Page 141 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 141
FEATURES Thursday, AprilS, 1997 - Page 13 April in the Stars Case explores frozen terrain of their problems on their own and BY HEATHER WOODS you'll find out the truth eventually. Antarctica during sabbatical AND JESSIE WATTS SlarrW,irers Cancer 6/21-7122 Capricorn 12/22ยท1/20 Spring Break is over and it's time Something is wrong with you this to gel in gear ...start cracking those month, but you don't know what it books or you'll be in big trouble is. Maybe it's too much studying. when finals come around. On the Take a break, you deserve it. Go to other hand, romance is in the air for the movies with a friend and enjoy Crabs this month ...have fun and en- yourself. By the end of the month, joy it while you can. It might not you'll be feeling much better. last long. Aquarius 1121-2119 Leo 7/23-8/22 It's surprise time for you this month. Listen very carefully: You're get- But beware, you might not like what ting sleepy, very sleepy ... If you've you're going to get. Not to worry, actually fallen asleep just reading you'll be able to roll with the this, it's time you took a nap. Those punches and recover quickly, late night study sessions may help Meanwhile, some extra cash will be you on the next test, but without rest sure to help you through the rough you'll never make it to finals. spots. Virgo 8/23-9/22 Pisces 2/20-3120 You may have thought you'd be able What a wonderful month. Your to keep your 'extracurricular' activi- grades were great for midterms and ties a secret, and so far you've been you had fun during Spring Break. successful. Watch out though, over- In fact, everything seems to be go- confidence is causing you to make ing your way in April. With all this some bad moves that are making luck, you might want to start on a someone very suspicious. Better few projects you've been putting quit while you're ahead or you may Dr. Sam Case waves at the starting line of the Iditasport ultra-marathon in Alaska. off. You'll be glad you did because end up alon~. hours andcovered /00 miles. luck inevitably runs out at some 8Y JEN VICK sengers had to wear ear plugs to pomt. Libra 9/23-10/22 Featllre.
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