Page 53 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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~~-------------------.. NEWS Thursday, October 31, 1996 - Page 5 WMC dedicates computer Senior Resigns Honor & Condo Board graphics lab in Peterson Hall Western Maryland College has type without ink and mix colors major renovations. It includes mul- dedicated its computer graphics without paint," said Susan Bloom, timedia personal computers, a laboratory in honor of a gift from associate professor of art and chair flatbed scanner and three printers. Janet and Henry Lewis of Students, according to Bloom, are Reisterstown, announced President "As an artist I'm exposed to various graphics soft- Robert H. Chambers. ware packages to provide them "We are honored that we can always excited about with a good foundation for what is show our appreciation 10 Mr. and a clean canvas or a being used throughout the indus- Mrs. Lewis for their support of our try. College," said Dr. Chambers. "The fresh drawing pad. "I became interested in com- Lewis Computer Graphics Lab is The Lewis graphics puter graphics about 10 years ago a fitting tribute to Mrs. Lewis as and saw it as another means of pro- an artist and a supporterofWMC." lab provides us with ducing art," she said. Mrs. Lewis, a 1952 graduate of "Now it has revamped the en- the liberal arts college in Westmin- great new tools for tire graphic design field. It is no ster, is an amateur nature and wild- re-creating ourselves longer something that students life photographer and has exhibited might want to take, it is an inte- her work at the College, as well as and showcasing the gral part of what they need to com- throughout the community. Colleges pete. Her work includes photo- "As an artist I'm always excited graphic expeditions to Africa, Aus- imaginative program about a clean canvas or a fresh tralia, Argentina, Alaska, and other drawing pad. The Lewis graphics areas of the United States. Mr. for the arts. " lab provides us with great new Lewis is owner of Henry H. Lewis tools for re-creating ourselves and Contractors, Inc., the principal con- Susan Bloom, associate showcasing the College's imagina- struction firm for WMC's Hoover professor of art and chair tive program for the arts." Library. of art and art history Graphic design and medical! The Janet High '52 and Henry department. scientific illustration, both includ- Lewis Computer Graphics Lab, lo- ing courses in computer graphics, cated on the ground f100r of of art and art history department. are two of seven areas of concen- Peterson Hall, "enables art students The lab was added to Peterson tration for WMC art majors. to design pages without paper, draft Hall in 1995 in conjunction with Courtesy of Public Information I Student receives AIFS scholarship Here Mr. Mumbly takes a last gander at WMC and life on the Carolyn Arney, Mr. Mumbly's owner, was forced to give the cat to ! Elizabeth valuer from White admissions criteria for acceptance union. Language study is available professor Robin Armstrong for the remainder of the academic year. I Lake, MI is studying abroad this into AlPS overseas programs and at beginner to advanced levels. sylvania and the Devereux Foun- apparently I can't," Arney saitt. semester at the University of submitted an essay on why study After a three-week orientation dation, she turned it into health ser- Thus, she resigned from the board. Salzburg in Austria with a scholar- abroad is beneficial to American in Munich, Elizabeth can choose vices for approval. The WMC phy- Kane stated that the reasons ani- ship from the American Institute Students. from University of Salzburg sician, Dr. Daniel Welliver, a board mals are not allowed on campus are For Foreign Study (AIFS). AlPS organizes study abroad courses in international relations, certified family practitioner, did not damages and shedding and other The Political Science/Germani programs for nearly 3,000 college business, economics and humani- approve Mumbly's appearance on health issues. Arney insisted that Business Administration major students annually. Since the orga- ties offered in English and Ger- campus. her policy protected against these from Western Maryland College is nization was founded in 194, more man. According to Arney, Kane then situations with required veterinary one of 50 AIFS International Schol- than 850,000 students and teachers AIFS organizes additional ex- suggested trying to get a proposal checks and fines among other ars to receive a $1,000 scholarship have participated in AIFS world- cursions and opportunities for through the SGA. The SGA ap- things. for the fall semester. All recipients wide programs. American students to mix with proved Arney's proposed pet The controversial therapy that are selected by AIFS of Greenwich, While in Salzburg, Elizabeth Austrian peers. A full-time, on site iS CT. has the option of studying German. Resident Director is always avail- ~~~~C~yb~~~;rn~n~n~e;::ts~al d:~ ~e~::i~~:~lvoerd !:t f~~l:~i~aa;s~ To qualify, Elizabeth held a a leading language of the new Eu- able to help. longer pursued the issue. therapy. Kuespert said that Arney minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, met ropean economic and political Courtesy of AlFS Kane said that the pet policy is much happier when she is with WMC students volunteer at AIDS Memorial Quilt had been around for years and, he her cat. said that she believ~s if not would be difficult suspected, Kuespert Continued from front impossible to change. in the therapy, but would not have quilt and also lend some emo- Arney also said that Kane sug- continued to push it as Arney has. tional support when needed. gested that she write a survey The reason she cited were problems However, if a visitor seemed to which he would distribute to a peer with the administration. be having a serious emotional re- group. Arney said that she wrote a Respecting the college's pet action, emotional support staff survey which she sent to Kane, but policy, Arney sent Mumbly to re- were also on hand. never heard from him again. Kane side with WMC professor Robin To find a square, a visitor said the he did not recall the sur- Armstrong. Arney still gets to see would go to one of the several in- vey. Mumbly everyday. Arney has formation booths along the mall "I thought I could trust him, but "given up ... though I hate to." and look up the name of the per- son whose square they wished to WM C series features see, and corresponding number. They would then look up the a world of music number in the Program and use the grid coordinates to find the The Monday Night Music Series tina. exact row and column of the lo- FAYEINGR.AM at Western Maryland College will cation of the square. ;;~e:~71~ean;~[il:nm~:!t~r~h~~~~ui~t~~~e:e~r:: ~~ck~~~~~1;~~'!t!A:n?e of present a little bit of Europe, a taste The program includes lute pieces Relatives and close friends GlaSGOW, Senior Daniell Long and Senior Lisa Perman over see the of the U.S. and a pinch of South by John Dowland and Luis Milan, were allowed to place "gifts" on placing of new quilt panels by other volunteers America on Monday, Nov. II, at 7 songs by Stephen Foster, romantic the quilt, such as flowers and for all those represented in the the experience affected those p.m., in Little Baker Chapel. guitar works of Francisco Tarrega, as other remembrances of their quilt. present, so that for a period of "Music of the Courts and well as South American favorites. Monday Night Music is a series loved ones. Thousands and thousands of visi- time, any and all differences were Home," with WMC faculty mem- featuring performers from the They, as well as other visitors, tors crowded the mall for [he dis- rendered nonexistent. bers Douglas Crowder, baritone, and faculty in could sign special sections of the play of the quilt and even with the WMC sophomore Grant Rice Garth Baxter, guitar, features court college's music department exploring setting a concert/lecture quilt, either to write a message to enormous amount of people, there commented that "it's nice to be songs of the Renaissance, parlor topics that might not be covered in someone dearly departed or to were no significant disturbances. down here and see so many songs of 19th century America and the usual classroom. show their support and empathy The solemnity and emotion of prejudices dropped." folk songs from Brazil and Argen- Courtesy of Public Information
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