Page 57 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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NEWS Thursday, October 31, 1996 - Page 9 Student Government keeps things SGA NewsiBriefs running smoothly at WMC Western Maryland College Student Govern , .c First were the blue light phones, Soltz, was responsible for the co- then extended Glar hours, then the ordination of the Homecoming student opinion 10 appropriate ad- Winter Formal speed bumps were painted ... and court elections. ministrators. Co-sponsored by SGA and CAPBoard Friday, December 6, 1996 at the now Homecoming 1996 and a new The committee ran nominations Continuing upon last year's Omni Hotel in Baltimore from 9:00pm-I :OOam. More details to allocations process for student or- for two days followed by two days successful Deep BIlle Something follow. ganization funds. of voting. Concert, the Campus Concert Through projects such as these They were also responsible for Committee (Ccq will hold its the SGA continues to quietly en- the coordination of the court dur- first meeting on Sunday, Novem- New Honor and Conduct Members hance student life on the Hill. With ing the half-time ceremonies. Jun- ber 3 at 7:30pm in the Leidy The following students were approved by the SHA for positions on the the exception of the weather, ior class representative Jeff SolIZ Room. Honor and Conduct Board: Cindy West and Erin Williams. Homecoming 1996 was a great The Campus Concert Com- commented that, "the committee success through the cooperation of mittee is a co-sponsorship be- spent over twenty-four hours in one Allocations Completed Associate Director of Alumni Af- tween SGA and CAPBoard's week preparing for Homecoming." fairs, Beth Harlow Buckalew, and The Campus Life committee or- Mainstage Committee and is re- Allocations were approved by the SOA for the thirty student organiza- theSGA. ganized the parade, from coordinat- sponsible for planning the annual tions. Please refer to the related article for more information. Homecoming 1996 was truly a ing with Finch Services and spring concert. team effort. One person alone can- Baugher's Orchard for the tractors Anyone interested in partici- Campus Concert Committee Meeting not take all the credit. The day re- and wagons to soliciting student pating on the CCC is encouraged ally involved the entire college organizations for participants to lin- 10 attend the meeting or call All those interested in helping CAPBoard and SGA plan the annual community" said Buckalew. ing up the floats. Randy at x8266. spring concert, please attend the introductory meeting on Suncay, For Homecoming the SGA is Committee members Heather The next upcoming event is November 3, 1996 at 7:30pm in the Leidy Room. For more informa- responsible for coordinating the a Winter Formal co-sponsored tion, please contact Randy Rytter at ext. 8266. erection of the court, the formation with CAPBoards's Special of the parade, the selection of fac- "All the Events Committee. Homecoming ulty parade judges, and the adver- organizations The formal dance will be held Congratulations to the winners of the Homecoming Parade Float tisement of Homecoming events to at the Omni Inner Harbor Hotel contest: the student body. involved were very in Baltimore on Friday, Decem- i st Place: Phi Mu In addition, while Homecoming ber 6 from 9:00pm to 1:OOam. 2nd Place: Phi Sigma Sigma be pro- will events were in the planning stages, enthusiastic and did vided Transportation will be avail- 3rd Place: ASAP: AIDS Support Awareness and Prevention and tickets the SGA encouraged and empow- a great job on their able November 13th through the ered other student organizations to 26th. be active on campus through the floats. " SGA Meetings The SGA challenges all stu- disbursement of funds. SGA meets every Wednesday at 8pm in Hill Hall 104. The campus The SGA recently allocated Heather Huffer, Junior dents to become involved in stu- community is invited to attend. dent government activities to $9,600.00 from the $12,250.00 stu- class president and parade dent organization allocation budget chair make a difference on the Hill. Have a Concern You Would Like SGA to Address? to 28 student organizations. Fund SGA meetings are open to the community disbursement is outlined in the campus Wednesday and are held at Call the SGA office at ext. 631 or e-mail the SGA at highlighted box. Huffer, Samantha Dwoskin, Kristin every evening "" The remaining $2,650.00 will Harkins, and Scot Hoover coordi- 8:00pm in Hill Hall 104. be used for later allocations. Each nated all these aspects to put on a year the SGA is responsible for al- fun event for students, alumni, and locating funds to student organiza- the Westminster community. Allocations to student organizations tions. "All the organization involved The dollar amount of funds al- were very enthusiastic and did a located is based upon several fac- great job on their floats," com- Maryland Student Legislature $250.00 Barbell Club $50.00 tors: the amount in the mented junior class president and International Club 600.00 Phi Sigma Iota 200.00 organization's account, what activi- parade chair Heather Huffer. SERVE 600.00 Society of Physics Students 400.00 ties are planned for the year, how The Academic committee, Matt Yoga Club 200.00 El Club Espafiol 300.00 these activities benefit the campus Gribbin, Amy Absher, Ryan John, ASAP community, and how much fund and Sara Beth Reyburn, also helped 800.00 BSU 800,00 raising the organization is willing to make the parade a success by Fellowship of Christian Athletes 50.00 lGC 400.00 to do. soliciting Dr. John Olsh, Dr. Julie Pi Sigma Alpha 100.00 BACCHUS 500.00 This year the procedure has Badiee, and Dr. Brian Wladkowski Multicultural Students 400.00 Ranger Platoon 200.00 been revamped. 10 serve as parade judges. Knights of the Sextagonal Table 200.00 German Club Now, each organization which Prizes were awarded for first, 200.00 receives funds is required to send second, and third place to Phi Mu, History Club 200.00 Phi Sigma Sigma 200,00 a representative to one SGA meet- Phi Sigma Sigma, and ASAP- Aids Christian Fellowship 600.00 Pep Band 0.00 Support Awareness and Prevention, ing per month and to serve as a respectively. Alpha Psi Omega 300.00 Circle K 300.00 member of the social, academic, Jewish Student Union 600.00 Tri-Beta 200.00 Aaron Corbett, Meghan Friday, campus life, or public relations Allies 450.00 STAY Becky Tothero, and Mike Welter, 500.00 committee. the Public Relations committee, At SGA meetings, the represen- tatives are asked to report on their tied all the committees' work to- organization's expenditures and gether by advertising Homecoming ,111;"011 fllll";ty 1.' I. receipts for the month as well as related activities through various ,~ Great Clips campus media. upcoming activities and events. ,1o,.... I" /<'';'''Ih Pr;t'e While the allocations process Freshman representative ~ for hair« was directed by the executive board Meghan Friday stated that her ex- of Treasurer Andreas Kalisperis, perience with the SGA and Walk ill Secretary Amy Dreibelbis, Vice Homecoming has been "enriching" President Randy Rytter, President and she hopes to continue to con- Brandy Mulhern, Adviser Dean tribute to the SOA and the college. "";"'11' An.ytilue I'"'' is over, Now that Homecoming Phil Sayre, and College Activities other issues, the SGA will be evalu- '7 lll,m·d,·.~· Director Mr. Mitchell Alexander, the SOA will continue their various t.""",,~"''*'11''''' ~'Io"day-Fl.·iday 9-f' the legislative members of the SGA activities aimed at improving and "'jlb st"d"lIt III were busy making preparations for enhancing campus lifc. Along with Sat""day 84 Homecoming. SlInday 11-1 The social committee, com- ating the newly proposed AJcohol and the Residence Hall prised of Kevin Lundell, Mandy Sanctions Policy and will be offering Posting Hofstetter, Kris Rider, and Jeff
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