Page 49 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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DmeR Teoor SI'CJ'ts Football 16 Doug Renner 16 Score Board 15 Volume XV, Number 4 Western Maryland College Thursday, October 31, 1996 Senior resigns from Western MD Honor Bv FAYE INGRAM Swi!Writer and Conduct Board cisco, the first quilt square to honor years ago in San Fran Eleven a loved on taken by AIDS was cre- By SARAH S"IEJ.L and box trained. ated by Cleve Jones. Two years S(a!fWriter Arney did not wish to freely Senior psychology and French discuss her problems for The Phoe- later. this monument to Jones' best major Carolyn Arney has resigned nix, but only wished to say that she friend Marvin Feldman was joined by 1,919 others to form the AIDS from the Honor and Conduct Board has been diagnosed with depres- memorial quilt in its first showing due to her differing views with sion. Mumbly, she says, is her in front of the Smithsonian castle Scott Kane, assistant dean of stu- therapy. Arney asked Kane for a on October II, 1987. dents and the director of residence medical exemption from the life, on what is "honorable con- school's n; pet other than fish This October eleventh through NAMES the duct," she said. Arney did not want policy in the fall of 1994. thirteenth Quilt was displayed Project for Memorial to be on a committee so influenced Arney says that Kane told her the fifth and final time in its entirety by him. that if she received a letter from a in Washington D.C. There is some question about doctor telling that she needed her r:;i:~ftt~~;~!kr~~tg;:~~ !!t~~~!~7,°;:'dl~~ft;Jlo~l;~,d;";,;,,i erounds. an in- and After nine years, whether Arney was actually on the cat for her mental well-being that crease in size by a factor of six, the sexuality, or gender," stated WMC has. board or an alternate. she could keep him. However, .student Lisa Pershan, who attended "It is able to bridge parties and Neither Arney nor Kane were Kane said that he did not suggest quilt today still represents only the quilt as a staff volunteer. help people to understand that aware that she was on the board this route. about one tenth of AIDS deaths in The showing of the quilt opened AIDS is not a political issue. It is until she asked for a list from the Susanna Kuespert, a senior bio- our country alone-a number top- Friday, October l l , with Vice a health issue," observed Chris ping 320,(X)(). The quilt, composed College Activities Office of mem- chemistry major and friend of of over 70,000 squares, measuring President AI Gore speaking to in- Sloan, a quilt staff orientor from bers to send her letter of resigna- Arney's, attended Arney's meet- three feet by six feet, representing traduce the concept of the quilt, and Northern California. tion to and she was listed as a full ings with Kane. Kuespert said that the size of the average person, read the first names of those whose Chris explained to the WMC member. For the purposes of this she would not swear to it, but said stretched from the Capitol Build- lives are commemorated in the students who volunteered to be on article the list will be considered it was her impression that if Arney ing to the Washington Monument, squares. Other speakers reading the quilt staff that their main job as correct. got the leiter she could keep her cat. with additional space allotted for names included poet and author Quilt Monitors would be to protect Their dispute seems to have ini- When Arney received a letter MayaAngelou and Elizabeth Dole, the quilt. tiated with Mr. Mumbly. Mr. from Dr. Aaron Katcher, a psychia- new quilt squares to be added. of quilt among others. Easily spotted in white clothing. "I hope that the number Mumbly, or just Mumbly for short, trist with the University of Penn- squares shows that AIDS does not This diversity of speakers the monitors would also help visi- is Arney's cal, which is neutered Continued on page 5 helped to emphasize how great an tors find particular sections of the discriminate against age, race, influence the message of the quilt Continued on page 6 Costs estimated to hit $12 million for new science building By CAMERON SPEIR vice-president of the College, the ministrators are in the "schematic The new building will house the who will go where." Staff Writer design process is nearing comple- design phase" in which the general biology and chemistry laboratories, The college has budgeted $12 Work on Western Maryland tion. layout of the building is deter- offices, student research facilities, College's new science building "I'd say we're about 95 percent mined. Next, architects will cre- and possibly some seminar rooms. million for the new science build- ing. All of that money should come continues as architects and admin- complete. Right now we're trying ate construction documents which It will be located between from WMC's "Defining Moment" istrators begin finalizing plans. to resolve a number details." will have enough detail for a Winslow and Lewis Halls. The comprehensive fund-raising effort. According to Dr. Ethan Seidel, Seidel says that right now ad- builder to use. Lewis faculty parking lot which The campaign began last month now lies between the Lewis and the and will officially end on Decem- new building, will be turned into a ber 31,1999. The goal is to raise courtyard. $40 million to improve campus fa- Seidel estimates that construc- cilities. Seidel says the fund-raiser tion will begin sometime in the is going well with over $5 million spring of next year, although no one raised so far. is sure exactly when. It is estimated No name has been decided on, that the project will take 18 - 24 although Seidel says it will prob- months and be completed in the fall ably not be Lewis Hall of Science. of 1998. Seidel believes that a realistic goal is for teaching to begin in the Inside new facility in the spring semester of 1999. Lock & Key 2 2 Once the biology and chemis- Soapbox 3 try departments complete their Letters to the Editor 6 Open Forum move to the new building, Lewis Hall will undergo renovation. Musical 7 8 Seidel says, "Lewis will be- Hyptonist come a second classroom center on Chamber music 8 9 campus, like Hill Hall. It will SGA Allocations Horoscopes 10 The architect's drawing provides a view of the proposed new Biology and Chemistry Laboratory building from house some academic departments, 11 the vantage of Baker Memorial Chapel. Lewis Recitation Hall and Lewis Hall of Science will adjoin the building although we haven't yet done a Ghosts on campus seen here on the left, space analysis to help us determine Scoreboard 15
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