Page 65 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 65
Volume XV, Number 5 Western Maryland College Thursday, November 14, 1996 Hill Hall plagued with Hot water restored in Whiteford renovation problems By KATE HAMPSON StaffWriler By JONATHON SHACAT nOI be reached for comment. We've got hot water!" screamed SlajfWriter Most repair costs will be ab- a Whiteford resident, running down The final stages of the Hill Hall sorbed by the contractor, said the hall from the bathroom. renovation are still being worked Seidel. Some of the money for the After a week of having either on, according to Ethan Seidel, vice work, depending on the job, will freezing cold showers or no water president of administration and fi- come from the academic renova- at all, the problem was finally fixed nance, but completion is expected tions budget. and the hot water was back on in by the beginning of the spring se- At least two professors have Whiteford Hall. mester. commented that their teaching has This feeling of jubilation has The architect, Centerbrook, has been affected by these problems. been experienced by many WMC made a "punch list" and the con- Dr. Charles Neal, a political sci- students throughout the beginning tractors, Roy Kirby and Sons, Inc., ence professor, said "the chalk- of this school year. The fall semes- "are getting there," said SeideL A boards in that building are just not ter has been plagued with water punch list includes the items that holding up." The boards in the problems, especially in Whiteford still need to be finished before the classrooms on the second and third and McDaniel Halls. renovation of a building is com- floors are peeling off the wall. In the first week or so, early ris- plete. The initial installation of these ers in Whiteford would sometimes Several items have had to be boards (on floors 1,2, and 3) did wake to a cold shower. fixed several times and still are not not meet the requirements of the The problem was that the boiler correct, said Seidel. contract, said Seidel. The contrac- was timed to come on at 5 am, In order to ensure that the job tor came back to fix them but they which meant that the water Was will be finished, the college is with- are still not right. He said this re- often not warm enough when the ing a shower; most tried to shower holding the final payment until all pair is on the punch list. residents went to take a shower at elsewhere. times only a trickle of water would items on the punch list have been Dr. Julie 8adiee, an art and art around 7 am. "I had to go home to shower," come out of the shower head, mak- fixed or repaired. history professor, had trouble op- This problem was soon rem- said Kate Strohman, a first year ing it impossible for even the har- A representative of Roy Kirby erating the multimedia equipment edied and the temperature was fine student, "my roommate at the time, diest residents to shower there. The cold showers lasted about and Sons, Inc., the contractor, could Continued on page 4 until the middle of October, when went to the pool showers." a week, throughout this time both . t once again there was no hot water. Other residents went in groups h Life and maintenance More c anges In sore much worse, time the water was freez- dence hall, with someone to guard Residence worked hard to try and problem the This was in Rouzer, the male resi- to shower workers solve the problem. for the Pub's new look ing, almost impossible to shower the bathroom door; others or at the to be in the water healer. In each show- found The fault was eventually bathrooms ered in friend's in, gym. heater there is a bundle, made up BY ANDREW MCCORD The showers in Whiteford were of pipes, which is set by steam. The SlajfWriler not only cold, they also had ex- One of WMC's favorite spots problem was that there was a hole underwent a face life recently, and tremely low water pressure, at Continued on page 4 more changes are in store for the future. The Pub, which saves hundreds of students from the late night munchies, has gone through a sub- stantial renovation process thai ex- ens its mission, "awareness, sup- By CHRISTIAN WILWOHL tended into the beginning of this Assistant News Editor port, and protection." semester. To commemorate World AIDS Emily Grant further com- According to the head of Din- Day on December 1, Carroll Com- merited that "this is a great oppor- ing Services, Mary Roloff, the ter- munity College will display eight tunity 10 see the quilt's panels close race of the Pub was enlarged with of the AIDS Memorial Quilt's sev- up." a new floor being put down as well. enty thousand panels December J In addition, Grant is involved A new heating system was also in- to December 13. Continued on page 4 stalled after the old system caused The NAMES Project sponsors the ceiling tiles to buckle. the quilt to increase AIDS aware- Inside On the fire place side of the ness and to remember those who Pub, the ceiling was replaced with have died from the deadly disease. Lock & Key 2 a new white tiled one. In addition, the quilt raises money Soapbox 3 Also, new light fixtures were for people living with HIV and Letters to the Editor 3 installed all across the Pub. But the AIDS, 60 Seconds 6 Pub is being targeted for more Western Maryland's AIDS Students on campajgna.. 7 changes. awareness group, A.S.A.P., will Smith House : 7 According to the January 1996 perform skits dealing with the Report of the Residential College AIDS issue at Carroll Community Creatures on campus 8 Clam Chowder 9 Task Force, there is a plan to re- on Monday, December 1. Absent professors 10 model the pub as a "non-alcoholic Emily Grant, a member of Students gain awareness 11 sports bar" or theme facility. A.S.A.P, explained the group's in- Scoreboard 15 volvement in this project strength-
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