Page 139 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 139
FEATURES Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 11 April's music sounds diverse From Alanis to Sting to techno/metal, new spring music provides an alternative for everyone Bv MIKE PUSKAR CD of this collection will fea- will meet the pensive, melan- ArlslGrapilics EditorĀ· lure all of Sting's remakes from choly truths of Alaskan super- his days with The Police, in- star Jewel in the song "Baby Alternative eluding the "Demolition Man" Blue." The following track, After releasing many soundtracks and the Live-Aid "Synchronicity 0," is a medley tracks from her album "Jagged performance of "Every Breath of some of Sting's more uni- Little Pill," Alanis Morissette You take" with Phil Collins. versal verse combined with the has announced production of Another live-in concert record- magical vocals of Enya. No in- her second album, tentatively ing will be the rap-interlude formation has been disclosed called "Fingernails on a version of "Englishman in New on the closing track, though it Chalkboard," Though not York." This CD will also in- has been rumored that it re- many details are available, elude cuts from the soundtrack unites the Three Coppers. Alanis hopes to do a title-cut of the Imax film "The Living and two new verses "Peel Me Sea," Variety Like a Rope" and "Duh." She The second CD offers songs There's a new posse in also would like to do "Tro- that the "Man in a Suitcase" has town and lead singer Deck jans," a song written by a performed but have been writ- Summers says, "We ain't friend who wishes to remain ten by others. All of his gonna preach nothing, but we anonymous. Nothing is final, soundtrack appearances will be will speak our minds." Shooting Pigs, led by singer Deck Summers, recently released their new but rumor has it that Alanis featured. In addition to songs Their alternative single single "Screw You." Above is their most recent album cover. wi!! be recording one track from the movies "Sabrina" and "Screw You" is climbing the and added that the other reason Man and His Fleas," uses op- with Smashing Pumpkins. "Leaving Las Vegas," this CD charts. The Irish- Texans who was because of "pigs like eratic rock combined with will feature the hit theme of call themselves Shooting Pigs David Koresh." country-western. Pop Rock "The Three Musketeers," and will be releasing another The band's quasi self-titled "We wanted to do some- After having already done "All For Love," with Bryan single, the techno/metal "Ant- Fly" a greatest-hits album, Sting Adams and Rod Stewart. An- hill on a Flying Saucer," this album "When and Pigs variety. is full thing different," "Billy said drummer William of contrast From Babe" had decided it is time to do a other hit that wi!! appear on this month. collection of his rarer gems. CD is "Do They Even Know It's Summers gives two reasons the soft rock and "Me "The Adore For- of Babonywicz. "We decided to evermore" Death our instruments and play drop To commemorate the 20 th an- Christmas," performed by the why the band members chose Juan," to the world music of with our VCR's a bit." This niversary of The Police releas- all-star cats Band-Aid. their unusual name. "We all "Beached," to the metal joke applies to the last track on ing their first single, "Fall- To top all of these works, the grew up around a pig farm out- "BrobdinRage," this album the album called "Hollow out," Sting will be releasing second CD will introduce three side of Tyler where the pigs highlights a talent unlike most. Wood," a hilarious combina- the 2-CD set "Under Arrest: brand new songs recorded on were shot in order 10 be butch- The "B"-Stings," which col- Feb. 12. The profound, mysti- ered, something that really dis- A parody of the Waco Incident tion of sound FX mixed with a lects rare "B"-sides. The first cal truths of the King of Pain gusted the three of us," he said named after novel, an "The Ernest Old few lines stars. that mock conceited Hemingway movie Student Intership Opportunities at Interfaith Housing Interfaith. Housing of Western Maryland was created by Jewish and Christian religious bodies to de- velop affordable housing for lower-income families in the five western counties of the state, including Carroll County. Internships will receive academic credit. All expenses such as mileage, meals, long-distance telephone calls, and incidentals will be paid. Here are some of the internship opportunities offered: 1.Regional Office Administration: Requires some knowl- 4. Video Project: A great chance for learning experience. edge of office equipment, and basic computer skills would be Visit several projects and video tape buildings and families. Other internships are avail- Ser- able with the Human helpful. Time commitment: about 14 days. Location: office Car needed to visit locations with mileage reimbursed at .31 in Middletown, MD. vices Program of Carroll per mile. Time commitment is about ten days and could be County, in Westmintster, done part time over a period of several weeks. and possibly with two hous- ing organizations also in 2. Fund Raising: Assist the organization's fund raiser in iden- tifying donors and organizing special events. Time commit- 5. Computer Intern: Organize databases and teach staff Westminster. Expenses will be paid. ment is very flexible. Some good communication skills and about how to use computers and the Internet. Help design a enjoyment of meeting and talking with people would be help- web page for Interfaith. Need to have good knowledge of Contact Professor Robert ful. All mileage (at .3l!mile) will be paid for travel to and computers and software. Time commitment is flexible. Hartman, duPont Project from the Middletown office as well as travel on the job. Director, at 848-3777, or campus extension 758. 6. Real Estate Research: Intern will search land records 3. Self-help Housing Intern: Work with families who are for possible sites for projects. Need car to visit county court- building their own homes by assisting construction supervi- houses. Need good research skills and should be able to learn sor to order materials, assist families in construction and in how to use tax records to locate owners of properties. Time preparing loan applications. Transportation to the site in commitment seven days. Brunswick, MD will be reimbursed at .31 per mile. Time commitment: six days, working with families on some week- ends.
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