placed in the goal, even professors rather than larger on Saturday, November 9, against Centennial Conference Weekly freshman year, and has been the though his regular position is schools that also accepted him, Washington College. The game is Honor Roll honors. leading scorer for the past three striker, due to the loss of the team's such as NC State, the Air Force a Centennial Conference game and Freshman cornerback Marvin years. Estes was second in the con- experienced goalie last year. His Academy, the Naval Academy, and will begin at 3:00 PM.
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