Page 68 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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--_- - -- _-- ----- --_ - --- _---------------,~-------- Thursday, November 14, 1996 - Page 4 Showers finally working in Whitejo-rd Hall Tom Chapin concert is a Continuedfromfront and so received a nasty shock when they in one of the pipes, which meant that water tried to take a shower. of the stu- family affair was getting into the system and affecting the One of the main complaints temperature. dents in both residence halls was of the lack "That album states that we are all con- The main difficulty for the maintenance of communication about the problem. By JONATHON SHACAT nected by our humanity," said Michael. "It Staff writer workers was locating the problem. Whiteford residents were sent regular A Tom Chapin concert is a family event. is the concept of being a world family. U we "We didn't realize there was a problem phone mail messages, but each said the same The kids will love it and the adults will find can see this we have a shot at creating world at first with the bundle," explained Joe Bentz, thing; that the problem was being fixed and themselves humming along, too. peace. If we don't see the concept, violence Director of Maintenance and Building Op- the residents were asked to be patient. Chapin, a recording artist for all ages, will end up being our solution all the lime. erations, "We thought it was a control prob- "We should have been kept more up to will lead a benefit concert for Common The question is, can we evolve into a higher lem. As soon as we realized, we fixed it." date," said sophomore, Janet Keymetian, Ground on the Hill Sunday, December I, at society." The college called in an outside contrac- ''They should have sent more phone mail 7 p.m., in Alumni Hall, at Western Mary- Chapin's other recordings for children tor, who worked from 12 pm to I:30 am to messages." land College. include. "Moonhoat" (l989), :'Mother Earth" fix the problem. Since then the hot water In neither residence hall were the resi- His music is what he calls "adult-safe, ,. (19QO), "Billy the Squid" (1992), "Zag Zig" has been back on and there have been no dents informed that they could shower else- adult-friendly." 0994), and this year's release, "Around the other complaints. where. ''There are not many things you could World and Back Again." Chapin also has a On Monday, 28th October, McDaniel "I don't think they anticipated students video Pretty residents went to take their morning shower going without water for such a long time," bring your kids to that you will enjoy," said 1992 concert a popular "This cut from Planet," after brother of the late folk legend Harry Chapin, "Family named and found that no water came out. There said Head Resident of Whiteford, Angela Chapin "I try to make this an experience Tree." had been no hot water several times before Harris, "The main priority was to get the hot that parents and kids together will share." Other highlights include hosting National and they had been told that it was being fixed, water back on." His storytelling-style that has made him Geographic's "Explorer" from 1986-89 but nobody expected not to be able to take a Residence Life staff have had a meeting one of the biggest names in children's re- and parents might remember him as the sing- shower. to discuss the problem, Harris explained, cording "sets toes to tappin' and hands to ing host of ABC's Emmy and Peabody award- "I was very angry that they gave us no "we decided that if the water was turned off clappin'," according to a recent concert re- winning "Make a Wish" from 1971-76. He warning," exclaimed sophomore Joy again we would make the residents aware view. Last year Chapin was named Enter- also has five adult folk music albums, includ- Fourhman, "I don't think it's asking too that they can shower in the gym or at the tainerofthe Yearby the American Academy ing 1996's "Join the Jubilee," as well as nu- much to have a nice shower." pool." of Children's Entertainment. merous recordings with other artists. "There may have been a miscommuni- All the problems have now been fixed, The benefit also features Walt Michael, Through the '60s and '70s, Tom Chapin cation in McDaniel," explained Bentz, for which residents are grateful, but many an internationally-recognized folk musician recorded with his brothers, Harry and Steve, "When you shut off the hot water you also are dissatisfied with the number of problems and children's entertainer. Michael, a WMC including their first release "Chapin Music!" shut off the cold." and the length of time it took to fix them. alumnus, established Common Ground in in 1966. Harry, who became famous with hits Residents were not made aware of this residence at the college to develop relation- like "Car's in the Cradle" and "Taxi," died in Pub renovations Problems in Hill Hall ships between people via music and the arts. 1981. Tom and Steve Chapin later produced Continued from front The non-profit organization sponsors several an off-Broadway musical dedicated to their plague the building way there" on the quest to remodel the Pub concerts throughout the year and a week- brother, "Lies and Legends: The Musical Sto- Continued from front in this way, but admits that the report was long summer program featuring music and ries of Harry Chapin." and perform- "It is going to take in every way." to his recording In addition the arts from Africa to Appalachia. "idealistic located in rooms 104 and 110 when she time and money" says Kane. "I'm thrilled to come down to raise ing career sparming three decades, Chapin, showed a video to one of her classes. A There is also a plan to bring Starbucks money for a great cause," Chapin said, not- has served as leader of the World HungerYear problem occurred when she tried to "play" coffee into the Pub. ing Common Ground and many of his songs (WHY) and is involved in numerous local, the tape. "[The VCR] would just tum off," Mary Roloff says that this will probably reflect a similar theme. "In fact, 'Common regional and national service organizations. said Badiee. "It happened about five times." happen when students return from Thanks- Ground'couldveryweUtiavebeenthename Admission to the concert is $10 in ad- Eventually, with a great deal of help, she of any of my albums." vance, $12 at the door and $5 for children giving break. got it working properly. "Family Tree," his first children's album under 12. The Starbucks coffee will however, sell This happened because the remote con- released in 1988, has been showered with Special VIP orchestra seating, including for a higher price than the coffee currently trols have the same radio frequency and in- being served in the Pub. awards and praise, even hailed as "one of a reception with the artists following the con- terfere with each other, said Seidel. For in- Also in the works is a plan to install a the best 10 of all time," according to Moth- cert, is available for $30. Reservations are stance, if someone in room 104 presses Pizza window on the terrace. Students will ering magazine. suggested. "stop" on the VCR, the tape in 110 also be able to purchase slices of pizza at the win- "stops," if one is being played. dow, as well a calazones. The problem is easy to solve, said Roloff says that students should look for Multimedia exhibit shows Seidel. the window by the end of this semester. The college wilt purchase an adaptor off American underclass that, after installed, wiJl eliminate the need AIDS Quilt in Carroll for a radio signal, said Ed Sell, Director of facilities planning and capital projects. The Continued from front at most people have never seen new receiver will work off of infrared sig- with this project through her internship nals only. the Carroll County Art Council, a co-spon- The remote controls that operate the cur- sor of the event. or known tains in several of the rooms in this build- On December I, the Carroll County ing have also caused some confusion. They AIDS Alliance will sponsor a program from American Pictures" shows a side of are difficult to use because the signal re- 3 to 6 p.m. in Carroll Community'S Great this country most people don't like to miles, started out with only $40 and sold ceivers are located behind the curtain, said HalL see, a side that many don't want to ad- blood twice a week to buy film. Seidel. In addition, Carroll Community will hold mit really exists, according to the Besides portraits of the people he In order to use the remote an individual observances for World AIDS Day Decem- program's producer. lived with he also followed criminals in must walk over to the window, aim it at the ber 2 to December 5 al 2: 15 and 6:50 p.m. The highly-acclaimed multi-media ~e ghettos during muggings, sneaked sensor, and press the button. To fix the prob- journey through the American inside to work in southern slave camps lem, the receivers need to be moved to a Canned underclass is coming to Western Mary- for migrant workers, joined the Native more accessible spot. Seidel said this re- land College, Monday, Nov. 18, at 7 American rebellion at Wounded Knee, pair is on the punch list. Food Drive p.m., in Alumni Hall. Admission is $3 and infiltrated Ku Klux Klan meetings. Rooms 104 and 110 are equipped with with all proceeds benefitting area chari- Along with the KKK rally photos, Holdt eight ceiling mounted speakers each. None Groups across campus ties. also secretly tape recorded a meeting. of the speakers are hooked up yet, said Jacob Holdt, a Danish photographer, The chilling, sometimes blood-tin- Seidel. will be collecting: spent five years roaming America stay- gling audio is part of his "American Pic- Currently, the sound for the entire room ing with the poorest sharecroppers, drug rures." is supplied by one speaker that is built into Canned food items pushers and prostitutes, as well as some "American Pictures," Holdr's in- the video projector, explained SeideL Clothing of the country's wealthiest families, in- depth, poignant analysis in music, words The college is having the speaker sys- Money cluding the Rockefellers, to highlight and pictures of the country he witnessed tem tested to see if it is suitable for the mul- the vast contrasts. and "most have never known," has been timedia system, said SeideL If they are not The show was created from more shown in 200 colleges and universities suitable, the speakers will only be used for For underprivileged people than 15,000 photos taken during his across the country, including 11 times at a microphone system. Beginning trek, which began in the 1970s and con- Harvard, 12 at Cornell, seven at Stanford According to Seidel, other items on the tinued in the 1990s. and Yale, and 17 times at University of punch list include: painting the walls on November 15 Holdt, a self-described Danish vaga- California-Berkeley. parts of the building, repairing a large crack bond whohitchhiked more than 1I8,000 Courtesy of Public Information
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