Page 55 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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-----------------------... N,EWS Thursday, October 31, 1996 - Page 7 Out of this world musical opens Physical plant does its at Alumni Hall on Friday best to fillwork orders By ANDREW MCCORD & ;~:~ has increased by two from ~ast SARAH SNHLL SrajJWrilus Before students arrived on cam- In the residence halls ofWMC, pus this year, Brown and the rest it is an inevitable fact of life that of this year's RA's investigated things won't always go smoothly. every room on campus looking for So after an average weekend of problems. partying, it's no surprise to find Brown said that the RA's put in damage done to hall property. The over 200 work orders before remedy for this situation is a work classes even started. order. This backlog of orders can The procedure for a work order cause some delays but Brown says is as follows: A resident of the hall that by the end of September, will call his or her RA and reports PhysicaJ Plant is usually caught up. the damage. The RA then writes Charges arc levied for damages the work order and turns it into the according 10 where the damage has Residence Life Coordinator. The been done and who was at fault. RLC sends the work order to Physi- cal Plant. Meanwhile, the RA fills out a-carbon copy of the work or- "In my experience, der for the RA and the resident. they [physical According to Director of Build- ing Operations and Maintenance plant] have been Joe Bentz, his office receives lOOs pretty good about In this scene Eleanor sings the Starmites 10 sleep while being watched over by a Banshee in of work orders per week depend- Pictured L to R: Krysta Dawn Stacy, Mark Resch, Elton Elizabeth Keith, Ryan Keough, and Jimmy ing upon the time of year. fixing the problems. By ROXANN INGRAM sing in a style "more like tremely dedicated in giving up all Most work orders are com- A couple times when Staff Writer Metallica," according to Director their weekends since rehearsals pleted within five working days of Western Maryland College and Elizabeth van den Berg. started in September. It has been the request, according to the cur- I've requested " its surrounding community are in Being a "rock and roll" musi- especially hard for some of the cast rent "Student Guide and for a real treat the weekends of No- cal means that the music in members to work out their schedul- Datebook." Christy-Ann Brown, repairs, I actually vember 8, 9, and 10, and Novem- Starmites is "much more contem- ingconflicts because they were also a 19 year old RA in ANW says that watched them do ber 14, IS, and 16 because that is porary, using real rock and roll in- involved in other productions like this is usually the case. when Starmites, the rock and roll, struments like synthesizers and The Hand That Cradles the Rock, "In my experience, they [physi- it, " science fiction, musical comedy guitars," explained van den Berg, and Hotel Halloween. cal plant] have been pretty good written by Stuart Ross and Barry "The style is more like Little "My main concern is that I don't about fixing the problems. A Christy-Ann Brown, RA in Keating, will be performed on the Shop of Horrors or Grease," van want them to get bumt out. I'mcon- couple times when I've requested ANW Alumni Hall Mainstage. den Burg explained. cemed about having them conserve repairs, I actually watched them do Shows start at 8 PM and cost Of course thai does not mean energy," explained van den Berg. it," Brown said. If a fire extinguisher has been $8 for adults, and $5 for WMC stu- that the songs tell less of the story 'Thankfully, this show ... worked If the order is not responded to discharged, oro damage has been dents, children, and seniors. than they do in regular musicals. out pretty well because we stalled a within five days, the student should done to a light or a bathroom, the The show is the rather unique As with any other musical put little early, and we're right where we call their RA and report it. hall on which the damage was story of Eleanor, a girl who loves on by the college, the "biggest goal should be," said van den Berg. Emergency work orders are discovered is charged. comic books played by Elton Eliza- is for everyone to have fun-it's a The basic work for the show is completed as soon as possible. If damage is done to a com- beth Keith and Arnie G. Glasgow, very lighthearted play," com- done; the blocking is done, all the . When the heat went out in mon area, such as a lounge or and her journey through mented van den Berg, choreography, which is done by Julie Pennsylvania House 197, a repair- stairwell, the entire building Innerspece. "[The cast is] a lot of fun. I'm Herber, has been taught, and the cast man was there within minutes, ac- splits the cost of the repairs. When Eleanor's mother threat- having a blast and I think they're is off-book for their songs, thanks to cording to the residents. At the SGA student forum ens to give all of her comics to the all really cool." Musical Director Linda Kirkpatrick, The Building Operations staff held Monday, October 21, Comic Book Emporium, Eleanor Arnie Glasgow shares this sen- and for their lines. is composed of 15 electrical, Whiteford Hall residents brought sings about her passion for the rtmenr as wetl and staled that What remains to be done now is plumbing, or maintenance employ- up the complaints that they had comics and is sucked into "Starmites is giving the cast a moment to moment work as van den ees with an average of 10 to 15 absolutely no water the day be- lnnerspace by the evil Shak-Gra, chance to let loose and have fun." Berg calls it. years of experience at WMC. fore and had not had hot water for who is portrayed by Liam C. Grey, Another thing that it is giving In thai stage the cast will work Bentz described his staff as weeks. I Ed Millner, Courtney Risch, and the cast, and will give the audience on trouble spots and do rhythm and "stretched," but added that they Due to press time, Bentz could Kelley Dunnavant. is a little culture where they did 1I0t tempo work; once that is finished the "try to respond and do the jobs as not be reached for comment on Fortunately for Eleanor, the expect it; surprisingly, there is a show will be put back together and professionally as possible." The this matter. leader of the Starmites,Space Punk, large amount of elevated language fine-tuned. played by Dan Franko, comes to in the play used by Space Punk, a "It's exciting to see [the cast] be- her rescue with the aid from the feature which isn't normally found ginning to really own the play. Now Starmites Dazzle, Herbie, and Ack in contemporary theatre. is when they start to take charge of it Ack, portrayed by Ryan Keough, There is also a challenge for the themselves," commented van den Jimmy Reddan, and Mark Resch actors in that the characters are Berg, "They're starting to know respectively. very extreme, yet need to be por- more about their own character than Meanwhile Shak-Gra is also trayed with a sense of realism and I do." busy trying to steal the cruelty, an truth to make them believable. Then the only thing left to work Specials instrument of destruction, from The play is "fun, but also chal- on will be tech; Mark Resch and Ira Diva, played by Joanna Lajewski. lenging," remarked van den Berg, Domser have designed the set and
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