Page 48 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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DMen TlJffOr s pc .. e » Football 20 Cross Country 20 Athletes honored 14 Homecoming games 9 Terror Scoreboard 15 Volume XV, Number 3 Western Maryland College Saturday, October 19, 1996 Terror football wins first game of the season Sermarini and Abron join to lead team in two different touchdown combinations still left in the opening period, Deal had three interceptions to Green Terror freshman cornerback tie the Centennial single-game Marvin Deal intercepted a Howie record, just one week after team- Pollard pass and returned it 34 mate Kevin Brown picked off three yards to hike the Western Maryland in a 7-6 loss at Ursinus. advantage to 20-0. Western Maryland is now 1-4 Muhlenberg scored its first two overall and 1-2 in the Centennial points late in the first half when Conference. Muh11enberg, which junior linebacker Jim Socci sacked saw its winless streak reach 21 Sermarini in the end zone fro a games «(0-20-1), dropped to 0-4 safety. The Mules added fourth- overall and 0-3 in the conference. Sports Information Abron finished with five receptions for 154 yards, and-his two touchdowns moved him into third place on the school's career list wit'!.U:'..--...., quarter touchdowns on a one-yard run by Pollard and when wide re- Terror football team gears up/or upcoming games at practices. ceiver Michael Patschke recovered a fumble in the end zone after a Freshman quarterback Ron the right sideline behind the Mule first pos-session of the game, as reception by teammate Mike Kern. Sennarini threw touchdown passes defense for the 65-yard score with Sermarini threw a four-yard touch- Sermanari completed twelve of of 65 and 60 yards (0 junior wide 6:50 left in the opening quarter. down pass to sophomore wide re- eighteen passes for 222 yards with receiver Donte Abron to lead West- The pair hooked up for the 660- ceiver Cony Rutters with 9;16 re- Ihree touchdowns. Abron finished ern Maryland past Muhlenberg 27- yard touchdown on the third play maining in the first quarter to com- with five receptions for 154 yards, 14 in a Centennial Conference ofthe third quarter to extend West- plete a Iu-play 45-yard drive. . and his two touchdowns moved game. em Maryland'sleadto 27-2. The first Sermarini - to - Abron him into third place on the school's Sermarini found Abron down Western Maryland scored on its score made it 14-0, and with 1:28 career list with II. - Cross Counfry coach in midst of twelfth year on the Hill funny how the two of us met. An program in 1990. athlete of mine was engaged to a "Since I took over, I gathered Staf!Writer friend of Linda's and he forced me some of the best coaches I knew to Doug Renner has been the to go the sorority formal with form a great staff. Mike Whittmore Western Maryland Cross Country Linda. Now we are married and is an excellent hurdles coach, Dick coach for 12 years. A WMC gradu- three years ago Colin our son was Estis and Becky Martin combined ate from the class of 1980, Doug born." cover all of the field events." has evolved the cross country pro- The year after graduation, The '96 track team, Renner says gram into an extremely ccmpeti- Renner got a job at Westminster "is a very strong team." They have tivelevel. High School as an assistant indoor a great bunch of runners who come When Renner was a student cross country coach. out everyday and work extremely back in the late seventies, he was From there, he started a recre- hard. "I don't care if you can't run the stand out runner in both track ational league track organization the fastest. If you come to practice and cross country. "I always called [he Fleet Feet Track Club. and work hard to accomplish your wanted to run, and I knew that I This club is similar to recreational goals while having a good time, wanted to be a coach later on." soccer or football, where kids of that's what I enjoy. True it is grati- In his years at WMC, he accom- all ages compete in their separate fying to see runner finish first, but plished the school record in the one age brackets .. I have no favorites .on the team. 'thousand meter. "I had the record Four years later, Renner came They are all winners." for a while, but now I'm sure some back to WMC as me head coach Renner really puts in a great one has beaten it." of the cross country team. deal of effort in the program and Track Coach, Doug Renner, can be spotted training his team by In 1987 Renner married Linda In 1988 he became involved in wants it to excel. "Track and cross elementary Marriott, a WMC graduate from track as the assistant coach, only country is a great place to be, we try." While working as the head Renner also teaches at Faith Chris- education physical the class of 1987. "It's kind of to completely take over the track have plenty of uniforms, give it a coach for cross country and track, tian School.
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