Page 56 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Hypnotist to perform on the Hill sponsored by CAPBoard Chuck has been performing professional rial presented in his program to any audi- hypnosis stage programs for colleges, uni- ence level. Unlike most performers Chuck versities, and comedy clubs for over 8 years. requests each school to edit, change, delete, His philosophy for performing is that the or add to, any material in his program to audience will have a good time but that he ensure it fits their particular school. volunteers must have a great time. No matter where Chuck appears, he al- Chuck has 'a bachelors degree in crimi- ways becomes a staple in their yearly pro- nal justice administration and possesses a gramming having made as many as four re- lifetime teaching credential in police sci- peat appearances within a single school year ences. Upon completing a successful 15 year at the same school. career in law enforcement he has turned his Chuck's fun an likable personality makes incredible talent to entertain to performing him one of the easiest entertainers to work on stage. Chuck and Terri, his wife, have with, and having been on staff at the Uni- been married for over 22 years. Terri often versity of California at San Diego for 9 years, travels with Chuck working both on and off he has a keen insight to the social aware- stage. They have fWO grown children and ness, interests, and sense of humor of today's currently live in San Diego. campus communities. Chuck is a master at adjusting the mate- Courtesy of CAP Board Chamber music series opens sixth season Chamber Music on the Hill opens its sixth ate in voice performance, he has appeared season at Western Maryland College Sun- with Towson Chamber Players, The Cathe- day, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. dral Concert Series and Chamber Music on The program "Chamber Music Across the the Hill. Centuries" will highlight works of Johannes Cellist Katherine Barrett, making her first Brahms, Benjamin Britten, Eldin Burton, and appearance with Chamber Music on the Hill, Bohuslav Marunu. Performers include also is a member of the Maryland Symphony WMC music faculty Katherine Barrell, cello; and the Millbrook Orchestra, as well as a Linda Kirkpatrick, flute; and David Kreider, founding member of Camerata Pro Femina, Hypnotist Chuck Milligan and 30 other WMC students, chosen at show, will perform for the Western Maryland College Community, sponsored by CAPBoard on Friday, November 8th at piano, and Baltimore musician Karen a Florida chamber ensemble devoted to per- 8pm. Admission is $1 at the door. "Paul Plays It All" will open the show. There will be free Bakkegard. french horn, and Evan Walker, forming music of women composers. drinks from BACCHUS and baked goods sold by Circle K. tenor, chairman of the music department at Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for Carroll Community College. seniors over 65. Children and students (with Bakkegard is a member of the Baltimore valid ID) will be admitted free. For ticket Opera Orchestra, the Baltimore Chamber reservations call the' Arts Management-Of- Orchestra and the Washington Concert Op- fice at 857-2599. Tickets also will be avail- era Orchestra. She also is a regular substi- able at the door prior to the concert. tute with the Baltimore Symphony Orches- Chamber Music on the Hill is a regular tra. She currently teaches at the Baltimore concert series in residence at the college fea- School for the Arts, Essex Community Col- turing faculty and other professional musi- lege and Shepherd College in West Virginia. cians from the Baltimore and Washington Walker, also associate professor of mu- symphonic communities. sic and voice, is currently on sabbatical from The series is partially funded by grants Carroll Community College while he writes from the Maryland State Arts Council and a handbook for studying singing. A gradu- the Carroll County Arts Council. ate of Peabody Conservatory with a doctor- Courtesy of Public Information LargePiua Any Large Pizza with Your Choice of One Topping Additfonal Toppings S1.46 extra. Super Subs 1·6" Super Sub I·Bags of Potato Chips I·Cans of Coca-Cola'" Ct-ooseFrom: Philty~Mr.a.b
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