Page 50 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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'f ; 1 !. ;" ',r, ~ j. /: Cl } Thursday, October 31,1996 - Page 2 COMMENTARY Staff R;'UMINAT IONS Editor-In-Chief Michelle Hamilton 11---------- Michelle A. Hamilton '98 -----------11 Managing Editor Sarah E. Sheokells '97 ' The complaining never seems to end, and to do something about a problem?' the ar- meeting their needs. the list of jobs to complete seems to get ticle reads. It is so seldom that a student It is easy to sit at a distance and criticize Advertising Manager greater. This is probably how most campus actually cares enough about a complaint he people for making a wrong call or decision. Sara Gruber '99 and group leaders, and even administrators, or she has to do something about it. People Iwould like to challenge people, before they feel when a problem arises or when they are who want to fix the problem, not just sit back complain, to first put themselves in the other News Editors criticized for something within their organi- and complain about it, need to be recognized person's shoes. From there, evaluate the Grant A. Rice '99 zanon. and thanked for their motivation and belief options that are available. After thinking Christian Wilwohl '98 While constructive criticism is often times that they can make the difference. about the problem, go to the group and offer a leader's greatest tool to identifying prob- I encourage not only students, but fac- your solution. The solution, however, will Features Editors lerns and making and implementing changes, ulty members, staff and administrators, to probably need research, people to enact it, Jennifer Viek '98 outright complaints, based only on partial look at problems through a different light and someone to oversee it. See your solu- knowledge of events and facts, tend to add when they occur. Instead of going to the tion through, providing the leadership nee- Sports Editors to the dead wood that halt the prog~ess to- leader of a group and starting the conversa- essary to make it work the right way. Carolyn Barnes '99 wards accomplishing a goal. tion with "Why didn't you ... " start with "Can Only from experience can people learn Mary Roloff, accounting operations man- I help you to improve upon ... " It would be about how to correct past mistakes. Like- Photography Editor ager for the dining hall, said it best when in- so productive if more people saw problems wise, only from experience can people learn Meghan Joyce '99 terviewed for the October 19, 1996 Face to in organizations and leadership as an oppor- how to make changes in a system that they Face article. "Roloff also discourages silent tuniry to help improve the group rather than don't agree with. With silent and inactive Computer Consultant complainers. 'I like the students who want a chance to complain about how it's not opposition, nothing will be changed. Heather Brinkhous '97 THE SOAPBOX General Staff Aaron AhIburn '97 -----------11 Adam Dean I"---------- Ruth Bradley '97 Dan Callahan '00 Soapbox, soapbox, soapbox! What's up expect most of us have heard about the whole body pays any attention to and does no real Aaron Corbett '99 my loyal and honorable readers? In today's big scandal involving Indonesian money damage. It's down right frustrating is it not? Adam Dean '98 Soapbox I reckoned on writing another bit somehow getting into the hands of the Demo- I mean here is something that smacks of tree- Julie Edwards '99 on the SGA. .... · "Urk!" "No, God help us cratic party. Our most exalted and high lord son and nobody is listening? Or are the Re- TomGiU '97 nooooooo-oo-ooooo!" "Shut up!" "No, you President has done a remarkable job of duck- publicans just not speaking loud enough? Kate Hampson '00 shut up!" "Shut up dammit! I'll kill you you ing the bullet on this one while his challenger Yes, I know about the Cuban resident aliens Amy Hanna '99 twit!" "Ack!Yayayayyayy!" "Nowbequiet has not been able to make much of an issue who have been supporting the Republicans Faye Ingram '99 you jerk!" Oh, sorry about that. that was my out of this. Incredible, isn't it? This is po- in Florida. Is not that an apples and oranges Nicki Kassolis '99 evil twin Gabe talking there for a minute. He tentially a tremendous weapon that has fallen comparison, however? These brothers have Maggie Kimura '99 can be a real pain in the bee-hind. I keep him into the Republicans collective lap. But by been in the United States for thirty years. Jeremy Lopus '00 tied up in the bam, but he's a clever lillie dolt the way the Republicans have handled this They have an honest stake in the system. No, Stacey Mcintyre '99 and you neveryreally know when he will get campaign it shouldn't be much ofa surprise I do not know why they have not become Mike Puskar '99 0~1. Nyf~n rope and handcuffs seem to do a that they have not been able to use it. It is citizens. Maybe they still hold hope that one Kerri Reyelt '97 pretty good job of keeping him engaged, kind of like giving an oozie to a blind man. day their homeland will be liberated from Pranchesca Saylor '00 however. He might hit something every now and then, the lies of communism? They may consider Jonathon Shacat '98 So, should I start again? Good. by now I but mostly he just makes a lot of noise no- Continued on page 3 Sarah Snell '97 Cameron Speir '97 LOCK AND KEY Rich Suchoski '00 Shannon Tinney '99 in a dorm while study in ,,~, IB~.,,-_._--,,_ Jessica Watts '98 Jonathon Shacat' I Heather Woods '99 "Would you marry me?" not ~ classroom," said Neikirk. "It's a nice Advisers They are married and would like to live roomtouseforcertaintype~ofapplications." J-Ierb Smith together Maryann Suehle The department of residence life says "No." ~ thatgive it an elegant atmosphere. These Yvonne and Ryan Lynch were legally J . include: a $14,000 solid-wood conference 0 tOtable, The Phoenix is published biweekly. married on November 4, 1995. With hopes 0 0, . a $9,600 oriental rug (prices are ac- The opinions expressed do not necessar- of residing in the same room, they asked Beth ',COrding to Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice president ily represent those of The Phoenix staff, Rosko, assistant dlrector ot residence life, and., . of administration and finance), three pieces the faculty, or the administrators of Scott Kane, director of residence life, for of stained glass whi<:h' taken from the old permission. Just recently, they learned this r. t library and placed in the ceiling ofthe room, WMC. The paper welcomes free-lance sub- will not be possible. ' "This is a good thing but it's not happen- a painting each hung on the walls of the four missions on Macintosh disks in most The· reason for not allowing it is simple. ing soon enough," said Yvonne Lynch. "·We college presidents (Ward, Lewis, Ensor, and word processor formats. The editor te- "We'cannot assign mixed gender to the same have a legal bond, Christian bond but [can't Chambers) "on whose watch various mani- room,", said Rosko. "We do not have mar-, 'live together] because the school says it festations of the library took place," said serves the right to edit forclatity,length, ried student housing." 'doesn't believe in having a male and female Neikirk, and several books from President and libel andto publish as space permits. This !dnd of housing is not available be- in same room." '·'1'; W~d's personal collection that were used by All submissions (excluding' self-ad- dressed diskettes) become the property cause having it would be unfair to the other So if there is anyone else out there in a the.students ..before the college had a formal of The PhOenix and cannot be returned. students who live on the floor and share a similar situation, contact the Lynch's. 'They library. Please include a name and phone community bathroom. can call if they have any suggestions, ideas, The other room available to faculty and number for verification. Names will be With the intention of helping this couple, or assistance," said Ryan Lynch. staff is a lecture hall that contains a data pro- withheld only by the discretion of the residence life has decided to waive the resi- After all, it is kind of foolish to have a jector. This machine is hooked up to an mM Editor-in-Chief dency requirement for them, said Rosko. husband and-wife living in separate dorms, computer and VCR and can show full-color The Phoenix does not discriminate This would allow them to live off campus Rouzer and McDaniel, respectively. de~onstratio~s, according to Neikirk. ~A based on age, race, religion, gender, even though they are not seniors. Rendez-vous headquarters Macintosh computer can also be connected sexual orientation, national origin, con- However, the Lynch's cannot afford an off "If we have, we should use" is the phi- to ifj , dition of handicap, or marital status. campus apartment. The only reason they can losophy Dave Neikirk, library director, bas A publi~ announcementstating that these a~ord to liv~ ,09.campus is because they re- about the facilities in Hoover Library. ' rooms are available was made when the li- Mail to: ceive financial ald. On the second floor of the library, tbere brary first opened in 1991; according to The Phoenix Rosko saidthey should write and subniit are two rooms that can be used f,?r gr~)Up Neikirk. c"Jhe initial stuff happenedJ but WMC, 2 College Hill a proposal advising residence l}fe to offer meetlOgs. ther·e has to ~efollow u1'," he said. He eUf- housing for m'ilrried students. She is willing One is a conferen'ce room. It is mostly rently h~s another announcement:'in the Westtninster,.MD 21157 work with people to do this or to apply for used by the administration and trustees, but works." (410)")51·8600 affinity This housing.may bc avail- faculty and college sta.ff can reserve i.t when ·r"We have some ni~e. stuff. We,need 10 (410) 876·20?5. ext 8690 able by next year, said Rosko. ·1 .. the occasion calls· for It, said to Neikirk. . get·the word o'ut [ihat these roo~s'a're avail- FAlL (410) 857·2729 "It is a booking room for special events, able]," said Neikirk.
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