Page 51 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 51
COMMENTARY Thursday, October 31, 1996 - Page 3 LETTERS To THE EDITOR SGA needs backing of college community; numbers matter SGA has built a new foundation; now to make opinions count has principles and structure I am writing in response to The dence hall to the administration. school. All College Council is one to take a moment I wanted in 1984 and Soapbox in the October 3n!and 19,h The telephones were installed last of these bureaucratic organizations. write in response to Adam Dean's to that had been authored to for several had not been adhered issue of The Phoenix. To address year, and now assist in making With representatives from SGA, October 19th Soapbox column. years. This massive undertaking the article, I refute your statement WMC a safer campus and facilitate IGC, BSU, JSU, and select mem- "student government is a joke." those visiting other residence balls. bers of the administration this First, I would like to say thanks to proved to be one of the greatest and, I feel, one of the challenges SOA was once barely recognizable Students were allowed back to Council implements policies often Adam for helping me to see the greatest achievements of th~ SGA in a new light. His editorial as a organization for students, how- school two days prior to the start for the entire campus. What is the ever now the current dedicated of classes. This was a result of an point of this organization? The made me sit down and think about SGA-because what is an organt members have revitalized the as- SGA proposal. SGA co-sponsored breakdown of this organization is why he believed the wrong facts zation without principles or struer sembly to a level at which is now a the Campus Concert Committee, not at all egalitarian. There are ::~u~~~~~~~:~ss~~~:~~~'c~~: :~:e~al~~!~lr:;a~~e h~~~O~:s ~~ vehicle for students to voice their which brought the sold-out Deep elected members from the entire than was concerns to the administration. Al- Blue Something concert to WMC. college community, and selected up any inconsistencies, the vote in the first two months year. in the entire 1993-94 was sponsored by the SGA in or- done though few students utilize the To all those who partied on the Hill members from three of the largest der to make a recommendation to However, the question remains, dr SOA. we communicate the student during Homecoming: SGA plans organizations on campus. There- voice effectively for those who in- Homecoming each and every year fore, an student elected member of form us, however the administra- with assistance from the Alumni the college of over 1000 has equal I know that the SGA has been building j tion does not always choose 10 lis- Association. vote and input as organizations that ten. One might argue, the next step The SGA does attempt to ad- makeup less than 30% of the cam- strength over the past four years, but does would be to organize a protest to dress all student issues, however pus. Instead, this select crop of stu- shove our ideas down the throat of even the major issues effecting sru- dents and administration dictate the student body? Do students know that, the administration. Unfortunately, den! life are ignored. A perfect policy over SGA. It seems to me, in 1993-1994 academic year the only event the SGA planned was Homecoming? All College Council exists only to voice the concerns of the the administration c~nceming stu- administration through several brainwashed students. dent sentiment. The SGA vote was students know what the SGA i Doyouknowwh doing for them? not intended to rnaif# the final de- you could move-in a day early thi cision. It is unfortunate that the fall? Jt'sbecause the SGA heard we are twenty elected members of example of the administration not as a student, I would want an orga- SGA was unable to' decide, how- student concern and persuaded th a college campus well over a popu- listening, takes us back to last year nization representing all students, ever, the SGA did capitalize on its administration to allow students I lation of 1000. Certainly in this in which the doors to residence rather than swayed representation role as an influential voice. move in a day early so they coul situation, numbers matter to make halls were officially locked twenty- toward large group membership. I had to take a s!ep backwards get settled before classes began. opinions count. At the present, we four hours a day. Despite an as- All College Council exists only to to look at the situation form a more Based on these observations, ~ do not have the backing of the col- tounding percentage of student op- voice the concerns of the adminis- objective position.' :Ytis in this po- recognize that the SGA needs tr lege community to organize such- posed to the idea though a referen- tration through several brain- sition that I realized that my communicate-more.etten and more solid movement. It is tough to mo- dum sponsored by the SGA, the washed students. This is not a true insider's view has lead me to take clearly with the' studenl body. I tivate students who do not wish to policy was implemented with one pro-student organization. I recom- information pertaining to issues challenge all of you to join me ih take action. freak accident, that couldn't have mend a merger of All College and SGA functions for granted. I an effort to improve communica- The truth of the matter in which even been prevented by the new Council and Student Government, know that the SGA has been build- tion by voicing concerns at Open you questioned, does the SGA have policy. To those not familiar, sev- to offer an equal proportioned rep- ing strength over the past four Forums, supporting SGA func- power? The SGA does not have eral individuals made their way resentation of students, and to pro- years, but does the student body? tions, and taking an active role in power, but influence. From the into Blanche-and allegedly were the mote policies in the interest of both Do students know that in 1993- college affairs and issues through many Open Forums held, we have cause of a confrontation involving students and administration. SGA 1994 academic year the only event the SGA. In return, I will strive to put together over ten proposals. WMC students. This situation was has now matured, and is ready for the SGA planned was facilitate more accurate and more Not all were responded to in which the deciding factor to lock the doors real world. Why put us back down Homecoming? There were no infonnative communication on the we intended, however some made twenty-four hours a day, even to the pit at which we are trying to Open Forums, no SGA Earth Day, part of the Student Government a difference. Briefly I will describe though it happened at night went climb out of? The SGA wants to and the average meeting attendance Assembly. some of the positive contributions the doors were locked anyway. make a difference, and will if All was 60utof20 members. Last year of SGA resulting from our Open Anyone can enter a residence hall College Council is eliminated. the SGA focused on building a new Brandy Mulhern Forums. The SGA is responsible if they wanted 10. How many times Otherwise, we will continue to see foundation in the form of a consti- Senior English Major for Englar Dining Room opening have you let someone you didn't issues such as the "24 Hour Look- tution to replace an old document SGA President at II :OOam for lunch Monday know into a residence hall? These down" and the student voice ham- through Friday. Previously, the are just a few of our accomplish- mered out by our own students in dining room opened at 11:30am. ments. They are not phenomenal, All College Council and by the To send letters to the editor, please send hard By opening Glar a half-hour ear- however each has made a differ- Administration. copy of letter via campus mail to The Phoenix. lier, lessened the peak hours at ence for WMC. I which you couldn't find a seat, let The SGA should have power. Randall J. Ryner All letters must be signed. The editor reserves alone get lunch. The SGA took a The reason why we don't have Senior Political Science Major the right to edit for clarity, length, and libel I Student Safety Watch (now power is that we are among the list SGA Vice President C.A.R.E.) proposal of emergency of administrative organizations and to publish as space permits. telephones outside of every resi- supposedly representing the The Soapbox Continued from page 2 didate. Anybody who would asso- questions you can write me a let- themselves refugees form an evil ciate themselves with such scoun- ter! Yes you can! E-mail me at : gize to the young lady who almost eyes may have changed my mind government. Who knows. But ac- dfels is not someone I want running and slapped me in glar during lunch on on gun control (eight now I support cepting this support is on a whole my country's government. make it good. Anything you send 10124/96. I was putting my tray it: if you can 'I control your gun other playing field than taking mil- Whew! Glad I got that off my could be published, so think about back at the same time as this per- what good are you?). When you see lions of dollars from an Indonesian chest! So, now lets see, I locked up what you want to say. If you sound son. She stepped backwards and me next, please don't kill me! Well, my fist and her rear became ac- conglomerate corporation. The my evil twin Gabe, I thrashed like a goober I might run your let- quainted. Without a quick dodge I think that about covers it for now. word bribery does not cover the soundly the Democratic party, what ter in the Soapbox just out of spite. and fast feet I would have been I'll take a long walk now, maybe scope of this outrage. How can any else do I have to do? I know, lei's And with that I closetoday's Soap- check up on Gabe and make sure out patriotic American not be outraged chat. Do you have any questions for box. Ladles and gentlemen, Adam layed whoever on the linoleum. So, his ropes are tight. I don't want that you are, it was an Miss, by this quasi-treasonous act? I me? Any Issues that you want the has left the building. accident. I am not that kind of per- jerk 10 get out again. Goodbye. know I will withdraw all of my Soapbox to address? If you an- Well, maybe not. This just in. I son and wouldn't do something like Email letters to support for ANY Democratic can- swered yes to anyone of these want to take a moment to apolo- that on purpose. That look in your The Soapbox:
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