Page 66 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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~~-----~----------------------------- Thursday, November 14, 1996 - Page 2 COMMENTARY Staff RUMINATIONS Edltor-In-Chtef ----------_,I Michelle Hamilton 11---------- Michelle A. Hamilton '98 Managing Editor Sarah E. Sheckells '97 "I'm Snow White! Where's Dopey? should all remember that a positive attitude This is definitely the time to push our lim- Advertising Manager Where's Dopey?" screamed one WMC col- and belief in accomplishing a goal will get its, crack open the books, and even pull a Sara Gruber '99 lege student. "I'm Dopey! Here Lamt'ia male- us much further than whining. It's the same couple of all nighters. By staying positive, replied as he ran over to "Snow White" and technique that the hypnotist used on us. It envisioning goals. being met, and focusing News Editors embraced her like he found his long lost love. was a belief, a desire 10 complete a goal, on the end results, we might all benefit as Grant A. Rice '99 No, this wasn't a play practice, but rather a and relaxation. we edge closer to the close of the semester. Christian Wilwohl '98 performance under the direction of the hyp- It's definitely not luck that gets us through notist that CAPBoard sponsored. our classes and jobs. It's hard work, and we Features Editors That night, students, our peers, paraded Ifwe each took five should be taking care of ourselves in other Jennifer Vick '98 on stage like Madonna and Michael Jackson, ways, too. By taking time out and focusing spoke "Moonese," saw alligators and dogs minutes each morning on positive things, mentally the picture could Sports Editors under their chairs, pranced like super mod- and night to focus on look a lot clearer and be the decisive factor Carolyn Barnes '99 els, and did a variety of other extremely when reaching for success. strange things. They were not forced, but what we needed to do, Even if you don't believe, it's worth a Photography Editor rather they volunteered to be hypnotised by shot. Just think, how many of us last Friday Meghan Joyce '99 the guest performer. and then envisioned night though our classmates would be hyp- Given the humorous events that took ourselves completing our notised? For sure not many of us thought Computer Consultant place and the sometimes embarrassing ac- we'd see them getting hot and cold flashes, Heather Brinkhous '97 tions our peers took, it makes one wonder tasks successfully, the falling "asleep" on command, and getting about the power of the mind. How nice it same power that Mr. imaginary jolts through the bottom of their General Staff would be if we could suddenly' call back seats. Aaron Ahlburn '97 William Milligan and have him coax us Milligan used on the' The end of the semester, which Iam defi- Ruth Bradley '97 through exams with his powerful hypnotism nitely dreading, will be like the rest of them- Dan Callahan '00 techniques. As much as we would all love to students in the forum will hard and time consuming. Papers need to AaronCorbett '99 have someone hypnotise us into losing work in everyday life. be written, tests need to be taken, presenta- Adam Dean '98 weight, getting good sleep, getting good nons need to be given, and speeches need to Julie Edwards '99 grades, or even being more 'productive dur- be made. Tom Gill '97 ing the day, we should all remember that he Let's give ourselves a little extra boost Kate Hampson '00 didn't do anything at all. All the power of If we each took five minutes each morn- this semester and stay positive and believe Amy Hanna '99 hypnotism comes from within the person. ing and night to focus on what we needed to that these tasks can all be completed in a Faye Ingram '99 This means that those powers are within each do, and then envisioned ourselves complet- somewhat non-stressful and almost effort- Nicki Kassolis '99 of us all of the time. ing our tasks with success, the same power less way. Remember: our minds are more Maggie Kimura '99 As the semester begins to come to a close, that Mr. Milligan used on the students in the powerful than we think at times. Jeremy Lopus '00 and the papers have 10 start pouring in, we forum will work in everyday life. Stacey Mcintyre '99 Mike Puskar '99 Kerri Reyelt '97 Franchesca Saylor '00 LOCK AND KEY Jonathon Shacat '98 Sarah Snell '97 Cameron Speir '97 I Jonathon Shacat I Rich Suchoski '00 Shannon TInney"99 Jessica Watts '98 Heather Woods '99 CAPBoard, the missing link? looking forward to going to that Advisers The CAPBoard representatives [event] with my girlfriend," he Herb Smith did not expect a sell out of tickets said. "I was really upset at first Maryann Suehle for the trip to New York to see the but then I thought 'maybe it is one Christmas Spectacular at Radio of the perks of being on CAP- The Phoenix is published biweekly. City Music Hall scheduled for No- Board.'" The opinions expressed do not necessar- vember 16. But, just in case, they "It is definitely unfortu- ily represent those of The Phoenix staff, reserved 22 of the 45 tickets for nate that some people who wanted the faculty, or the administrators of themselves, according to Anita to go can't," said Drakes. The only WMc~ Kaltenbaugh, assistant director of thing she can do is make sure more The paper welcomes free-lance sub- college activities. tickets are purchased next year. missions on Macintosh disks in most In past years, this event has not Offering discounted tick- word processor formats. The editor re- been as popular, said Diane Drakes, ets to people who help plan an serves the right to edit for clarity, length, CAPBoard cultural arts committee event is a nice way to say ''Thank and libel and to publish as space permits. chair. All of these tickets, which sold for Brandy Mulhern, CAPBoard president, you." But, reserving a spot is a bit much. All submissions (excluding self-ad- $10 each, were gone in less than two days, thinks offering ticket reservations to CAP- Heck, if you 're going to reserve almost 50% dressed diskettes) become the property said Kaltenbaugh. Board members is "totally fair." "I don't of the tickets for the club's members, why of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. Drakes had no idea the tickets would sell think we are giving them undue compensa- not give them the tickets for free?" Please include a name and phone so well. "I am a college student, not a for- tion," said Mulhern. "Without them we The motto on CAPBoard's banner reads, number for verification. Names will be tune teller," she said. She thinks the tickets couldn't do what we do." "Your link to Western Maryland College." withheld only by the discretion of the sold quickly for two main reasons. First, the At least 12 people (all of whom signed a Maybe it should be "Our link (and your link) Editor-in-Chief. day of the event is on a Saturday, rather than waiting list) were unable to get tickets, ac- to Western Maryland College." The Phoenix does not discriminate a Friday. Second, tickets cost less than ever cording to Kaltenbaugh. Other students did cOrrection based on age, race, religion, gender, before; $10 each. not bother to sign the list. I was in error in my October 19 column sexual orientation, national origin, con- It was not possible for CAPBoard to pur- When senior Barry Wyche went to get a when 1 reported that the audio/visual equip- dition of handicap, or marital status. chase any more tickets for this event; they ticket, there weren't any left. He attributes ment in Hill Hall has been available since ordered them in June. this to the fact that so many of the tickets the building was rededicated last year. In Mail to: In order to give her committee members were set aside for CAPBoard. "I think they fact, according to Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice The Phoenix a reward for helping plan the event, Drakes should reserve maybe five or ten, but not half president of administration and finance, it WMC, 2 College Hill let them sign up for a ticket ahead of time. of them," said Wyche, who attended the was installed at the beginning of this semes- Westminster, MD 21157 Also, leadership officers and committee event last year. 'They should have had to ter. I assumed the equipment was ready for heads of CAPBoard had the opportunity to wait in line like the rest of us." use when the building first opened. I regret (410) 751-8600 reserve a spot. (Tickets for these people were Another student, who wishes to remain the error. (410) 876-2055. ext 8600 $5 each.) Regular ticket sales were held on anonymous, also was angry when he found Notification that this equipment is avail- FAX, (410) 857-2729 October 28. out there weren't any tickets left. "I was able to faculty was sent out via memo after I raised the issue in mycolumn.
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