Page 60 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Thursday, October 31, 1996 - Page 12 FEATURES Halloween ghosts haunt year round on WMC's campus By NICKI KASSOUS her room. Ever since then, Betsy'S ghost has through the door into the laundry room. The sighting him pacing back and forth in the Sla!fWriter lingered around the halls of McDaniel. Stu- lady then stopped, turned, and walked out window' at night, constantly protecting his It is a Tuesday night and you have just dents have described her as wearing a blue through the wall. Even IhoughtWladkowski long lost love. - finished studying at the library. It's dark gown and "floating" around campus, often did not see the ghost himself, he stil! believes The ghosts of an old woman and her two outside and you're alone. As you are leav- running from the gazebo to McDaniel. that she was there. young children are reported to live in the ing the library's steps you look up to the top Past inhabitants of Betsy's room have Betsy's legacy on the WMC campus basement of Blanche. The woman has been of Elderdice. You think that you see a light reported having difficulty opening one of the does not stop there. Years ago, the top room sighted there and if she is in a good mood on, but you know this is impossible since closets on occasion. Perhaps it was the ghost in Elderdice was reserved for the male stu- when you see her, she'll fold your laundry the attic room has been closed off for years of Betsy that chemistry professor Dr. Bryan dent with the highest grade point average. for you. However, if she is in a bad mood and no one lives there, or do they? Well no Wladkowski encountered when he was a stu- That honor went to a divinity student who she will order her children to throw your living person lives there, but the ghosts of dent here. Wladkowski was living on cam- students past may inhabit the attic room of pus during the summer, to conduct scientific one day decided to hang himself from the laundry in the basement. And if you walk of the room. in the middle ceiling, the Ward Arch on the night of a full beneath He ap- Elderdice and other locations on the West- research. One day he went down to the laun- peared to have no reasons to take his life, moon, looking back at the campus will pro- ern Maryland College campus. dry room with his friend Dwayne. but it is speculated that he and Betsy were duce an image of the Old Main and the col- According {Q WMC legend, the campus Wladkowski was swinging on the heat pipes more than just friends. The attic room in lege as it was in the 18oos. is a hot spot for spirits of people from the when he heard the door open and close. He Elderdice has since been locked up, yet stu- Robin Perlow, a first-year student, is no past. Perhaps the most famous is Betsy. turned to Dwayne whose face was white with dents walking by late at night have been stranger to WMC's ghosts. Since she came Betsy was a student in the late 1920s. She shock. known to see a light on in the room. to WMC, Perlow has seen two different lived in McDaniel, room 311, and found her- "Initially I was taken back by the expres- The ghost of Elder dice and Betsy are not ghosts. Perlow has seen one of the ghosts self in a difficult situation. She was preg- sion on his face. That kind of expression is the only WMC spirits to die in the 1920s. A walking in circles on the top of Blanche. And nant. To escape her desperate condition, difficult to fake," recalls Wladkowski. ghost named Harvey is said to haunt Alumni in her room in Whiteford, Perlow reports Betsy hung herself in one of the closets in Dwayne described seeing a woman walk Hall. The ghost is also a former divinity stu- hearing strange noises on a regular basis. Un- dent who developed a love for theater. hung Perlow said, "I hear footsteps on the walls that I know can't his dreams, able to follow the student be com- and other noises CLASSIFIEDS himself from the balcony of the theater on appeared to Perlow. room." This spirit it as the ing from another has has been Harvey the eve of his graduation. She described seen sitting in the center of the balcony's first outline of a girl which is very bright, yet row to watch play rehearsals. And when the Perlow is unable to see the ghost's facial fea- ADOPTION: Loving, Secure, White HELP WANTED couple unable to have children of our lights mysteriously go off in the theater, tures. The spirit appears only at night and someone merely needs to yell, "Okay brings a coldness to the room with her. own. Long to welcome your newborn MenIWomen earn $480 weekly assem- Harvey, that's enough," for the lights to come Senior Kamaili Welch also remembered into our devoted, caring extended fam- bling circuit boards/electronic compo- back on again. weird things happening to her when she lived ily, Legal, medical expenses paid. nents at home. Experience unneces- Alumni Hall is also haunted by the ghost on the fourth floor of Whiteford. "One night CALL JON AND CHERYL, sary, will train. Immediate openings of former theater professor, Dorothy it was really late and my roommate and I TOLL FREE (410) 908-2322. your local area. Elderdice. Her ghost has summoned students could not sleep," said Welch. "We were hear- 1------------1 Call 1-520-680-7891 EXTC200 into her office and into the costume shop. ing weird noises and I was laying in bed BROKERAGE INTERNSHIP In addition, the spirit of Dorothy enjoys tak- when I felt something crawl into my bed. I ing trips up and down on the elevator and screamed and turned on the light." Welch Prepare yourself for a Wall Street Ca- singing in the under stage, all to frighten attributes this and other odd occurrences in reer. Earn your Broker's License (se- TRAVEL young thespians. Whiteford to the ghost of a construction ries 7) in a semester. Provide your- The oldest of WMC's ghosts lives in worker who died on the fourth floor. self with an inside track to the best ***FREE TRIPS & CASH*** Carroll Hall, the Admissions building. The There are visitors on the WMC campus jobs in the investment industry. Part- building was a former site of a Civil War and they live in nearly every building, but time/flexible hours. Call Adam Find out how hundreds of student hospital. One of the wounded soldiers was they're not alive. They are spirits of poor representatives are already earning Michaels in Baltimore at 800-643- FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH in love with a hospital nurse. The soldier lovers, of unfortunate students, and of dis- 3657. left for battle where he was killed. Years gruntled workers that haunt the rooms and with America's #1 Spring Break later, two men came to the hospital to buildings. Though these individuals may company! Sell only 15 trips and threaten the nurse. Her soldier appeared to have died years ago they have never left the GOOD travel free! Cancun, Bahamas, protect her and to keep watch in the night. college. So next time you see an odd light flickering on and off, or a flash of blue run- WEEKLY Mazatlan, Jamaica or Florida! A Civil War hospital may no longer inhabit ning from the gazebo, you will know what it continues to keep CAMPUS MANAGER POSITIONS the space, but the soldier INCOME ALSO AVAILABLE. Cal1 Now! watch in the night. People have reported is. processing mail for TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL (800) 95-BREAKI national company! F.. e Hats off to RA's supplies. postage I No Need Journalism selling! Bonusasl Star! Experience? 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