Page 59 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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FEATURES Thursday, October 19, 1996 - Page 11 New faces are found at the front of the class By JENVICK to settle. The communication de- undergraduate, moved to Michigan Features Editor partment opening at WMC caught where he earned his master's de- Who thought that WMC would his eye along with an opening at gree at Michigan State. Taking a be a really "cool place" to work the University of Colorado. break from school, Lemieux spent before seeing the campus? Who Lemieux, having never visited ei- three years working for the federal spent the summer writing a grant ther, envisioned both schools as government as what he called "a for a youth program? Who has "cool" places to live and work. paper shuffler." lived for a month on an Indian res- WMC was his first choice and he Lemieux received a full schol- ervation? is happy in its rural setting but close arship to attend the University of These questions may be baf- proximity to the BaltimorelWash- Georgia and while working on his fling to students because they all ington area. He also feels comfort- Ph. D. he became involved with a apply {Q new individuals on the able with the small student body. research grant. Through this re- WMC campus. Dr. Robert Far from the green hills of West- search dealing with skin cancer, Lemieux is a new professor in the minster, Lemieux grew up in Okla- Lemieux helped develop persua- communication department and homa. The summer after high sive messages directed toward there are two new faces in the so- school he stayed with relatives in farmers in rural Georgia on the dan- ciology department, Dr. Lauren Maine. Charmed with the scenery gers of exposure to the sun. Dundes and Dr. Timothy Baylor. of New England, he attended the With his research and student After graduating in June of this University of Southern Maine and teaching behind him, Lemieux has year with a doctorate from the Uni- received his bachelor's degree in settled into his office in the base- versity of Georgia, Dr. Robert communication. Lemieux and his ment of Winslow. As far as WMC Lemieux began looking for a place wife Debra, whom he met as an meeting his expectations, he said "very much so." This semester he is teaching Foundations of Com- munication and Public Speaking. Commenting on his students, he said "I like them and I like the class sizes." Outside of the classroom Lemieux can be spotted on the track. He enjoys outdoor activities including hiking and traveling, and he is also an avid fan of college football. He's attended several New sociology professor Dr. Timothy Baylor does more than teach cultural WMC games and said thai in com- anthropology; he challenges students' ways o/thinking parison with big schools, he enjoys professor's hard work paid off this ner city children staffed by college WMC football because "the com- past summer. Dundes previously student mentors. It is entitled "In- munity is more a part of the game." taught at Goucher College for five regrated Youth Apprenticeship When Dr, Lauren Dundes is and a half years before coming to Method" (IYAM)" and Dunces asked what her hobbies are she may WMC. While at Goucher, Dundes went well beyond her teaching du- respond "juggling my family and worked with a student on develop- New sociology professor Dr. Lauren Dundes already feels at home at career," but this new sociology WMC and has gotten to know fellow faculty, such as Dr. Robert Limieux, ing an enrichment program for in- Continued on page J 3 new to the communication department. Beyond the mailbox key, The Phoenix takes a face to face look with the campus post office and its employees complaint is with the hours of op- room until they get around 10 them. Bv RUTH BRAOLEY eration. Students generally want Post Office Faces the Students SlajfWriler the post office to be open to about The post office has generally In recent issues of The Phoenix, 5 PM, and also to be open on Sat- good feeling about the students. different campus organizations urdays. Post Mistress Esther Griffith be- have been voicing their feelings Some students do have specific comes attached lO certain students about WMC students and students problems with the post office and sometimes receives cards from have been revealing their feelings though. Sophomore psychology them. "It's good to know they [the about organizations. Campus major Meghan Joyce said that students] don't forget us even after Safety and Englar Dining Hall when she went to pick up her pack- they graduate," Griffith said. Joan have contributed and now so will age no one was at the window to Stickles, the Support Services Su- the post office. retrieve it for her. Jen Vick, a jun- pervisor, has a very positive atti- Students Face the Post Office ior English major said, "I sent a tude toward the student body. Most students seemed to have really important letter to someone Stickles said students are her num- very little problem with the post through campus mail and he never ber one priority and enjoys watch- office. Zach Galemore, a sopho- got the letter." Vick is nervous ing each one of them grow. If she MEGHANJOYCE more English major, claims the about sending important items spots a student having a bad day, The WMC postal employees work hard to accommodate students' post office has a "nice system when through campus mail now. she might throw a candy bar or connections to home and the outside world. you receive a package. They give Sophomore English major Janet pack of lifesavers into that person's you a note that you take up to get Keymetian said she was expecting mail box to surprise them. post office is the student's touch to office wants to meet students face the package." Junior Kevin Brown, a package that had been sent from One thing that bothers Stickles home and encourages them to stop to face. by and say hello, because the post a communications major, thinks the a Massachusetts post office to is when students forget their mail- ladies in the post office are nice. WMC the same day a similar pack- box key and want to get their mail. Gina Hughes, a junior physical age was sent to her sister in Florida She gives students one free ride education major, said the people from that same post office. though and sometimes they will get The WMC Alumni Office would who work at the post office run it Keymetian's package arrived three a lot of mail on their free ride or like to thank the SGA for their smoothly. She also feels they are days after her sister received her they don't get anything. Stickles helpful. "One time 1 didn't have package. Keymetian also noticed also discourages the use of mail help with Homecoming '96. money for newsletters so they held that everyone else at WMC was box numbers when using campus them for me while I went to get the receiving a package at the same mail. She said the best results can Special thanks to Brandy Mulhern money," said Hughes. time she was receiving hers, and be had by using the first and last Most students seem to think the she wonders if the post office staff name only. and Randy Rytter for going the post office is efficient, but a major keeps the packages in a separate Stickles pointed out that the extra mile.
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