Page 137 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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NEWS Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 9 Damages to Rouzer reach all Second annual candle time high during last semester light rape vigil to be $120 to refill each held in Westminster BY DAN GADD "People have to be aware that dents, costing Staff Writer they just can't live passively on their time. ltcost$IOOOtorepairthebro- Last semester more than $6000 floor. They have to be proactive ken vending machine, and several worth of damage was done to Rou- members of a community," she said. hundred dollars were spent for the The second annual "Bring It Out of the Dark" Candlelight Vigil April Awareness 16, from will zer Hall, more than doubling the "I don't think anyone's going to fire alarms and clogged toilets. for Rape at St. Paul's United be held Wednesday, in Westminster. 7-9 of Christ, Church p.m., damage done just one semester ear- turn them in," said Maher, who Kane realizes there is an imme- lier. doesn't feel that most vandals will diate problem in Rouzer, but hopes The vigil, free and open to the public, is cosponsored by the Although it isclear that this dam- be caught committing the act. the community-oriented policy will Social Work Department and Social Work Club of Western Mary- land College, age must be paid for, some students Although O'Dell says he would be more effective in upcoming se- County. and the Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll are not happy with the share that turn the vandal in, or pressure them mesters. they must pay. to tum themselves in, he also feels "Most of the things that we want Speakers include The Honorable Kenneth Yowan, mayor of School policy dictates that stu- that a large number of acts will go to do are proactive and preventative Westminster; State Delegate Ellen Willis; State Senator Larry dents must split the cost of damages unnoticed. vs. consequence for behavior," he Haines; Lt. Col. Cynthia R. Smith, bureau chief of administra- County by wing in residence halls. In other ''While the vandal walks free, me said. Much of what is being done is tion of the Maryland State Police; and Carroll and Richard commis- sioners, Brown, Yates. Donald Dell W. Benjamin words students in each wing divide money comes out of our pockets," attempting to "increase awareness," Also, the program includes poetry readings by WMC students, the cost of damages done to that he said. Kane added. wing. However, Kane is more optimis- According to Clay, in an attempt as well as performances by Fool Proof, an improvisational group "Generally what we're trying to tic. "In asurprising number of cases to increase student's awareness, bul- from North Carroll High School; and the WMC Gospel Choir. do is get the smallest living unit that it has actually worked to first of all letins have been posted giving facts Last year's vigil marked the first time Carroll County held a seems reasonable, that has access to reduce damages, and then two, when and figures regarding the damage, planned recognition of Apnt as National Rape Awareness Month. that area and bill them," said Scott the damage occurs, for students to and RA's will be more visible . This year, April 13-19 also has been designated as National Crime Rights • Kane, director of residence life at actually exercise influence on the Residents of Rouzer Hall were Victims' coordinator Week, according to LaurinaAnderson, WMC stu- of the vigil. dent WMC. people responsible to get them to required to attend a meeting at the This policy was put to the test rum themselves in," he said. beginning of this semester to discuss Students from the College's Social Work Club, will begin dis- last semester, however, as residents Kane feels that for the policy to the problem, and Kane says that tributing black and blue ribbons to symbolize the vigil theme of some wings were forced to pay work the students have to view their Campus Safety will increase it's pa- "Rape Awareness: Bring It Out of the Dark." Black, of course, is as much as $85 each, while residents wing as a community and try to pro- troIs in Rouzer. synonymous with sadness or mourning, and black and blue is of other wings paid only $30 and tect that community, and the other One idea to help slow down the usually representative of bruises and violence. But this time with less. This difference left some stu- people in that community. He is damage is a Community Assistants the added sky blue, the combination represents dark and light, dents upset. counting on students to break away program. Students involved in this night to day, and that's the way the students want Carroll countians "I think it's terrible because most fmm"thatreaJsenseof'Idon't want program would be "really just keep- to think about rape and rape awareness, Anderson said. of the damage is done by visitors to to rat on anybody'." ing watch of what's going on." Clay asked Ribbons will them be available their in the community and people are support, she added. to wear to show this wing," said freshman Rory "In the real world you live in a said. Maher. house and have a yard, and if More specifically she said they Freshman Mike O'Dell, a soci- somebody's drunk and drives off the would be doing such things as moni- Courtesy of Public Information ology major, agrees. "I don't agree road and drives across your lawn and toring people coming in and out of with it because someone else from tears up the lawn,are you just going the building, going on patrol with Chamber Music on another floor can come down and to say 'I'll pay for it'. No, you're RA's, and keeping an eye out for do whatever to the floor," he said. probably going to try to find OUi who damage in certain areas. Assis- the Hill Celebrates Kane's solution to this problem did it," Kane said. Currently the Community is to ''tum them in." he said. ''That's Last semester 60 disciplinary ac- tants program is just an idea while exactly what we're trying to prevent, tions were taken against students volunteers are being sought. Some Brahms and if you're willing to tolerate (the previous record for disciplinary students question the program, how- someone doing that to your environ- cases in a semester since Kane ar- ever, wondering how effective other ment that's unfortunate," he said. rived in the spring semester of 93 students will be at controlling the Chamber Music on the Hill will celebrate the works of Johannes Makeeba Clay, residence life co- was 35), 14 fire extinguishers were damage. Brahms on Sunday, April 20, at 7 p.m., in (Big) Baker Chapel. ordinator for Rouzer Hall, feels that set off (also a high during Kane's Maher feels that few people The concert features faculty and area musicians, as well as The students in Rouzer are new to the tenure), two fire alarms were pulled, would be interested in being part of College Madrigals directed by Margaret Boudreaux, associate idea of a living in a community, and a vending machine was broken, and this program. He feels that it would professor of music. do not understand their responsibil- toilets were consistently clogged be hard to have to tum other students Other performers include: David Kreider, WMC semor lecturer ity to that community. when students tried to force down in, and that other students would not and Don Horneff, WMC lecturer, both on piano; Elaine Conover, Clay wants students to feel free such objects as rolls of toilet paper. respect the assistants. "I think soprano; Melissa Zaraya and Karen Tangney, violin; Sharon Myer, to tum other students in despite per- The 14 fire extinguishers were people will just make Fun of who- viola; and Esther Mellon-Thompson, cello. ceptions of peer pressure. an especially costly item for stu- ever the hall monitors are." he said. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for seniors. Students are free with a valid ID. For more information call 857-2599. Courtesy Public Information CORRECTION There were two errors in the last April 17,1997 Spring issue of The Phoenix in the professors pay raise article. Break First. the salaries of Gettysburg Memorial Plaza 11:30 - 1:30 and Ursinus were switched but were numerically correct. Also, Dr. Herbert Smith was mis- WES1ERN MARYLAND COLLEGE'S THEATRE DEPT. '97 paraphrased; the article incorrectly stated that WMC was proudly presents formerly the second highest paid have read WMC had the "Rimers of Eldritch" in the conference. The article should second highest pai"d faculty by Lanford Wilson among schools WMC has historically compared itself to. These schools include: In the Elderdice Gettysburg, Washington, Muh len bu rg, Mora v i a n, Studio Theatre in Elizabethtown, Susquehanna. Albright, Ursinus, Goucher, Alumni Hall Juniata, Lebanon Valley, and While many students and professors were enjoying a much Mount St. Mary's. In the 95-96 April 17, 18, 19,20 needed time off during Spring Break, Dr. Herbert Smith taught a class on school year, WMC was ranked fishing. lath of the /3. The Phoenix Call the box office at x 599 for more information Here he proudly displays one of the many baracudas he caught regrets any confusion. from the ocean during his trip. Note: All animals caught during the trip or reservations were released back into their natural environment
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