Page 52 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 52
Thursday, October 31, 1996 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Halloween Special FRIGHTS IN THE CLOSET -------------___,I Dan Callahan ...------------- Sandy was curled in a ball on her bed, stare back at her. They looked like giant hairy hands and feet. The monster's pointed The next thing Sandy knew she was shaking nervously. She new he would tor- red eggs. tongue was black with green dots and slith- awake and didn't know where she was. ture and eat her and eventually kill her. She "I'm here Sandy. I'll always be here, ered back and forth. Looking around she realized she was in a cave squeezed the comforter that covered her chin I'll never leave you alone. I'll always be It leaped as fast as lightning onto the little where everything was brown. Rotten corpses and ears. The wind whined like a freight watching every move you make. You see girl, pinning her beneath him. Agiant slimy were piled in one comer and beasts, like the train and the trees slapped the windows. Sandy. it doesn't matter if you keep your head protruded from its mouth saying, "your one in her closet, were huddled around a fire. Thunder exploded like a million fireworks night light on orifyou runintoyour parents' one of us now ..." Sandy screamed as mil- They looked at her and grunted. She looked as lightning penetrated her room. room and get your dad to check the closet lions of tiny teeth were exposed. The thing down at her features and screamed. The Sandy's room was filled with dolls and for you. Hell, you could have a gun and it put it's whole mouth around Sandy's head. monster had overcome poor Sandy's fate - toys and the pink walls were as clear as a wouldn 't stop me. Do you believe in God Its breath smelled like rotten eggs. she was eternally damned. summer sky. Her snow-white carpet showed Sandy? Do ya, huh? Well, if there was a spirit and life. The rain came down in sheets God wouldn't he be protecting you right CLINTONHAS My trying to burst through the roof. The attic now? Wouldhe let me torture you like this? creaked and she heard tiny footsteps seitter I doubt it! Sandy, your going to have loads across the floor. She thought her mom had offun in my stomach and don't worry, I'll called the exterminator to kill all the mice. eat you real slow," the monster snorted. VOTE Sandy knew the monster was staring aT Sandy retreated further under her blan- her and that his huge yellow fangs were drip- kets. She knew the monster was right ping with saliva at the thought of biting into though. Her dad checked the closet numer- --------"ITy Unglebower'I- _ her soft pink flesh. She knew it was laugh- ous times and found nothing. ing at her pain and suffering. The door slowly squeaked open. She It may seem to be getting a little bit old of these laws and programs which I person- "Oh... Sandy, have you been a good little could see the shadow of the blood-thirsty people. ~irl? I'm very hungry Sandy. I like little beast. Its back was hunched and it was cov- at this point, to hear other people's commen- ally have seen help the many President He has on agreed with tary about the Presidential but since election, ~irls, they taste the best," the monster ered with dark, mangy, black hair. Its ear.s it is the last election of this century, and since oceasion,(NAFfA), but not enough to believe 1norted in it~satanic drawl. It spoke slowly were pointed and wrinkly. Its eyes were red- it will be over by the time the next edition that his policies are the ones to go with. and methodically. der and its fangs were six inches long and a of the Phoenix is published, I will take this Finally, we come to character. Many Sandy looked in her closet that stood mustard yellow. The nose was two black opportunity to say what my intentions are would assume that the President looses this tghtlY ajar. She saw the bright red eyes holes and it had long yellow claws on its for November 5th. battle automatically, but I do not think so. To I have made my choice not based on party me, making many unpopular moves,such as data. J came polling September Honor & Conduct Board Cases lines, or on current as ideally every voter does, to our involvement in Haiti, and in the end, com- ing out successful, this conclusion, takes And in character. (though too many do not). I objectively com- addition, reg.ardl~ss of."Bob Dol~'s statu~ as pared the two candidates, their record, and a war hero.his constant accusauons agamst :,TrH? H?~or a~d"Co~~uct~o~d a,djudicated a Sj~seon Thur~., their character. After ,this analysis, I have the President's 'character have really not been September 12, 1996 involving one student. The student was made the decision to vote for President substantiated by any fact. Dole's sudden strat- , found responsible for harassing a Resident Assistant, failing to Clinton. And on what do I base this deci- egy of attacking the President personally in sion? the past two weeks.has just mad'e him look ; comply with the directives of the RA, discharging fireworks in As I already mentioned, I did not base more desperate. And to me, questioning a a residence hall and violating the quiet hours policy. The stu- this decision simply on the fact that the Presi- man's patriotism, as he has questioned that dent is so far ahead in the polls.(on average, ofthe President, is a sign of a lack of charac- dent was suspended from the residence hall for the current se- a lead of about 20 points.) I am h"oWtyer ter. mester and one additional semester and required to apologize voting for the President based on the~fi!"~~e- So in conclusion, I would have to say that J' to the RA. ria mentioned above. The first criteria is the in a time when the economy is strong, the effectiveness of the candidate himself. nation and its allies are at peace, and more President Clinton has always been the and more people are becoming employed, ; The Board met again on Tues., September 17, for one student more effective campaigner, and, as a corol- coming out of welfare, and rising above pov- than is Bob Dole. I, charged with violating the alcohol policy and fire code regula- lary, is more charismatic he at least attracts erty, under the leadership of a President who Bob Dole few mistakes, has made relatively And if not charismatic, tions for occupancy levels. The student was found responsible more attentions than does his Republican makes little or no argument as to why lack of vi- for the fire code violation but not the alcohol policy violation. counterpart. I find it much easier to listen to to America needs a change. Dole's 15% tax cut is his impractical what in addition ston beyond the President says, The student was suspended from the residence halls through wanted to listen. than I do for Bob Dole, who not a good sign, in my estimation. Say what their graduation from the College. often, regardless of what he is thinking, you want about the President, he does have a seems sometimes to ramble and to fumble vision for the future, and has no problems in over his thoughts. This in and of itself is not communicating it to the American people. enough to make a President, no doubt. So I And people listen. Bob Dole has failed to get move to the next criteria, which is ideally people to rally behind him because he lacks the most important; the candidate's record. vision. Or at least, he lacks the ability to com- People accuse the President of and municate it, which is crucial when trying to Just a reminder waffling, but it seems to me that he has kept unseat a President. nearly all of his promises. And must look Such is my rationale for re-electing the Classroom and campusfacilities are availablefor student organizations act his achievements. The deficit has been President. And if polls mean anything,(many for meetings and special programs. If you would like to reserve a decreased by 60%, while 10 million new jobs say they do not), more Americans agree with classroom, please contact Diane Morris, Assoc. Registrar at extension over the last four years have been created. It me. So for all the talk ebout side issues such is the first time that the deficit has gone down 263 to check on availability of a classroom. To reserve other locations in four consecutive years since FOR. as age,campaign funds, and what not, the fi- (such as, Gold Room A or B or McDaniel Lounge), contact Nancy Huber, I also look at his domestic programs, spe- nal decision, people seem to understand, is r College Activities, Office Manager, at X765 cifically the Brady Bill, and the Family how the President has done in the past, and Medical Leave Act. I believe that these two what he sees in the future. With a strong Also, if you desire to use either Multimedia room in Hill Hall, room pieces of legislation were during to of the most economy, 10 million new jobs, and an ever this admin- implemented important it is hard to say that he deficit, 104 or 110, and wish to use the VCR or Laser Disk player, you will istration. Regardless of the arguments form decreasing And his vision is so much more has failed. need to sign for a key at the podium. This can be done after making the other side, I can see no reason to repeal clear than Dole's ifhe has one. America loves your room reservation request through Diane Morris. Keys Must be either of these laws, as Republicans have to hear that it better days are yet to come. returned within 24 hours after the scheduled meeting time. said they want to do. The President has said that. Dole has not. Bob Dole's voting record, in the Senate, And therefore, given the alternative, generally seems to me to be against many President Clitnon has my vote.
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