Page 136 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 136
Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 8 New writing guidelines maybe implemented tions. Your assignment is to write a paper for your chemistry class, but you've only writ- ten papers for English classes, so what should you do? The English department at WMC may have the solution. "The goal is to introduce all faculty to a method of grading papers based on the stan- dards of a checklist," Pam Regis, English duct violation. professor, said. On 3/9 at 12:21 a.m. in Decker out- In a booklet called Writing Standards, On 3/3 at 0200 in Gill Lot DoCS ob- side the Forum DoCS documented a Regis outlines this checklist and provides served two individuals run from the student for an alcohol violation. detailed information for each point. There are eleven items on the list, each one a basic lot. Unable to identify the persons standard for writing. The list includes de- after a brief search, officers returned On 317 at 4:46 p.m. in PELC DoCS 3/lO at II:20 a.m. in Whiteford lot tails such as "the writer will include a thesis to the scene and found one auto bro- paramedic responds to a non student employee reported discovering dam- statement that directly addresses the topic" ken into with $670 in electronics sto- conference attendee with possible age to a student's auto. No investi- and "the writer will create unified, ad- len, and a second one which was at- broken arm. Visitor is evaluated and gation was possible. equately developed, coherent paragraphs." tempted. refuses any further intervention. To introduce faculty to this checklist, On 3113 at 6:46 p.m. in Rouzer stu- Regis will conduct several faculty writing workshops on April 15, 17,and23,witheach On 3/3 at 11:15 a.m. in Thompson On 3/8 at 3:30p.m. in Whiteford stu- dent evaluated for flu-like symptoms. workshop lasting for about an hour. an employee reported phone harass- dent evaluated by DoCS paramedic He refused any additional interven- These workshops will be open to all fac- ment by a non student off campus complaining of flu-like symptoms. tions. ulty on a voluntary basis. Regis plans on out a sample party. DoCS refered the matter to ap- Student refused any further interven- handing faculty members paper mark she wrote and the it using having propriate public welfare agency af- tions. On 3/22 at 7:52 p.m. in PELC DoCS checklist to demonstrate how even the most ter investigation. responds to assist WFD ambulance confusing paper can be graded efficiently. attendee injury. with a conference She will also provide for help- strategies CLASSIFIEDS On 3/23 at 10:30 a.m. in McDaniel ing students of the college's new curriculum. write better. Because Regis saw support for her idea of attaining Residence Life staff reported exten- writing standards consistent in all subjects FUNDRAISER LEGISLATIVE INTERN WITH sive vandalism. Investigation is and went to Dean Joan Coley for approval. Motivated groups needed to earn $500+ ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS pending. Coley supported the writing of the book- promoting AT&T, Discover, gas and re- AT COUNCIL FOR A LIVABLE WORW let and the faculty workshops. tail cards. Since 1969, we've helped AND WOMEWS ACTION FOR NEW DIREC- On 3125 at 6:00 p.m. in McDaniel The entire writing competence test for thousands of groups raise the money they TIONS DoCS assisted Residence Life staff entering freshmen is already based on this need. Call Lynn at(8oo)592-2121 x174. with a student conduct violation. checklist and Regis points out that using this Free CD to qualified callers. One internship is available in the spring fa checklist across the curriculum will ease the 2 months starting immediately, with confusion among students and teachers. ~TING~~: GRADUATING possibility of full time employment. The On 3125 at 11 :55 p.m. in Rouzer It can begin in Freshman Composition INMAY? WHY PLAY THE RFSUME intern will work on administrative and DoCS responded to a report of pos- and continue. GAME? policy projects under the guidance of sible marijuana use. DoCS and WPD ''This can potentially help students a great You have invested a large amount of time and experts in arms control issues, attend responded and the student was cited deal and streamline faculty's time in grad- moneyfor yccr educarion. Spendonlyonehour meetings and network in the arms control ing," Regis said. with me for the opportunity of a lifetime. If you community, and attend Congressional for a drug offense by WPD. Investi- Students will be able to understand the are concerned about your health and your debates. Transportation costs of daily gation is pending. standards better when they are written down future ...thepotentiaJ forSix Figure Income ... Give commute are reimbursed. The intern and professors can point out on the check- me a call -410 - 876-Q287 should recognize the need for new nationa On 3/28 at I :39 a.m. in Gunn Parker list exactly where the student needs to im- ---A-D-O-'--'-P-'-T--'I-O-N----~ spending priorities, and have a willingness Plaza DoCS documented a student for prove. to learn about major legislation, Congres- After attending a workshop, each faculty A loving family and secure home await sional selections, and key weapons an alcohol violation. member can still volunteer whether to adopt your baby. Stay home mom, professional systems; and have an interest in U.S. the checklist. dad and our adopted son wish to share our involvement in UN peacekeeping, reduc- On 3128 at 2:00 a.m. in Whiteford If he or she decides to, the checklist will lives and love with another child. Medical ing the US/global weapons sales, and how DoCS confronted an intoxicated and be handed out to students in the class. and legal expenses paid. Let's help each these issues impact US nations security other. Call Sue and Bruce at 410-467- and the world. Forty hours a week, with semiconscious nonstudent. Both the 9423 or 1-800-404-5589. room for flexibility if needed. To apply, nonstudent and the student host were send resume and cover letter to Ms. Jenny documented for failing to furnish in- Campus Safety GOOD Smith, Council for a Livable World, 110 formation and failing to comply. The WEEKLY Maryland Ave., N.E., Suite 409, Washing- nonstudent was ejected and WPD 202 FAX 202/543-6297 or call ton, DC 20002, INCOME 202/543-4100 for more information. were called to assist. processing mail for Equal Opportunity Employment. On 3/31 at 12:06 p.m. in Elderdice national company! Free FRATERNITY AND SORORITY fused any additional interventions. supplies. postagel No SPORTWEAR lot a student reported damage to his sellingl Bonusesl Star! and merchandise now on the internet! Fast Se auto. No investigation is possible. immediately! Genuine vice" Same Stuff" Lower Prices" Connection On 3/31 at 11:53 p.m. in Whiteford OPportunityl AushSA5.E.: Sportswear and Novelties Inc. web site i On 3/31 at 6:33 p.m. in Whiteford two students reported telephone ha- v H C, SUITE 174 www.intermarket.comlCSN We guarantee th rassment. An investigation is pend- 1861 If.FEDERAL HIfY lowest pricesinjhe nation. Free catalog. Calli DoCS EMT evaluated student with ing. HOLLTNOOD,PL 33020 800-929-1897. Sales representative positions ar loss of consciousness. Student re- available immediately.
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