Page 61 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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FEATURES Thursday, October 31, 1996 - Page 13 Tricks and treats and a birthday for President Chambers By NICKI Kxssous ing on this goal," said Chambers. aren't any ghosts?" SlajfWriler Working toward the $40 million This Halloween, President The months of October and dollar goal, $25 million of which Chambers will not be looking for April are the two busiest months has already been raised, forces ghosts at WMC because he will not for the office of the president. April Chambers to do a great deal of trav- be on campus, but that does not may be months away, but right now eling. He has trips to Pittsburgh, keep him from gelling into the President Robert Chambers finds New York City, and Savannah, Ga. spirit of Halloween. A couple of himself in the midst of one of his all planned for the month of Octo- years ago around Halloween, a real busy seasons. And somewhere in ber. Even though Chambers en- skeleton was given to the college. the middle of his numerous obli- joys traveling, he finds keeping up President Chambers thought it gations, President Chambers finds with the "day to day stuff," of pa- would be funny to display the skel- a way to celebrate his birthday and perwork, phone calls and e-mails, eton in his office, so he gave it an Halloween. to be difficult. But his job is a bal- identity. The skeleton was named By far the largest event in ancing act in which he has to set Bones and was adorned with a WMC's recent history was the priorities and keep them. When WMC cap and a mug. Bones sat Capital Campaign launch held on people ask President Chambers in the office of the president, read- Sept. 28. "The Defining Moment what exactly he does, his response ing a magazine and waiting for his Launch was one of the biggest is, "A little bit of everything that appointment with Dr. Chambers. events in recent history," said has to be done." "I love Halloween celebra- Chambers who added that the day's The job of the president in- tions," said Chambers, who used to events were carried out perfectly. cludes participation in host a party on Halloween night at The day was highlighted by a homecoming festivities. Despite his house. At his parties, Cham- speech from Captain Kangaroo, the bad weather, President Cham- bers would wear a Ronald Reagan various student exhibits and perfor- bers found a way to enjoy the day. mask and dress like the former mances, and a dinner at which the "Homecoming is always fun and I president. The party was modeled campaign's goal was announced. A love to see all of the people who after those Chambers attended laser light show finished off the come back." while working at Yale University. day. Chambers was one of the last Now President Chambers may The president of Yale threw a big people to arrive at the first of two enjoy seeing former students return Halloween party every year and the laser light shows and he said, "I to their alma mater, but does he costumes were "bizarre." President was stunned, there were probably ever see former presidents in his Chambers said, "I loved those par- 2500 people there." house, or does he ever encounter a ties. There were a stupendous According to Chambers, "the ghost on the WMC campus? "I've number of people in costumes who reaction to the day has been one heard them in my house, the ghosts went all out." hundred percent positive. It made of former presidents and their fami- Another of Chambers' favorite the college look good." This will lies," said Chambers. He hasn't Halloween memories was a party help WMC to reach its goal of rais- actually seen any of the other spir- hosted by Doonesberry cartoonist Here Bones, with his WMC cap, mug, and reading material, waits in line Chambers to meet with President else. like everyone ing $40 million by midnight on its said to haunt the campus, but Garry Thudeau. The party had a December 31) 1999. "For the rest that doesn't mean he doesn't be- Hollywood theme and all of the in limousines, they were greeted by belated birthday to WMC's most of the year I will be spending a lieve they are here. Chambers guests dressed as famous movie reporters who struggled to get a famous' individual, p'resident'Rob~ large percentage of my time work- asked, "Who am 1 to say that there stars. As the guests arrived, some shot of the famous folk. Happy ert Chambers. New professors feel right at home at WMC Continuedfrom page 1/ good sense of humor," she added, Augustaoa College in Sioux Falls, of staying fit. He's also an old pro there Hill Hall, ties in writing the grant and follow- "which is important." S. D. The classes he is teaching at cross-country camping trips and protest he attended are pictures of a in North Caro- ing through with the program. Dundes has also noticed humor this semester are Cultural Anthro- has visited many of the national lina that dealt with racial prejudices IYAM is now under the support of among the faculty. She described pology and Race and Ethnicity, and parks in the U.S. Baylor has lived between whiles, blacks, and Indi- WMC and Dundes hopes to in- the two faculty meetings she has Native American Ethnography as in a number of regions in the coun- ans in the area. volve students in creating success- attended and the "smiles and laugh- well next semester. try, but the Southwest is the area Through teaching, Baylor likes ful programs for the future. ter" that went on along with get- Baylor said that ever since he he is most fond of. to challenge preconceived notions. Sitting in her office, Dundes ting things done. This kind of could remember, he's always had Baylor said that he has enjoyed He said, "I tell my classes that if gets up to close (he blinds only "positive energy" she described as an interest in American Indians but his students so far. He said that after four years at WMC they have slightly, saying "I Jove the morn- the ideal working environment. cannot explain where this interest "Education should move people to not changed, or their ways of think- ing sun." Not only does she love Dundes herself has alot ofposi- came from. He said that when boys action." Baylor himself has par- ing have not changed, then there's being in her office on the second play cowboys and Indians as chil- ticipated in many social move- something wrong." floor of Hill Hall, Dundes loves Baylor hopes to stay dren they typically want to be the ments. On his desk in his office in being on the "heavenly" WMC at WMC where he cowboy, but he said he always campus that she describes as "ab- wanted the role of the Indian. solutely beautiful." She takes ad- said it is much For his first year of college, vantage of observing the seasons Baylor studied at Lancaster Bible change which she never witnessed "greener" than College in Pennsylvania. He took in Northern California where she South Dakota, and a year off and was hitchhiking west grew up. to visit Indian reservations when he After receiving a bachelor's where he is closer was picked up by a professor from degree in Human Biology from to his family. the Northwest Missouri State Uni- Stanford University, Dundes went versity. This professor became a on to do her master's and doctoral tive energy. In the November is- "mentor" for. him at Northwest work at The Johns Hopkins Uni- sue of "Proteus, A Journal of Missouri where he eventually versity School of Hygiene and Pub- Ideas," an article she has written earned a degree in Sociology/Psy- lic Health. She was a post doctoral will appear on her study of the chology. fellow at the Center for Studies in causes of violent behavior among In the process of buying a Criminology and Law in Florida as youth. house, Baylor is currently living in 10%01f well. This lead to her interest in Dundes lives in Towson with housing provided by the college. 10 or more criminology and violence as a pub- her husband and two children, ages He hopes to stay at WMC where cases of beer lic health problem. two and six. he said it is much "greener" than Dundes teaches Introduction to Though he grew up in Pennsyl- South Dakota, and where he is excluding sale Sociology and Criminology. Con- vania, Dr. Timothy Baylor has lived closer to his family. items cerning her students she said, "I in the West, like Lemieux and Outside of the classroom- find them to be very curious and Dundes. Baylor comes to WMC Baylorenjoys working out, volley- easy to talk to. They have a very from a college similar in size called ball being one of his favorite forms 848-3466 Party Supplies
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