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NEWS Thursday, November 14, 1996 - Page 5 Sexual Assault Information Team helps rape victims cope By SARAH SNELL [the victim] have to have their own interview, and 20 hours of training in which witnesses testify and the raignment is held which is a formal Sw/fWrirer reasons" for coming forward, Glore the first year. The following years accused has the right to question stating of the charges. Not many students are aware of said. on1y require 10 hours of training and the accuser. Next there is a trial and verdict. the Sexual Assault Information Neither Glore nor the Sexual attendance of monthly meetings. Webster said that this step of- If the defendant is found guilty, they Team, which is a group of students Assault Information Team can dis- Rosanna Bryson, volunteer co- ten discourages victims from re- are sentenced and have the right to and professors at Western Mary- close any information given to any- ordinator and community educator, porting because they do not want appeal to higher courts. land College who are trained to re- one, including the police. and Jo Ann Hare, executive direc- to face their aggressor. There has only been one sexual spond to sexual assault victims. Other confidential groups that tor, are the two full-time employ- At the trial a verdict is reached assault case that went through the The group is a confidential ser- deal with sexual assault in the area ees that run RCIS. and, if found guilty, sanctions are court system since Webster has vice trained by Susan Glore, the are Student Health Services at ex- Currently there are no support imposed. worked here in 1991. campus counselor. tension 700, Rape Crisis Interven- groups on campus, though there Typically, for sexual assault, According to Webster many vic- The students participating cur- tion Services of Carroll County at have been in the past, according to the punishment is suspension for tims do not report because of being rently are Jennifer Doetsch at ex- (410)857-7322 (24 hour hotline), Glore. tension 8117 and Byron Druzgal at and private physicians or walking Other people to report incidents Some shocking statistics to would be Residence Life Coor- • One in four college women have experienced rape or attempted rape Here are some tips to avoid any kind of attack dinators, Residence Assistants, or since age 14 (American College Health Association, 1992). "Our -Be alert. Campus Safety, but these sources numbers are much lower than this," Webster said. o Be confident. are not confidential. goes to the Depart- • Nine in 10 acquaintance rapes are not reported (ACHA, 1992). If a victims o Trust your instincts. • One in 12 college men admit to acts that meet legal definitions of o Only go in well-lit areas. ment of Campus Safety, they are rape yet do not identify themselves as rapists (ACHA, 1992). referred to Ruth almost immediately o If you think you are being followed, do not go home. Go to a police • Every minute in the U.S.a rape occurs (FBI statistic). Barber, who is a member of DoCS station. 084% of all rapes are by acquaintances (ACHA, 1987). o Lock all doors and windows in your home and car. trained in sexual assault response by ·27 rapes were reported to police in Carroll County in 1994 (Uni RCIS, according the Director of o Never hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers. form Crime Report). Campus Safety Mike Webster. o Put a peephole in your door and use it. • In 1989, $60,376 was spent on each rape victim (National Victims Even after going to DoCS, the o If you live alone, create a dummy roommate on your answering Center). victim does not have to report, machine. -In 1994, the RCfS hotline received 470 calls (RCIS). Webster said. • Maintain your car and keep the gas tank full. (Provided by "How to • Rape victims are 13 times more likely to have two major alcohol They may fill out a "Refusal to Protect yourself from Rape and Sexual Assault" distributed by RCIS.) problems, 26 times more likely to have two major drug problems, Participate" form. In these cases the and 4.1 times more likely to contemplate suicide than non-crime only people to be made aware of the 8289. Dr. Louise Paquin at exten- clinics (referrals available at Smith violation are Barber, Webster, and victims in the U.S.(National Victims Center). sion 402 and Dr.Colleen Galambos House). Dean of Student Affairs Philip at 535 are the professors currently Sonia Stoy is a WMC student Sayre. the present semester and the fol- "socially ostracized" and the atti- involved. who volunteers at the Rape Crisis "The policy is built on return- lowing one. This decision may tudes of the police and courts is Next semester the group plans Intervention Center of Carroll ing the process to [the victim]," be appealed first to Sayre and ul- uncaring. to add at least one more professor County. Stoy works on the 24 hour Webster said. timately to President Robert Webster feels that the legal sys- and two or three more students. hot line evenings and weekends. If the victim does decide to re- Chambers. tem has made reforms that afford Contact Susan Glore at extension Other jobs at RCIS are paperwork port the incident, they may go If the victim takes the case to more sensitivity to the victims. 243 for information on how to get and community awareness. through the student judicial process court, they first go to the West- "The system labors under mis- involved. In 1994, RCIS sponsored 366 or to the court system. minster Police Department. takes made 15 years ago," Webster Glore stressed that "counseling awareness presentations. If the victim goes through the The police department per- said. is not giving advice," only stating To volunteer at RCIS, one must student judicial process, there is a forms and investigation, then files the options the victim has. ''They go through a background check, an hearing, simiLar to a court hearing, a complaint with a court. An ar- Books to wrap up for Alcohol Awareness Week wrap-up the holidays By BONNIE Conmbuung wrltcr Good books always make good Jones, who now lives in ¥lest- The Winner of the Mid-night gifts and the next Books Sand- minster, is the author of "Lost Bal- Milk and Cookies was Carolyn wiched In at Western Maryland timore Landmarks: A Portfolio of Boner with her Ghost Merigue College will let you know what to Vanished Buildings," which was cookies, the recipes is as follows: get your favorite readers this holi- originally published in 1982 and 2 egg whites day season. again in 1993. 1/8 tsp. salt This year's Books for Holiday He also co-authored "Balli- 1/8 tsp. cream of tartar Gifts session features reviews by more: A Picture History." I tsp. vanilla local author Carleton Jones and Books Sandwiched In is jointly 3/4 cup sugar will be held Thursday, November sponsored by the Hoover Library 6 oz. chocolate chips 14, at noon, in McDaniel Lounge. and Public Information Office at (semisweet) The one-hour session will dis- Western Maryland College and Beat the first four ingredients cuss many of this year's easy-to- Locust Books of Westminster. Par- together in a small mixing bowl wrap gift books and is guaranteed ticipants are invited to bring a bag until soft peaks form (be sure bowl to make your hoLiday shopping a lunch. Beverages will be provided. and beaters are clean). cinch. Books spotlighted by the series Add 3/4 cup sugar slowly and Jones, a former Baltimore Sun are available at Locust Books, beat until completely dissolved and writer, will discuss special books which provides complimentary stiff peaks form. in four categories, classics, biog- copies to reviewers. Fold in chocolate chips, leaving raphy, fiction, and Light reading. Courtesy of Public Information out chips for eyes. Cover cookie sheet with waxed paper. Drop mixture by teaspoonful SGA News~B1i then place two chocolate chips on for ghost eyes. each meringue Bake 25 minutes at 275°. Western MarylandCollegeSt~~entG Cookies are done when they can be lifted from the wax paper with- out sticking. SGA meets every Wednesday at 8p.m. in Hill Hall 104. Makes 4-5 dozen. The campus community is invited to attend. If you A special thank you to everyone would like to contaci SGA, call ext 631 or email at who participated in making all the events of Alcohol Awareness Week a great success.
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